Instrukcja obsługi Yamaha REV100

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Yamaha REV100

Urządzenie: Yamaha REV100
Kategoria: Odbiornik stereo
Producent: Yamaha
Rozmiar: 0.45 MB
Data dodania: 2/21/2013
Liczba stron: 52
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Yamaha REV100 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Operation Manual
Manuel d’instructions
Manual de Operación
41-50 GATE REV
51-60 DELAY
71-99 MOD/REV

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.) 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product. 2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables. Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation instructions

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Precautions 1. Location 4. Always power off before making connections Keep the unit away from locations where it is likely to be Always turn the power OFF before connecting or discon- exposed to high temperatures or humidity — such as near necting cables. This is important to prevent damage to the radiators, stoves, etc. Also avoid locations which are sub- unit itself as well as other connected equipment. ject to excessive dust accumulation or vibration which 5. Handle Cables C

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Introduction The REV100 is a high-quality, inexpensive, and easy-to-use stereo Digital Reverberator. It can be used for home recording or smaller sound reinforcement applications. It is a true stereo processor with two inputs and two outputs. Along with a high-quality stereo reverb, the REV100 offers delay-plus-reverb and modulation-plus-reverb effects. The 16-bit A/D and D/A converters provide superb sound quality and a wide frequency response due to the 44.1 kHz sampling rat

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Controls 1. Controls Front Panel 123 4 56 7 POWER DELAY DECAY LEVEL PEAK 1-20 REVERB MIDI LR 21-40 STEREO REV 41-50 GATE REV 51-60 DELAY DIGITAL REVERBERATOR STORE 61-70 DLY/REV 71-99 MOD/REV 010 DRY WET MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIDI INT PGM CHANGE INPUT LEVEL MIX BALANCE PROGRAM ON OFF bers. When you select the MIDI Program Change table, the 1 INPUT LEVEL control MIDI indicator will light, and when you select the internal This rotary control sets the inp

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

DC 12V IN DIGITAL MODEL REV100 MADE IN JAPAN Operation 2. Operation Installation and Connections Install the REV100 in a rack or place it in a location where it is safe and stable. Connect the AC Adapter to the DC 12V IN inlet, then plug the Adapter into a mains supply. To prevent the power from being accidentally disconnected, hook the cable around the anchor. Press the POWER switch to turn the REV100 on. Changing Programs Select the different programs by pressing the and keys

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Operation STEREO REVERB No Name Type Description 21 Large Hall 1 22 Large Hall 2 These are hall-type reverb variations.”Stage” reverbs are brighter than Hall “Hall” reverbs 23 Stage 1 24 Stage 2 25 Chamber 1 Vocal 26 Chamber 2 Hall Image of a large chamber with a high ceiling 27 Church 1 Room 28 Church 2 Hall 29 Old Tunnel Hall Simulates sound inside a long tunnel. “Old” is dark and “New” is bright 30 New Tunnel Vocal 31 Large Room 1 Room-type simulation. No.32 contains more low range t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Operation DELAY No Name Description 51 Analog Delay 1 Soft delay sound 52 Ping Pong Delay Delay sound is panned between left and right 53 Eighth Note Triplet Ping-pong delay that sounds like eight note triplets 54 Karaoke Echo used for Karaoke 55 Short Delay Doubler Very short, one-time delay 56 Stereo Long Delay Stereo delay with the same length for the left and right channels 57 Stereo Medium Delay Stereo delay with different length channels 58 Stereo Short

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Operation REVERB/MODULATION No Name Type Description 80 Flange Room 1 Vocal→FLG Use these effects to make your drum or percussion sound very unique and strange 81 Flange Room 2 Room+FLG 82 Rolling Flange 1 Use these effects to make your drum or percussion sound rather Plate+FLG strange 83 Rolling Flange 2 84 Big Flange Vocal→FLG Jet machine effects 85 Chorus Reverb 1 Hall+CHO 86 Chorus Reverb 2 Plate+CHO Preset No.85 and No.86 are normal chorus/reverb, and can be used for many appl

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Edit Mode 3. Edit Mode Each of the effects in the REV100 has several parameters. Three of the most effective parameters can be edited using the rotary controls for quick, versatile, and simple operation. Editing a Program 1. Press the and keys until the desired program number is displayed on the 7-segment LED. 2. Select one of the Edit controls, for example, the DELAY rotary control. 3. Rotate the control. The value on the 7-segment LED changes to reflect

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

MIDI Mode 4. MIDI Mode A MIDI IN connection is provided so that the REV100 effects programs can be selected and modified using MIDI messages. MIDI Program Change Table The REV100 has a MIDI Program Change table in memory which you can edit to re-order the effects programs. You can create a table of program numbers which correspond to MIDI Program Change numbers 1 to 99. When the REV100 receives a MIDI Program Change message, it will select the internal program number that

