Instrukcja obsługi Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten CD5415

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten CD5415

Urządzenie: Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten CD5415
Kategoria: Car Audio
Producent: Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten
Rozmiar: 4.51 MB
Data dodania: 4/10/2014
Liczba stron: 95
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Eclipse - Fujitsu Ten CD5415 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

CD5415 ESN E5 High-Power CD Receiver with MP3 Decoder OWNER'S MANUAL

Please retain this booklet and write in the serial number
of your CD5415 for identification.
The serial number is labeled or stamped on the chassis.
Serial No.
ESN E5 High-Power CD Receiver with
MP3 Decoder
We appreciate your purchase of this receiver.
Please read through this manual for correct operation.
We suggest that after reading it you keep this manual
in a safe place for future reference.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

For your safety in using the CD5415 Warnings and caution signs, illustrated below, are posted throughout this manual as well as on the CD5415. They show safe and correct ways to handle the product so as to prevent personal injury to you, others and to avoid property damage. Before reading through the manual, take time to read through and learn the important information listed in this section. This sign indicates a situation in which incorrect handling or disregard of this sign Warning might resu

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Warning • When installing equipment do not remove or alter existing vehicle fasteners, including nuts, bolts, screws, clips, and fittings. Never detach, move or alter existing vehicle wiring, including electrical grounds and straps. Alteration of existing vehicle components may make vehicle unsafe to operate. • Before installation, remove the negative (-) battery terminal to prevent shocks, electrical arcing, fires, and damage to vehicle wiring and the equipment you are installing. • Secure wi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Warning • Do not disassemble or alter this equipment. Accidents, fires or shocks may result. • Do not let water or foreign objects enter the internal parts of this equipment. Smoke, fires or shocks may result. • Pay attention to where the remote control is left. Traffic accidents or problems with driving may result if the remote control makes its way under the brake pedal etc. when the vehicle is stopped or when it goes around a corner. • Do not use when it is broken (the screen is not lit or

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Caution • Avoid installing in places where it cannot be fastened securely or where there are strong vibrations. Also, if you installed the unit with double-sided tape, first wipe away dirt and wax from the installation area. Otherwise, the unit may come loose due to vibration while driving, causing problems for driving and resulting in traffic accidents or injuries. • Do not install in places with direct sunlight or where it will be hit directly by hot air from the heater. This may increase t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Caution • Do not use batteries other than those specified. Also, do not mix old and new batteries. Injuries or pollution to the surroundings may result from battery ruptures and leakage. • When inserting batteries into the equipment, be careful of the polarity (positive/negative), and insert them as indicated. If the battery polarities are incorrect, injuries and pollution to the surroundings may result from battery ruptures and leakage. • Replace used batteries as soon as possible; they may l

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Table of Contents Operating precautions ............................................ 11 Notes on operation ..................................................................... 11 About compact discs .................................................................. 12 About cleaning a CD .................................................................. 14 Names of controls and parts .................................. 15 ESN security operating procedure ......................... 16 About ESN ..

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

How to operate the CD player ................................. 33 Listening to CDs ......................................................................... 33 Advancing to the next track or returning to the beginning of the track being played ...................................................................... 34 Fast Forward/Rewind ................................................................. 34 Playing the beginning of tracks (SCAN) ..................................... 34 Repeating th

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Changing the radio band location ............................................... 51 FM reception characteristics ...................................................... 52 FM reception differs from AM ............................................... 52 Fading out ............................................................................ 52 Reception area of FM broadcasts ........................................ 53 Multipath ........................................................................

