Instrukcja obsługi Sunfire True Subwoofer Architectural

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Sunfire True Subwoofer Architectural

Urządzenie: Sunfire True Subwoofer Architectural
Kategoria: Glosnik
Producent: Sunfire
Rozmiar: 0.94 MB
Data dodania: 11/17/2013
Liczba stron: 20
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

9. Power Cord Protection — Power-supply Safety Instructions cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked upon or pinched by 1. Read Instructions -– All the safety and items placed upon or against them, operation instructions should be read paying particular attention to cords at before the Sunfire Component is plugs, convenience receptacles, and the operated. point where they exit the Component. 2. Retain Instructions — The safety and 10. Cleaning — The Component should be ope

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

15. To prevent electric shock, do not use This apparatus does not exceed the Class this polarized plug with an extension cord, A/Class B (whichever is applicable) limits receptacle or other outlet unless the for radio noise emissions from digital blades can be fully inserted to prevent apparatus as set out in the radio blade exposure. interference regulations of the Canadian Pour préevenir les chocs électriques ne Department of Communications. pas utiliser cette fiche polariseé avec un ATTENTION

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Introduction Features Dear Friend:  1250 watt, high efficiency amplifier  Very low distortion Thank you for purchasing my Sunfire  Long throw, premium quality driver True Subwoofer Architectural. I hope you enjoy it and the music it makes as much  Extremely compact size as I have enjoyed creating it for you.  Automatic signal-sensing turn-on and standby mode The big breakthrough features of the subwoofer are its uncanny tracking  Line level inputs downconverter and its long throw, high  S

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Overview Your Sunfire Subwoofer is designed to actual average input power is substan- give you the best possible low-frequency tially less than 1,250 watts, and is sound quality for your home theater approximately 120 watts for most experience. It incorporates a tremen- musical material on the loudest dously powerful built-in amplifier to passages. produce tight, floor-rumbling bass down A compressor circuit kicks in automati- to 18 Hz, that you can feel as well as cally if the input signal leve

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Control Panel Features 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 Rotate the control until the bass 1. Power/Auto on Indicator sounds natural. If the mid-bass sounds This light is bright when the subwoofer natural but you want more low bass, is on, and dim when the subwoofer is turn the crossover frequency down a in its standby mode. This is controlled little, then turn the Bass Level up by by the AUTO ON/OFF circuit. The about the same amount. This presence of an audio signal turns the increases the low-bass output

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

system or neighbors are disturbed by We recommend using this high-pass ultra low bass. function with main/satellite speakers that are small and not designed to 6. High Level Inputs reproduce low frequencies. If your main speakers are capable of Under normal conditions, the preferred operating full range, then you will not connection is through the Line Level need to use the high-pass function. inputs. If this is difficult or not possible in your system, then you can use the To use the High Pass

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

AC Power Considerations Installation Observe the following general Ensure that the unit is plugged into an precautions and read the safety outlet capable of supplying the correct instructions on pages 2 and 3 before voltage specified for your model. using your Sunfire Subwoofer. Unplug your subwoofer’s power cord  Never open the cabinet or remove from the electrical outlet if it will be left the metal control panel as this unused for a long period of time. might result in an electrical shock NO

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Connections Please consider the following when  Whenever possible, keep the setting up your new system : powercords away from the signal cables or speaker wires to prevent  Before making or changing any any hum or interference being connections, ALWAYS make sure heard in the speakers. that the subwoofer is unplugged from the wall and your other  Choose reliable, high quality components are turned OFF. Also interconnect cables, also called turn down the volume control of the patch cords or RCA

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Location Placing your Sunfire Subwoofer in a corner of your room will produce optimum performance. Experiment with at least two corners and then decide which is the best. Although low frequencies are non- directional, factors such as room reflections, standing waves, resonance and absorption strongly affect your subwoofer’s performance. Moving the subwoofer from one corner to another can have a major effect on the bass response. Remember to keep it at least two or three feet away from any TV scr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

