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Remote Controlled Products
This manual includes operating instructions for a variety of remote controlled products. All products work on the same principle and use the same
code setting information. Please read all instructional information and note any specific information pertaining to your particular product.
• FOR USE ONLY with 120 volt incandescent or halogen bulbs.
• DO
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
1 2 3 4 y y r r e e t t t t a a ON 1 2 3 4 ON 1 2 3 4 B B m m CODE SWITCH LOCATIONS DIM DIM Code Left Side Right Side Switches ON DIP ON DIP Code Code 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Switches Switches 2032 ON 1 2 3 4 Battery Access Cover Door Code Switches 2032 Remote Control Add-A-Switch Entry Switch Code RANGE Switches CODE DETECT ON-TIME ON (MINUTES) Code Code DAY NIGHT 1 2 3 4 NIGHT ONLY 5 1 TEST MIN MAX DAY NIGHT NIGHT ONLY Switches Switches 1234 DETE
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ENGLISH Note: To independently operate a second receiver unit using a REmOTE CONTROL single remote control, make sure the second set of code switches Note: One remote control is able to independently oper- (Right Side) and the code switches on each receiver match (see ate two receiver units. If more than two receiver units, Code Settings section). operating independently, are desired, additional remote • Left Side - Set left side code switches. controls will need to be purchased. • Right Si
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y y r r e e t t t t a a DIM DIM B B m m Add-A-SwITCh Add-A-Switch Installation 1. Remove Tab from Battery Chamber. Remove cover from front of Add-A-Switch transmitter. Gently pull tab DIM out of battery chamber. Slide cover onto Add-A-Switch ON/OFF Button DIM transmitter. Button Tab 2032 Battery Chamber (Type CR2032) Access Door Access Door Add-A-Switch 5. Continue to press the DIM button until the desired dim level is Removing Battery Tab reached. Note: Receiver remembers last DIM
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ENGLISH 3. Before mounting, hold transmitter and magnet in selected ENTRY SWITCH location and verify operation. While holding the transmitter Installation stationary, move the magnet away from transmitter to simulate Note: Entry system includes a transmitter and magnet. door or window being opened. Verify red LED on transmitter The system can be used to signal that a door or window flashes momentarily and receiver turns light on. Return magnet has been opened or to automatically turn the
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INDOOR AND OUTDOOR Installing Indoor Motion Sensor Using Optional Mounting Bracket WIRELESS mOTION SENSOR Note: Mount the indoor motion sensor so that it can be angled up or Features: down to give you the desired coverage above the floor level. • No wiring required. 1. Attach ball mounting bracket to rear of motion sensor. The ball • Up to 30 feet sensing range, 150° Coverage mounting bracket is designed to mount to the rear of the sensor (Indoor). in three possible directions depending upo
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ENGLISH (Note: You should hear a snap). Aim sensor toward area where Installing Outdoor motion Sensor detection is desired. Tighten clamp screw. 1. Install sensor mounting bracket where motion detection is desired. Attach sensor mounting bracket to a sturdy object (i.e. tree, post, Mounting Screw Mounting house, etc.) using two screws provided. Make sure unit has an Bracket Socket Nut unobstructed view. Note: Attach mounting bracket vertically if connecting to a curved surface such as a pos
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3. Adjust RANGE Control. To increase sensitivity, turn the RANGE control toward MAX. To decrease sensitivity, turn the RANGE 180° control toward MIN. Note: If the RANGE is set too high, false 8 ft. triggering may result in some environments. (2. m) Note: When using test mode to check operation in the day time: A. Set the DETECT control switch to DAY/NIGHT and B. Set the ON-TIME control to TEST. 70 ft. . Set ON-TIME Control. Determine the amount of time you want (21 m) the connected dev
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ENGLISH RECEIVER InfORMATIOn LAMP SOCkET COnVERTER Features and Ratings: All receivers have the following features and ratings: • Up to 150 Watt maximum incandescent load. • Rated for 120VAC/60Hz supply voltage. • No wiring required. • Light can be dimmed when used with remote control (OFF, 5 1. Screw module into light socket. Selectable Dim Levels from Dimmest to Brightest, Full On). 2. Screw incandescent bulb up to rated wattage • Remembers last selected dim setting. into module. • Not for u
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Mounting FLOODLIGHT Black to White to Strap Rubber Black Features and Ratings: White Plug • Up to 150 Watt maximum incandescent load or 20 Watt maximum halogen load (up to 75 Watt maximum incandescent, or 120 Watt maximum halogen, per lampholder). • Minimal wiring required. • Install fixture in accordance with local codes. wARnInG: Turn power off at the fuse or circuit breaker. 1. Remove the existing light fixture. 2. Install the mounting strap as shown using two screws that fit your