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

MIDI Mode Setting the MIDI Receive Channel By default, the REV100 is set to receive MIDI on all channels (OMNI mode). You can change this default with the following pro- cedure: 1. Press and hold the MIDI key as you switch on the power to the REV100. The 7-segment LED will display “ ” and the current MIDI channel number alternately. 2. Select another MIDI channel number by pressing the or keys. You can select “ ” (OMNI), “ ” to “ ”, or “ ” (OFF). 3. Press the MIDI key again to

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

MIDI Mode Effect Type Parameter Name Controller Number Modulation Depth 20 Modulation Speed 21 Reverb Level 22 Reverb Time 23 Flanger Reverb High Damp 24 Resonance 25 Filter Type (LPF/HPF) 26 Cut-off Frequency 27 Modulation Depth 20 Modulation Speed 21 Reverb Level 22 Chorus REVERB/ and Reverb Time 23 MODULATION Symphonic Reverb High Damp 24 Filter Type (LPF/HPF) 25 Cut-off Frequency 26 Modulation Depth 20 Modulation Speed 21 Reverb Level 22 Reverb Time 23 Tremolo Reverb High Damp 24 Ph

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

Specifications 5. Specifications General specifications PROGRAM ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Program Number 99 Frequency Response 20 Hz ~ 20 kHz Dynamic Range 80 dB (typical) FRONT PANEL Distortion less than 0.1% (1 kHz, max. Switches , , MIDI, STORE, POWER level) Rotary Controls INPUT LEVEL, MIX BALANCE, DELAY, DECAY, LEVEL INPUT Display 7-segment LED × 2 Number of Channels 2 (phone jack) PEAK L R Nominal Level –10 dB DELAY, DECAY, LEVEL Impedance 20 kΩ (STEREO) 10 kΩ (L-MONO) REAR PANEL Jacks I

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Introduction Le REV100 est un appareil de réverbération de qualité, abordable et simple à utiliser. Il vous rendra de grands services aussi bien dans votre studio personnel qu’avec un petit système d’amplification. Il s’agit s’un véritable processeur stéréo doté de deux entrées et deux sorties. Outre une réverbération stéréo de haute qualité, le REV100 vous propose des effets de réverbération & delay ainsi que de modula- tion & réverbération. Le convertisseur 1

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

Commandes 1. Commandes Panneau avant 123 4 56 7 POWER DELAY DECAY LEVEL PEAK 1-20 REVERB MIDI LR 21-40 STEREO REV 41-50 GATE REV 51-60 DELAY DIGITAL REVERBERATOR STORE 61-70 DLY/REV 71-99 MOD/REV 010 DRY WET MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX MIDI INT PGM CHANGE INPUT LEVEL MIX BALANCE PROGRAM ON OFF 1 Commande INPUT LEVEL MIDI, le témoin MIDI s’allume tandis que lorsque vous choisissez les programmes internes, le témoin INT Cette commande vous permet de régler le niveau d’entrée. s’allume. Voyez

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

DC 12V IN DIGITAL MODEL REV100 MADE IN JAPAN Fonctionnement 2. Fonctionnement Installation et connexions Installez le REV100 dans un rack ou placez-le dans un endroit sûr et stable. Branchez l’adaptateur à la borne DC 12 IN puis raccor- dez-le à une prise secteur. Pour éviter que l’alimentation ne soit accidentellement coupée, accrochez le câble à l’ancre. Appuyez sur la touche POWER pour mettre le REV100 sous ten- sion. Changement de programmes Avec les touches et vous pouvez choi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

Fonctionnement STEREO REVERB No Nom Type Description 21 Large Hall 1 Vous trouverez ici des variations sur les réverbérations de type Hall. 22 Large Hall 2 Hall Les réverbérations de type “Stage” sont plus brillantes que celles de 23 Stage 1 type “Hall”. 24 Stage 2 25 Chamber 1 Vocal 26 Chamber 2 Hall Image d’une grande pièce haute de plafond. 27 Church 1 Room 28 Church 2 Hall 29 Old Tunnel Hall Simule le son dans un long tunnel. “Old” est plus sombre et “New” est plus brillant. 30 New

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Fonctionnement DELAY No Nom Description 51 Analog Delay 1 Son Delay doux. 52 Ping Pong Delay Delay reproduit alternativement à droite et à gauche. 53 Eighth Note Triplet Delay Ping Pong, qui sonne comme des triolets de croches. 54 Karaoke Echo utilisé pour le karaoke. 55 Short Delay Doubler Delay très court avec une seule répétition. 56 Stereo Long Delay Delay stéréo avec la même longueur pour les canaux droit et gauche. 57 Stereo Medium Delay Delay stéréo ave

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