Instrukcja obsługi Pioneer DEH-X2600UI

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Pioneer DEH-X2600UI

Urządzenie: Pioneer DEH-X2600UI
Kategoria: Car Audio
Producent: Pioneer
Rozmiar: 2.68 MB
Data dodania: 3/23/2014
Liczba stron: 64
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

English Français Español
Black plate (1,1)
Important (Serial number)
The serial number is located on the bottom of this unit. For your own security and
convenience, be sure to record this number on the enclosed warranty card.
Important (Numéro de série)
Le numéro de série se trouve au bas de cet appareil. Pour votre sécurité et votre

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Black plate (2,1) Section 01 Beforeyoustart Beforeyoustart ThankyouforpurchasingthisPIONEER ESTABLISHASAFELEVEL: ! Handlingthecordonthisproductorcords Note product associatedwithaccessoriessoldwiththe ! Setyour volumecontrolatalowsetting. Toensureproperuse,pleasereadthroughthis Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfound productmayexposeyoutochemicalslisted ! Slowlyincreasethesounduntilyoucanhear tocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigital manualbeforeusingthisproduct.Itisespecially onproposition65knowntotheS

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

English Black plate (3,1) Section Beforeyoustart Usingthisunit 01 02 After-salesservicefor Headunit c 1/ to6/ Pioneerproducts DEH-X3600UI/DEH-X36UI d AUXinputjack(3.5mmstereojack) Pleasecontactthedealerordistributor from 123 4 5 6 e Detachbutton whereyoupurchasedthisunitforafter-sales service(includingwarrantyconditions)orany otherinformation.Incasethenecessaryinfor- CAUTION mationisnotavailable,pleasecontactthecom- UseanoptionalPioneerUSBcable(CD-U50E) panieslistedbelow: toconnecttheUSBstoraged

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Black plate (4,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 6 PressM.C.toselect. e 5 LOC(localseektuning) Removingthefrontpanel k Presstopauseorresumeplayback. Notes 1 Pressthedetachbuttontoreleasethefront 6 (soundretriever) panel. ! Youcansetupthemenuoptionsfromthe FUNCTION l 7 (random/shuffle) 2 Pushthefrontpanelupward(M)andthenpull systemmenu.Fordetailsaboutthesettings, Presstoselectfunctions. ittoward(N)you. referto System menuonpage11. 8 (repeat) LIST/ENTER ! Youcancancelsetupmenubypressing Pr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

English Black plate (5,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 Note Frequentlyusedmenu Selectingasource WARNING FordetailsaboutSEEK,refertoSEEK (left/right 1 PressSRC/OFFtocyclebetween: operations ! Keepthebatteryoutofthereachofchildren. key setting)onpage6. RADIO—CD—USB/iPod—PANDORA—APP Shouldthebatterybeswallowed,consulta (application)—AUX doctorimmediately. Returningtothepreviousdisplay Storingandrecallingstations ! USBMTPdisplayswhiletheMTPconnection ! Batteries(batterypackorbatteriesinsta

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Black plate (6,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 3 TurnM.C.toselectthefunction. Notes Note Switchingthedisplay Onceselected,thefollowingfunctionscanbe ! ThisfunctionisnotcompatiblewithMIX- DisconnectUSBstoragedevicesfromtheunit adjusted. TRAX. whennotinuse. Selectingthedesiredtextinformation ! ThisfunctionisnotcompatiblewithWAV. 1 PressDISPtocyclebetweenthefollowing: BSM(beststationsmemory) OperationsusingtheMIXTRAX CD-DA Basicoperations ! ELAPSEDTIME(tracknumberandplay- button BSM(bests