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ENGLISH TROUBLEShOOTInG GUIdE SYmPTOm POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION 1. Verify circuit breaker or fuse is turned Device does not come on. 1. Circuit breaker or fuse is turned off. on. 2. Verify switched device is turned on. 2. Switch on device is turned off. 3. Change codes on transmitter and 3. Interrupted by another device. receiver units. . Wait for 90 second initialization period . Does not respond immediately after (remote motion sensor). installation. 5. Check for metal objects that could
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TWO YEAR LImITED WARRANTY This is a “Limited Warranty” which gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state or province to province. For a period of two years from the date of purchase, any malfunction caused by factory defective parts or workmanship will be corrected at no charge to you. not Covered - Repair service, adjustment and calibration due to misuse, abuse or negligence, light bulbs, batteries, and other expendable items are not covered
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ESPAOL ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ON 1 2 3 4 ON 1 2 3 4 ON 1 2 3 4 ON 1 2 3 4 Productos a control remoto Este manual incluye las instrucciones de operación para una variedad de productos a control remoto. Todos los productos funcionan basándose en el mismo principio y usan la misma información para la calibración del código. Por favor lea todas las instrucciones y tome en cuenta cualquier información específica relativa a su producto en particular. AdVERTEnCIAS:
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1 2 3 4 y y r r e e t t t t a a ON 1 2 3 4 ON 1 2 3 4 B B m m UBICACIOnES dE LOS InTERRUPTORES dE CIRCUITO IMPRESO DIM DIM Interruptores Interruptores de código de código ON DIP ON DIP del lado 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 del lado izquierdo derecho 2032 ON 1 2 3 4 Tapa de la Tapa de batería Interruptores de Interruptores de acceso 2032 circuito impreso circuito impreso Control remoto Interruptor A añadible Interruptor de entrada Interruptores RANGE de c
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ESPAOL Nota: Para operar independientemente una segunda unidad recep- CONTROL REmOTO tora usando un único control remoto, asegúrese que el segundo Nota: Un control remoto puede operar independientemente juego de interruptores de código (del lado derecho) emparejen dos unidades receptoras. Si se desea operar independien- con los interruptores de código de cada receptor (Ver la sección temente más de dos receptores, se necesitarán comprar Calibraciones del Código). controles remotos adicional
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y y r r e e t t t t a a DIM DIM B B m m InTERRUPTOR A AñAdIBLE Interruptor A añadible Instalación 1. Retire la aleta del compartimiento de la batería. Retire la tapa de la parte frontal del transmisor con Botón interruptor A añadible. Retire con suavidad la aleta atenuador del compartimiento de la batería. Deslice la tapa en Botón ON/OFF (DIM) DIM el transmisor interruptor A añadible. (encendido/ apagado) Aleta 2032 Compartimiento Tapa de acceso de la batería (Tipo Interruptor A
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ESPAOL cada componente deben estar alineadas (Vea la ilustración). INTERRUPTOR DE ENTRADA También, las superficies frontales del transmisor y del imán Instalación deben estar al ras. Si el imán está empotrado, use la extensión Nota: El sistema de entrada incluye un transmisor y del imán y los dos tornillos largos (provistos) para asegurar un imán. El sistema puede usarse para dar señal sea una alineación correcta. a una puerta o a una ventana que ha sido abierta o 3. Antes del montaje, so
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Control dETECTOR InALÁMBRICO dE MOVIMIEnTO detector PARA USO INTERIOR Y EXTERIOR RANGE CODE DETECT ON-TIME ON (MINUTES) DAY NIGHT 5 1 TEST DAY NIGHT 1 2 3 4 NIGHT ONLY MIN MAX NIGHT ONLY 1234 DETECT CODES Detector inalámbrico de Detector inalámbrico de movimiento para uso movimiento para uso interior exterior Detector de movimiento Detector de movimiento Características: para uso exterior para uso interior • No se requiere cableado. (Vista posterior) (Vista frontal) • Margen de sensibili
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ESPAOL • Inserte las aletas de la consola de montaje tipo bola en las Instalación del detector de movimiento para uso ranuras de la parte posterior del detector que mejor alineen interior directamente en la pared este detector con la consola de montaje de pared. Nota: Instale el detector de movimiento para uso interior de modo que • Retire las baterías. quede aproximadamente a una altura sobre el suelo entre la cintura • Con un destornillador cabeza Phillips, inserte el tornillo de y los h
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Instalación del detector de movimiento para uso Revisión de la operación y de la regulación Nota: Cuando lo prenda por primera vez o cuando cambie de exterior 1 modalidad espere 1 / minutos. 1. Instale la consola de montaje del detector en donde se nece- 2 site detectar movimiento. Acople esta consola de montaje a Localice en el detector de movimiento los controles de ALCANCE un objeto robusto (ejemplo: árbol, poste, casa, etc.) usando y DURACIÓN: los dos tornillos provistos. Asegúrese que la