Instrukcja obsługi Shindaiwa T2510X/EVC

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Shindaiwa T2510X/EVC

Urządzenie: Shindaiwa T2510X/EVC
Kategoria: Przycinarka
Producent: Shindaiwa
Rozmiar: 2.12 MB
Data dodania: 10/3/2013
Liczba stron: 72
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Shindaiwa T2510X/EVC Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Minimize the risk of injury to yourself and
others! Read this manual and familiarize yourself
with the contents. Always wear eye and hearing pro-
tection when operating this unit.
Part Number 89300 Rev. 06/2009

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Introduction IMPORTANT! The Shindaiwa C4 series of hand-held WARNING! The information contained in these instruc- power equipment is designed and built The engine exhaust from this tions describes units available at the time to deliver superior performance and reli- product contains chemicals known to of publication. ability without compromise to quality, the State of California to cause can- comfort, safety or durability. Shindaiwa cer, birth defects or other reproduc- Shindaiwa Inc. re

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Safety Work Safely WARNING! WARNING! Trimmers and brushcutters operate at Never make unauthorized Never operate very high speeds and can do serious dam- attachment installations. power equipment of any kind age or injury if they are misused or abused. if you are tired or if you are under the Never allow a person without training or - instruction to operate this unit! Stay Alert tion or any other substance that could You must be physically and mentally fit to affect your ability or judgem

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Safety (continued) The Properly Equipped Operator Wear hearing protection devices and a Always wear eye protection such as broad-brimmed hat or helmet. A helmet goggles or safety glasses to shield is required when using a blade-equipped against thrown objects. brushcutter to clear small trees. Always wear a harness when operating the unit . It adds comfort and helps ensure safety by limiting Prolonged exposure to excessive noise movement fore and aft. When the harness is is fatiguing an

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Product Description Using the illustration as a guide, Spark plug familiarize yourself with your machine and its various com- T2510 ponents. Understanding your machine helps ensure top per- Ignition Switch formance, long service life and safer operation. Handle Fuel Tank T2510X Outer Tube Throttle Spark plug Trigger Throttle Interlock Ignition Gearcase Switch Cutting Attachment Handle Shield Grip Fuel Tank Outer Tube Throttle Trigger Trimmer Head Barrier Gearcase Bar Hanger WARNING! Cuttin

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Assembly This unit comes fully assembled with the This unit comes fully assembled with the Engine and shaft assembly exception of the cutting attachment shield exception of the cutting attachment shield and cutting attachment. Cutting attachment shield and cutting attachment. IMPORTANT! Cutting attachment Prior to Assembly The terms “left”, “left-hand”, and “LH”; Before assembling, make sure you have all “right”, “right-hand”, and “RH”; “front” and Kit containing cutting attachment the com

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Assembly (continued) Cutting Attachment Shield - T, TX unit 1. Insert the cutting attachment shield T unit between the outer tube and the cutting Socket- attachment mounting plate. Head Cap Outer Tube Screws Bracket NOTE: It may be necessary to loosen the retain- ing nut and clamp screw to adjust cutting Cutting Attachment attachment shield mounting plate. Shim Shield 2. Fit the two shims and the bracket over Clamp Screw the outer tube and loosely install the four socket-head screws. 3. Ti

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Assembly (continued) Adjust throttle lever free play The throttle lever free play should be approximately 4 - 6 mm (3/16” - 1/4”). Make sure that the throttle lever oper- ates smoothly without binding. If it becomes necessary to adjust the lever free play, follow the procedures and illus- trations that follow. 4-6 mm (3/16”- 1/4”)Throttle Free 1. Loosen the air cleaner cover knob(s) Play and remove the air cleaner cover. Throttle Lever Free Play Remove air cleaner cover 2. Loosen the loc

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Assembly (continued) Installing Brushcutter Blade WARNING! Shaft Bolt Slide the safety clip off-center Do not attach any blade to a unit without proper installation of Bolt Guard Output Shaft all required parts. Failure to use the proper parts can cause the blade to Holder B Safety Clip and/or bystanders. Gear shaft Safety Clip 1. Turn the unit upside down so the gear case output shaft is facing UP and Holder A remove the shaft bolt, bolt guard and holder B from the gear case shaft. 2.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Mixing fuel Examples of 50:1 mixing quantities CAUTION CAUTION U.S. METRIC 2-cycle 2-cycle Never use any type of gasoline contain- This engine is designed to operate on Gasoline Gasoline mixing oil mixing oil ing more than 10% alcohol by volume! a 50:1 mixture consisting of unleaded US Gallons Fl.oz. Liter cc. Some types of gasoline contain alcohol gasoline and ISO-L-EGD or JASO FD 1 2.6 4 80 as an oxygenate. Oxygenated gaso- class 2-cycle mixing oil only. Use of 2 5.2 8 160 line may cause