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

English Black plate (7,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 ! TheiPodwillturnoffabouttwominutesafter Functionsettings Viewingalistofthefiles(or folders)inthese- Playingasongintheselectedcategory theignitionisswitchedoff. lectedfolder 1 Whenacategoryisselected,pressandhold 1 PressM.C.todisplaythemainmenu. 1 Whenafolderisselected,pressM.C. M.C. OperationsusingtheMIXTRAX 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption Playingasongintheselectedfolder Searchingthelistbyalphabet button andpresstoselectFUNCTION.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Black plate (8,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit ! IftheDataPlanfor youriPhonedoesnotprovide ! Dependingonthesongselectedtoplay,the 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption Playingallsongsinrandomorder(shuffleall) endofthecurrentlyplayingsongandthebe- andpresstoselectFUNCTION. forunlimiteddatausage,additionalcharges 1 Pressandhold5/ toturnshuffleallon. ginningoftheselectedsong/albummaybe fromyourcarriermayapplyforaccessingthe ! Toturnoffshuffleall,selectOFFinshuffle.For cutoff. 3 TurnM.C.toselect

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

English Black plate (9,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 2 UseM.C.toselecttheShuffleordesired Basicoperations GivingaThumbsDown S.RTRV(soundretriever) station. 1 Press2/ togivea“ThumbsDown”forthe Playingtracks 1 PressM.C.toselectthedesiredsetting. trackcurrentlyplayingandtoskiptothenext Changingthesortorder Fordetails,referto Starting procedure for iPhone Fordetails,referto Enhancing compressed track. 1 Press (list). usersonpage8. audio and restoring rich sound (sound retriever) GivingaT

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Black plate (10,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit ! FADERisnotavailablewhenSUB.W/SUB.W ForiPhoneusers Switchingthedisplay 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. isselectedinSP-P/OMODE.Fordetails,refer ! ThisfunctioniscompatiblewithiPhoneand toSP-P/OMODE (rear output and preout set- 2 TurnM.C.toselecttheequalizer. iPodtouch. Selectingthedesiredtextinformation POWERFUL—NATURAL—VOCAL—CUS- ting)onpage12. ! ThedevicehasiOS5.0orhigher. 1 PressDISPtocyclebetweenthefollowing: ! SUB.WandSUB.WCTRLare

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

English Black plate (11,1) Section Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 02 Systemmenu Onlyfrequencieslowerthanthoseintheselected DISPCOLOR(displaysectioncolorsetting) 1 PressM.C.toturn thedimmeronoroff. rangeareoutputtedfromthesubwoofer. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythemainmenu. ! Youcanalsochangethedimmersettingby Youcanselectthedesiredcolorsforthedisplayof 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. pressingandholding /DIMMER. thisunit. 2 PressM.C.tocyclebetweenthefollowing: 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption 1 PressM.C.t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Black plate (12,1) Section 02 Usingthisunit Usingthisunit 2 TurnM.C.todisplayILLUMIandpressto 2 TurnM.C.tochangethemenuoption TheflashingcolorandMIXTRAXspecialeffects CUTINFX(manualcut-ineffect) select. andpresstoselectMIXTRAX. displaychangewithchangesinthesoundand YoucanturnonorofftheMIXTRAXsoundeffects basslevels. 3 TurnM.C.todisplayKEYCOLORor 3 TurnM.C.toselecttheMIXTRAXfunc- whilemanuallychangingtracks. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. DISPCOLOR.Presstoselect. tion. 1 PressM.C.toselectthe

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

T R A T English S N O Black plate (13,1) Section Usingthisunit Installation 02 03 3 TurnM.C.todisplayDEMOOFFandpress ! Usethisunitwitha12-voltbatteryandnega- Systemmenu Connections toselect. tivegroundingonly.Failuretodosomayre- 1 PressandholdSRC/OFFuntiltheunit sultinafireormalfunction. WARNING turnsoff. 4 TurnM.C.toswitchtoYES. ! Topreventashort-circuit,overheatingormal- ! Usespeakersover50W(outputvalue)and function,besuretofollowthedirections between4Wto8W(impedancevalue).Do 2 PressM.C.todisp