INPUTS AMPLIFIER PREAMPLIFIER L R MAIN OUTPUTS SUB/LFE OUT R L TO FRONT SPEAKERS System Configurations The following pages show some typical connections that you might make in your installation. They show how the inputs and outputs of the Sunfire Subwoofer are connected to your preamplifier or receiver. Connections to a preamplifier’s subwoofer output If your preamplifier has a subwoofer output (often labeled LFE for Low Frequency Effects), it can be connected to the subwoofer’s Left (Mono) inpu

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Y CABLES INPUTS INPUTS AMPLIFIER AMPLIFIER PREAMPLIFIER PREAMPLIFIER R L MAIN OUTPUTS R R L L TO FRONT SPEAKERS Connections to a preamplifier using Y cables If your preamplifier does not have a sub/LFE output, you can use “Y” cables to send its main outputs to both the subwoofer and your amplifier. The subwoofer will play the low frequency range and your front speakers will play the full range. Although bass is commonly distributed evenly between left and right channels (L+R bass), movie soundtr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

INPUTS AMPLIFIER PREAMPLIFIER R L MAIN OUTPUTS R R L L TO FRONT SPEAKERS Using the line level high-pass outputs If you are using a receiver or preamplifier which does not have a sub/LFE output, you can send its left and right front output into the subwoofer’s Line Level inputs and then connect the subwoofer’s High-Pass outputs to the inputs of your amplifier. The subwoofer will play the low frequencies and your amplifier and front speakers will play the frequency range above the subwoofer’s fixe

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

L R TO FRONT SPEAKERS RECEIVER MAIN OUTPUTS Using the speaker level inputs If you are using a receiver which does not have a subwoofer output or line level outputs (pre- outs), you can connect its speaker outputs to the subwoofer’s Speaker-Level inputs. The front speakers can still be connected to your receiver. The subwoofer’s internal amplifier supplies the power to reproduce the low frequency range. It receives a sample of the signal going to your front speakers. (An insignificant fraction of

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Adjusting the controls There are two main methods for Step 3. With both the subwoofer and adjusting the level, crossover frequency the main speaker connected, measure and phase of the Sunfire Subwoofer to the level of the tones at the available match a system: frequencies. Because the crossover is set too high, you will have a peaked  Bob Carver’s preferred method: response. Adjust the crossover control to By listening and making the get the smoothest response. adjustments to suit your taste.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Specifications Amplifier Output Input sensitivity for full output: 1,250 W rms (3.3 Ω impedance) 250 mVrms from left input with volume control at 0dB, 60 mVrms with volume High Cut Filter control fully clockwise * 35 Hz - 100 Hz adjustable. 0.75 Vrms from right input with volume control at 0dB, 200 mVrms with volume Frequency Response control fully clockwise * 18 Hz - 100 Hz. Input impedance: Low pass is -6 dB @ 80 Hz 15 KΩ for Line-Level inputs Power Line Voltage 15 KΩ for Hi-Level inputs AC 12

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Troubleshooting The Sunfire Subwoofer is expertly  If the preamplifier’s subwoofer/LFE designed and built to provide years of output has an adjustable crossover trouble-free performance. Most frequency, make sure that the Sunfire problems that occur can usually be subwoofer’s own crossover point is set solved by checking your setup or higher or part of the bass range will be making sure that the components missing. connected to the amplifier are on and fully operational. Not enough bass in a 5.

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hum is caused by the cable TV line, Hum then you will need a “ground-loop Adding any component such as a isolator.” This is an inexpensive device subwoofer to an existing system will fitted in line with the coaxial cable feed. often give rise to a hum which wasn’t  If the hum persists, disconnect all the there before. Your first thought may be source components one at a time from that the subwoofer has a problem, but the back of the preamplifier until you this is more than likely caused by a id

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

Limited Warranty Sunfire Corporation is proud of its damages which may result from the products which have been built with care failure of this product. using advanced technology and premium Some states do not allow limitations on component parts. Your unit has been how long an implied warranty lasts and/or crafted to perform properly for many do not allow the exclusion or limitation of years. Sunfire Corporation offers the incidental or consequential damages, so following Warranty to you, the o

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Manual part number 913-008-00 RevC

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