Instrukcja obsługi Polk Audio PSW Series PSW650

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Polk Audio PSW Series PSW650

Urządzenie: Polk Audio PSW Series PSW650
Kategoria: Glosniki samochodowe
Producent: Polk Audio
Rozmiar: 0.28 MB
Data dodania: 6/2/2013
Liczba stron: 8
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Polk Audio PSW Series PSW650 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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410-764-5275, FAX: 410-764-5266

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

POLK AUDIO—A HISTORY A WORD FROM MATTHEW POLK FEATURES: GETTING STARTED OF EXCELLENCE Dear Music Lover, • Two 10 inch direct radiating Please inspect each loudspeaker Polk Audio was founded in 1972 by subwoofer drivers for deep bass, carefully. Notify your Polk dealer if Thank you for purchasing Polk Audio Matthew Polk and George Klopfer. smooth response and low distortion. you notice any damage or missing speakers. Designing and building speak- Their dream was to make the highest items. Ke

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PLACEMENT CONNECTING THE SUBWOOFER HOOK-UP OPTIONS Strip 1/2" of insulation from each of the TO THE SYSTEM—GENERAL Polk PSW Series subwoofers offer many two conductors on both ends to expose The PSW650 offers a wide range of If you elect to use the speaker level placement options–in an entertainment the bare wire. Twist the exposed wire hook-up and use options. Each option inputs, use two-conductor 16 gauge center, behind furniture, or next to a of each conductor to form two un-frayed has adva

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® HOOK-UP OPTIONS (CONTINUED) If you have a Dolby Digital surround The “high pass crossover” switch OPTION #2 OPTION #1 decoder, use the “Large” setting for (Figure 5) on the PSW650 gives you This option is recommended for the front left and right speakers in the the option of filtering bass from your This is the recommended hook-up option surround systems with pre-amp ® ® “speaker set up” or “bass management” main front speakers for the purpose for most stereo and Dolby Pro Logic output jac

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® HOW TO TELL IF YOUR If you have a Dolby Digital surround OPTION #3 If the subwoofer output jack is filtered, SUBWOOFER OUTPUT JACK processor, use the “Large” setting for This option uses the subwoofer output we suggest using hook up OPTION #1 IS FILTERED OR NOT or #2. If it is unfiltered, connect the the front left and right speakers in the jack as the only source of signal to Use the “speaker set-up” or “bass man- subwoofer output jack to either of the “speaker set up” or “bass management

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AC POWER SUBWOOFER ADJUSTMENTS OPTION #4 the lower end of the control range SUBWOOFER LEVEL CONTROL This is the best option to use in stereo The PSW650 has a built-in power ampli- will probably sound best, but always ® ® fier and must be plugged into a standard let your ear be the final judge. After or Dolby Pro Logic systems with pre- Subwoofer level is adjustable via the household 110-120V AC power source in setting subwoofer levels, you may want out/main in jacks and small speakers. knob

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SPECIFICATIONS systems where the 3dB boost is not your VCR (or television). You can needed, this switch can be useful for obtain this device from some audio PSW650 providing a quick boost for bass-shy dealers, Radio Shack stores, Zantech program material. Most people prefer (1-800-843-5465), or Channel Plus Driver Complement: more bass output for movies than (1-800-999-5225). 2 - 10"(25cm) woofers music, so you can use this switch as a Amplifier Power: Ground loops and hum can also be the h

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

POLK AUDIO LIMITED WARRANTY Polk Audio, Inc., warrants to the original pur- This warranty does not include service or chaser only that the Amplifier in this Polk parts to repair damage caused by accident, Audio Loudspeaker Product (the “Product”) disaster, misuse, abuse, negligence, inade- will be free from defects in material and quate packing or shipping procedures, com- workmanship for a period of three (3) years mercial use, voltage inputs in excess of the from the date of original retail pu

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