Instrukcja obsługi Pioneer DXT-2266UB

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Pioneer DXT-2266UB

Urządzenie: Pioneer DXT-2266UB
Kategoria: Car Audio
Producent: Pioneer
Rozmiar: 1.8 MB
Data dodania: 3/17/2013
Liczba stron: 44
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

English Español
Owner’s Manual
Manual de instrucciones

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Contents Thank youforpurchasingthisPIONEERproduct. Toensureproperuse,pleaseread through thismanualbeforeusingthisproduct.It isespeciallyimportantthatyoureadandobserveWARNINGsandCAUTIONsin thismanual. Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for future refer- ence. Specifications 20 BeforeYouStart InformationtoUser 3 ForCanadianmodel 3 TheSafetyofYourEarsisinYourHands 3 Aboutthisunit 3 After-salesserviceforPioneerproducts 4 Incaseof trouble 4 Visitour website 4 Operatingthisunit Head

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

English Presection BeforeYouStart ! Onceyouhaveestablishedacomfortable Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15of theFCC soundlevel,setthedialandleaveitthere. Rules.Operationissubjecttothefollowing twoconditions: BESURETOOBSERVETHEFOLLOWING (1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterfer- GUIDELINES: ence,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinter- ! Donotturnupthevolumesohighthatyou ferencereceived,includinginterferencethat can’thear what’saroundyou. maycauseundesiredoperation. ! Usecautionortemporarily discontinueuse inp

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Presection BeforeYouStart U.S.A. CAUTION PioneerElectronics(USA)Inc. ! Donotallowthisunittocomeintocontact CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION withliquids.Electricalshockcouldresult. P.O.Box1760 Also,damagetothisunit,smoke,andover- LongBeach,CA90801-1760 heatingcouldresultfromcontactwithliquids. 800-421-1404 ! Alwayskeepthevolumelowenoughtohear CANADA outsidesounds. PioneerElectronicsofCanada,Inc. ! Avoidexposuretomoisture. CUSTOMERSATISFACTIONDEPARTMENT ! If thebatteryisdisconnectedordischarged, 300Allstat

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

English Section Operatingthisunit 01 Headunit Indicator State ! Tuner:band andfrequency               Maindis- ! Built-inCDplayerand USB:      3 play sec- elapsedplaybacktimeand tion textinformation Thetrack(song)nameisdis- played. 4 (song) Aplayable audiofilehas beense- lectedwhileoperating thelist.          Anuppertieroffolderormenu 5 c exists. Part Part 6 (folder) Thelistfunctionisoperated. AUXinputjack(3.5 1 DISP/ /SCRL 8 Alowertieroffold

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Section 01 Operatingthisunit Menuoperationsidentical Removingthefrontpaneltoprotectyourunitfrom theft forfunctionsettings/audio 1 Pressthe detachbutton torelease thefront panel. adjustments/initial 2 Grabthefrontpanelandremove. ! Alwayskeepthedetachedfrontpanelin a settings/lists protectiondevicesuchasaprotectioncase. Returningtotheprevious display Re-attachingthefrontpanel Returningtotheprevious list(thefolderone level 1 Slidethefrontpaneltotheleftuntilitclicks. higher) Frontpanelandtheheadunit

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

English Section Operatingthisunit 01 # Youcanalsorecallstoredradiostationsby Stopping playbackoffilesonaUSBstorage device pressingaorbduringthefrequencydisplay. 1 Youmay disconnecttheUSBstoragedeviceat anytime. Selectingafolder Functionsettings 1 Pressaorb. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythemainmenu. Selectingatrack 1 Presscord. 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption andpresstoselectFUNCTION. Fastforwardingorreversing 1 Pressand holdcord. 3 TurnM.C.toselectthefunction. Afterselecting,performthefollowingproce- Ret

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Section 01 Operatingthisunit 2 UseM.C.toselectthedesiredfilename REPEAT(repeatplay) (orfoldername). 1 PressM.C.todisplaythe settingmode. Changing thefileor foldername 2 TurnM.C.toselectarepeat playrange. 1 TurnM.C. Fordetails,refer to Selecting a repeat play rangeon thispage. Playing 3 PressM.C.toconfirm theselection. 1 When afileortrackisselected,pressM.C. RANDOM (random play) Viewingalistof thefiles(or folders) intheselected folder 1 PressM.C.toturnrandom playonoroff. 1 When afolderisselected,

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

English Section Operatingthisunit 01 Activatethissettingwhenusing anauxiliarydevice ! Adjustedequalizer curvesettingsarestoredin connected tothisunit. CUSTOM. 1 PressM.C.toturnAUXonoroff. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythe settingmode. 2 PressM.C.toselectBASS(bass)/MID(mid)/TRE- USB(plugand play) BLE(treble). 3 TurnM.C.toadjustthelevel. This settingallowsyoutoswitchyoursourcetoUSB Adjustmentrange:+6to-6 automatically. 1 PressM.C.toturntheplugand playonoroff. LOUDNESS(loudness) ON –WhenUSBstoragedevice isco

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

T R A T S N O Section 02 Connections wiringthatcomesintocontactwithmetal WARNING partstoprotectthewiring. ! Usespeakersover50W(outputvalue)andbe- — Placeallcablesawayfrommovingparts, tween4Wto8W(impedancevalue).Donot suchasthegearshift andseatrails. use1Wto3Wspeakersforthisunit. — Placeallcablesawayfromhotplaces, ! Theblackcableisground.Wheninstalling suchasneartheheateroutlet. thisunitorpoweramp(soldseparately),make — Donotconnecttheyellowcabletothebat- suretoconnectthegroundwirefirst.Ensure te