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

                      a a a Black plate (14,1) Section 03 Installation Installation Performtheseconnectionswhenusingasub- j Whenusingasubwooferof70W(2W),be 4 ToFrontoutput Thisunit woofer withouttheoptionalamplifier. suretoconnectthesubwoofertotheviolet 5 Frontspeaker 1 2 3 andviolet/blackleadsofthisunit.Donot 6 ToRearoutputorsubwooferoutput connectanythingtothegreenandgreen/ 7 Rearspeakerorsubwoofer 1 LR blackleads. 2 3 k Notused. 4  6 8 Installation l Subwoofer(4W)×2 F 4

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

English Black plate (15,1) Section Installation Installation 03 2 Mountingsleeve ! Releasingthefrontpanelallowseasierac- ! Wheninstalling,toensureproperheatdis- persalwhenusingthisunit,makesureyou # Makesurethattheunitisinstalledsecurelyin cesstothetrimring. leaveamplespacebehindtherearpaneland place.Anunstableinstallationmaycauseskipping ! Whenreattachingthetrimring,pointthe wrapanyloosecablessotheyarenotblock- orothermalfunctions. sidewiththenotchedtabdown. ingthevents. 2 Insertthesuppliedextr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Black plate (16,1) Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation FORMATREAD PROTECT Symptomsarewritteninboldandcausesinreg- Troubleshooting ular,non-indentedtext.Regular,indentedtextis Sometimesthereisadelaybetweenthestartofplay- AllthefilesontheconnectedUSBstoragedevice Symptomsarewritteninboldandcausesinreg- usedtoindicateactionstobetaken. backandwhenyoustarttohearanysound. areembeddedwithDRM. ular,non-indentedtext.Regular,indentedtextis Waituntilthemessagedisappearsandyouhear Replaceth

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

English Black plate (17,1) Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation iPodfailure. INOPERABLE STATIONFULL Handlingguidelines DisconnectthecablefromtheiPod.Oncethe Theoperationwasdisabled. Anewstationcannotbeadded. iPod’smainmenuisdisplayed,reconnectthe Discsandplayer Runthesamecommandforanothertrack. Deleteanoldstationtoopenaspotforanew iPodandresetit. one. Useonlydiscsthatfeatureeitherof thefollowing TRYAGAIN ERROR-23 twologos. CAN.TDELETE Unabletosavethumbrating. USBstoragedevicewasn

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Black plate (18,1) Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation iPod Playbackofdiscsmaynotbepossiblebecauseof Samplingfrequency:8kHzto48kHz(32kHz, Filesystem:ISO9660Level1and2,Romeo,Joliet disccharacteristics,discformat,recordedapplica- 44.1kHz,48kHzforemphasis) Multi-sessionplayback:Compatible DonotleavetheiPodinplaceswithhightempera- tion,playbackenvironment,storageconditions, CompatibleID3tagversion:1.0,1.1,2.2,2.3,2.4 tures. andsoon. Packetwritedatatransfer:Notcompatible (ID3tagVersi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

English Black plate (19,1) Appendix Additionalinformation Additionalinformation Madefor “MadeforiPod”and“MadeforiPhone”mean Sequenceofaudiofiles Copyrightandtrademark ! iPodtouch(5thgeneration) thatanelectronicaccessoryhasbeendesigned Theusercannotassignfoldernumbersand ! iPodtouch(4thgeneration) iTunes toconnectspecificallytoiPodoriPhone,respec- specifyplaybacksequenceswiththisunit. ! iPodtouch(3rdgeneration) AppleandiTunesaretrademarksofAppleInc., tively,andhasbeencertifiedbythedeveloperto ! i

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Black plate (20,1) Appendix Additionalinformation Signal-to-noiseratio ......... 94dB(1kHz)(IHF-A network) Specifications Number ofchannels ........ 2(stereo) MP3 decodingformat ...... MPEG-1&2AudioLayer3 General WMA decoding format ..... Ver.7,7.1,8,9,10,11,12(2ch Powersource ................... 14.4VDC (10.8Vto 15.1Val- audio) lowable) (Windows Media Player) Groundingsystem ............ Negativetype WAVsignalformat ........... Linear PCM &MSADPCM Maximumcurrentconsumption (Non-compressed) ....

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