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Starting the Engine IMPORTANT! Engine ignition is controlled by a two position switch mounted on the throttle housing labeled, “I” for ON or START and “O” for OFF or STOP. WARNING! Return Tube Primer Bulb ON Never start the engine from the operating position. 1. Slide the ignition switch to the “ON” Throttle Lock position. Button 2. Set the throttle lever to the “fast idle”: a. Squeeze the throttle lever toward the handgrip on the shaft tube. Press primer Slide ignition to ON bulb... b. Dep

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Starting the Engine (continued) Starting A Flooded Engine 1. Disconnect the spark plug lead and use 3. Open the choke and fully depress the 5. Repeat the starting procedure for a the spark plug wrench to remove the throttle lever with your left hand, then warm engine. spark plug (turn counter clockwise to pull the starter handle rapidly with your 6. If the engine still fails to start, refer to remove). right hand to clear excess fuel from the the troubleshooting section near the combustion

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Operation Shoulder Strap IMPORTANT! WARNING! TX unit Adjust the shoulder strap or harness so the Always wear a shoulder strap shoulder pad rests comfortably on the off-side Harness when operating this unit with a blade. shoulder and the cutting path of the cutting A shoulder strap is also recommened attachment is parallel to the ground. Make sure when using trimmer line. all hooks and adjustment devices are secure. 1. Hook the strap hook to the hanger on the outer tube. 2. Wear the shoul

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

T U C T O N O D Operation (cont.) Using a Blade Brushcutter harness Whenever you strike a hard object with a WARNING! blade, always stop the brushcutter and A harness provides additional protection carefully inspect the blade for damage. against blade thrust. In addition, a har- Before working with a blade-equipped NEVER OPERATE THE BRUSHCUT- ness gives significant support and comfort unit, always inspect and clean the TER WITH A DAMAGED BLADE! to help ensure safe and efficient opera- ti

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Maintenance General maintenancel IMPORTANT! WARNING! WARNING! MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT Before performing any mainte- Non-standard accessories, cut- OR REPAIR OF EMISSION CONTROL nance, repair, or cleaning work on the ting attachment, or replacement parts DEVICES AND SYSTEMS MAY BE PER- unit, make sure the engine and cutting may not operate properly with your unit FORMED BY ANY REPAIR ESTABLISH- attachment are completely stopped. and may cause damage and lead to MENT OR INDIVIDUAL; HOWEVE

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Maintenance (continued) 10-Hour maintenance (more frequently in dusty conditions) Loosen fasteners 1. Remove the air filter cover by loosen- ing the cover screw(s) and lifting. 2. Remove and inspect the pre-filter. If the pre-filter is torn or otherwise dam- aged, replace it with a new one. 3. Clean the pre-filter with soap and water. Let dry before reinstalling. 4. Inspect the air filter element. If the ele- Filter element ment is damaged or distorted, replace it with a new one. 5. Tap filter gen

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

Maintenance (continued) 50-hour maintenance Remove and replace the fuel filter element. Use a hooked wire to extract the fuel filter from inside the fuel tank. Inspect the fuel filter element. If it shows signs of contam- ination, replace with a genuine Shindaiwa replacement fuel filter element. CAUTION! Make sure you do not pierce the fuel line Hooked wire with the end of the hooked wire. The line is delicate and can be damaged easily. Before reinstalling the new filter element, inspect the

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Maintenance (continued) If the engine becomes sluggish and low on power, check and clean the spark arrester screen. Engine Cover WARNING! Engine Cover Never operate the unit with a Screws arrester! Operating with a missing or and could also damage your hearing. 1. With a 3 mm hex wrench remove the engine cover screws and the engine cover. 2. With a 4 mm hex wrench, remove the 3 muffler bolts and the muffler. 3. With a small flat bladed screwdriver remove the 2 screws holding the

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

Maintenance (continued) Blade Sharpening WARNING! Shindaiwa Tornado™ Blade Multiple-tooth Circular Blade Wear protective gloves when handling or performing maintenance Round on the blade. File When the cutting edges of the blade become dull, they can be resharpened with a few strokes of a file. Round File In order to keep the blade in balance, all cutting edges must be sharpened equally. Maintain a radius of 0.04 to 1 to 1.5 mm (0.06”) WARNING! The top plate of each at the base of each too

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Troubleshooting Guide ENGINE DOES NOT START What To Check Possible Cause Remedy Faulty recoil starter. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer. NO Fluid in the crankcase. Does the engine crank? Internal damage. YES Loose spark plug. Tighten and re-test. NO Good compression? Excess wear on cylinder, piston, Consult with an authorized servicing rings. dealer. YES Fuel incorrect, stale, or contaminated; Refill with fresh, clean unleaded gasoline mixture incorrect. with a pump octane of 87 or

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