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

English Section Connections 02 Connectiondiagram Power amp This product (sold separately) Connect with RCA cables (sold separately) Antenna jack Fuse (10 A) Rear output Yellow System remote control Connect to the constant 12 V Blue/white supply terminal. Connect to system control terminal of the power amp or auto-antenna relay control terminal (max. 300 mA 12 V DC). Red Connect to terminal controlled by ignition switch (12 V DC). With a 2 speaker system, do not connect Black (chassis grou

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Section 03 Installation 2 Securethemountingsleevebyusinga Important screwdrivertobendthemetaltabs(90°) ! Checkallconnectionsandsystemsbefore intoplace. finalinstallation. ! Donotuseunauthorizedpartsasthismay 1 causemalfunctions. ! Consultyourdealerifinstallationrequiresdril- lingofholesorothermodificationstothevehi- cle. ! Donotinstallthisunitwhere: 2 — itmayinterferewithoperationof thevehi- cle. 1 Dashboard — itmaycauseinjurytoapassengerasare- 2 Mountingsleeve sultofasuddenstop. ! Thesemiconduc

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

English Section Installation 03 3 Pulltheunitoutofthedashboard. DINRear-mount 1 Determinetheappropriateposition wheretheholesonthebracketandthe sideoftheunitmatch. 2 Tightentwoscrewsoneachside. Securingthefrontpanel Thefrontpanelcanbesecuredwiththesup- 3 1 pliedscrew. 2 1 1 Mountingsleeve 2 Mountingbracket 1 Screw 3 Dashboardorconsole Useeithertruss(5mm×8mm)or flushsur- face(5mm×9mm)screws,dependingon Speakerinstallation thebracketscrewholes. 1 1 Removingtheunit 1 Removethetrimring. 3 2 1 Front

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

Section 03 Installation 12 3456 7 Side 1 13mm(1/2in.) 2 Makeholesasillustrated.(Ifneeded, 2 42mm(1-5/8in.) removethedoorupholstery.) 3 f171mm(6-3/4in.Dia.) 4 f75mm(3in.Dia.) 1 5 f128mm(5in.Dia.) 6 f158mm(6-1/4in.Dia.) 7 30mm(1-3/16in.) 1 Determinethelocationofthespeaker asillustrated. 2 1 f4.5(3/16Dia.) 2 f128mm(5in.Dia.) 3 Removethemeshfromthegrille. 14 En

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

English Section Installation 03 4 Installthespeakersasillustrated. 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Speednut 2 Tapping-screws(4mm×18mm) 3 Cable(grayor white) 15 En

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Appendix AdditionalInformation Troubleshooting Message Cause Action ERROR-10,11, There isanelec- Turn theignition Symptom Cause Action 12,15,17,30, tricalormechan- switchOFFand A0 icalerror. backON,orswitch Youdidnotper- Performoperation Thedisplay toadifferent automatically formanyopera- again. source,thenback returnstothe tionwithinabout tothe CDplayer. ordinarydis- 30seconds. play. ERROR-15 Theinserteddisc Replacethe disc. isblank Therepeatplay Dependingon Selecttherepeat ERROR-22,23 Unsuppor

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

English Appendix AdditionalInformation Message Cause Action Message Cause Action SKIPPED Theconnected Playanaudiofile ERROR-23 USBstoragede- USBstoragede- USBstoragede- notembeddedwith viceisnotfor- viceshould befor- mattedwith mattedwithFAT16 vicecontains WindowsMedia WMAfilesem- DRM9/10. FAT16orFAT32 orFAT32. beddedwith WindowsMed- iaäDRM9/10 PROTECT Allthefilesinthe Transferaudiofiles USBstoragede- notembeddedwith Handlingguideline viceareem- WindowsMedia beddedwith DRM9/10tothe Discsandplaye

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Appendix AdditionalInformation Playbackof discsmaynotbepossiblebecauseof Compressedaudio disccharacteristics,disc format,recorded applica- compatibility(disc,USB) tion,playbackenvironment,storageconditions, and soon. WMA Roadshocksmayinterruptdiscplayback. Fileextension: .wma Readthe precautions fordiscsbefore usingthem. Bitrate:48kbps to320kbps(CBR),48kbps to384 kbps(VBR) USBstoragedevice Samplingfrequency:32kHz,44.1kHz,48kHz AddressanyquestionsyouhaveaboutyourUSBsto- WindowsMediaAudioProfessio

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

English Appendix AdditionalInformation Disc Playablefiles: upto999 Folderselectionsequence orotheroperation Filesystem:ISO9660Level1and 2,Romeo,Joliet maydifferdepending ontheencodingor writ- Multi-sessionplayback:Yes ingsoftware. Packet writedatatransfer:No USBstoragedevice Regardlessof thelength ofblanksectionbetweenthe Playbacksequenceisthesameasrecorded songs of theoriginal recording,compressedaudio sequenceintheUSBstorage device. discsplay withashortpausebetween songs. Tospecifytheplaybacks

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Appendix AdditionalInformation Tone controls: WMA Bass Frequency................100Hz Gain............................±12dB Mid Frequency................1kHz Gain............................±12dB Treble Frequency................10kHz Gain............................±12dB WindowsMediaandtheWindowslogoaretra- CDplayer demarksorregisteredtrademarksofMicrosoft System ..........................................Compactdiscaudiosystem CorporationintheUnitedStatesand/orother Usablediscs .................

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