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Switching the display .................................................................. 65 How to operate the tuner with an optional HD RADIO tuner connected (U.S.A. only) .............. 66 About HD Radio ......................................................................... 66 Tuning to a station ...................................................................... 67 Entering stations into memory automatically (The automatic preset mode: ASM) ........................................... 6

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Operating precautions Operating precautions Notes on operation • For your safety, play only at volume levels that allow outside sounds to be heard. • We recommend using with this player a disc with the logo shown to the left. • You can play music CDs(CD-R/CD-RW) on this player. Be sure to use discs that have been properly processed. Depending on the editing equipment used, some discs may not play prope

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Operating precautions About compact discs • The signal recorded on a compact disc is read by a laser beam, so nothing touches the disc surface. A scratch on the recorded surface or a badly warped disc may cause deteriorated sound quality or intermittent playback. Observe the following precautions to ensure high quality sound performance: • Do not leave an ejected disc in the disc slot for very long; the disc may warp. Discs should be stored in their cases and kept away from high temperature and

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Operating precautions About brand new CDs About CD accessories • You may notice that some brand • Do not use accessories new discs are rough around the (stabilizers, protective seals, laser center hole or outside edge. lens cleaners, etc.) sold for Remove the rough edges with “improving sound performance” the side of a ballpoint pen, etc. or “protecting CDs.” The changes Rough edges may prevent in CD thickness or outside proper loading in the deck. dimensions made by these Flakes from the rough

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

XXXX XXXX NO GOOD Operating precautions About borrowed CDs About irregularly-shaped CDs • Do not use a CD with glue or • Specially-shaped CDs, like remnants of adhesive tape or heart-shaped or octagonal CDs, labels. They may cause the CD cannot be played. Do not to get stuck inside or damage attempt to play them, even with the deck. an adapter, since they may damage the player. How to remove CDs • When removing the ejected disc, pull it straight out along the slot. Pressing downward in the proc

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Names of controls and parts Names of controls and parts [CD (EJECT) ] button Ejects compact disc. [DISC] button Switches between disc modes. [FM AM] button Switches to radio mode and switches radio bands. Disc slot Inserts compact discs. [DISP FUNC] button Switches screen display and turns function mode ON/OFF. [SOUND] button Sets the equalizer settings. [SEL] button Selects radio stations and CD tracks. Automatically finds radio reception or to fast forward/rewind. [ / ] b

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

ESN security operating procedure ESN security operating procedure About ESN This deck incorporates ESN (ECLIPSE Security Network). The ESN is a security system which disables all deck functions when the power is restored if the deck is stolen from the vehicle. Once the ESN is activated, removing power to the desk or vehicle will activate the security feature. Setting or canceling of the security feature can be done with a Key CD . It is necessary to register a music CD as the Key CD in advan

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

ESN security operating procedure Button [6] [DISP FUNC] button How to operate the ESN (Key CD) security How to program the Key CD Check that the unit is in standby. 1 Press and hold button [6], then the [DISP FUNC] 2 button, and hold both for more than one second. A [SEC] message appears, then in two seconds it will change to [DISC]. The CD5415 is now ready to accept your Key CD in the CD slot. •If a CD has already been inserted, a [SEC] message appears, and then the CD is ejected. ATTENTION •

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

ESN security operating procedure Button [6] [DISP FUNC] button How to cancel the Key CD Check that the unit is in standby. 1 Press and hold button [6], then the [DISP FUNC] 2 button, and hold both for more than one second. A [SEC] message appears, then in two seconds it will change to [DISC]. The CD5415 is now ready to accept your Key CD in the CD slot. If a CD has already been inserted, a [SEC] message appears, and then the CD is ejected. ATTENTION Insert your Key CD into the slot. 3 A [CANCE

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

ESN security operating procedure How to change the Key CD First, cancel the existing Key CD. 1 Refer to “How to cancel the Key CD.” Next, program a new Key CD. 2 Refer to “How to program the Key CD.” How to resume normal operation (ESN security lock out) If power is disconnected while ESN security is active (a Key CD was programmed), operation is disabled until power is restored and the unit unlocked. Follow this procedure to resume normal operation. When the power is turned on after disconnect

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

ESN security operating procedure Button [6] [DISP FUNC] button What happens if an incorrect CD is inserted? After the 5th incorrect attempt, the display reads 1 [HELP] for five seconds. [HELP] will appear for five seconds, after which the serial number will appear. Press button [6], then the [DISP FUNC] button, and 2 hold them for five seconds. After the [SEC] message will appear for two seconds, rolling code will appear. 3 Press the [DISP FUNC] button. A [DISC] message appears. You will have f

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