Instrukcja obsługi Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQT528

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQT528

Urządzenie: Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQT528
Kategoria: Aparat bezpieczenstwa
Producent: Q-See
Rozmiar: 1.54 MB
Data dodania: 4/21/2013
Liczba stron: 3
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Naszym celem jest zapewnienie Ci jak najszybszego dostępu do treści zawartych w instrukcji obsługi urządzenia Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQT528. Korzystając z podglądu online możesz szybko przejrzeć spis treści i przejść do strony, na której znajdziesz rozwiązanie swojego problemu z Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQT528.

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Q-See - Digital Peripheral SolutionsQT528 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Quick Start Guide
QT5 “Prosumer” Series Network DVRs
with D1 Broadcast Quality Recording
and H.264 Compression
QT528 - 8 Channel DVR
QT526 - 16 Channel DVR
IMPORTANT! This walkthrough will allow you to test your cameras and connections before you mount them.
Before You Get Started
A: Gather Your Components. B: Unpack the box...
You will need: Check the contents against the “What’s in the Box” list that was
packed at the top of your product. If you notice any damage or
1. A 19” or larger VGA

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Connect the Devices STEP 1 Turning on the DVR 1. Connect the power cable to the DVR 2. Connect the power adapter to the power cable. 3. Plug the power cable into a surge protector 4. Turn on the DVR using the power switch on the rear panel. You will hear a beep as the DVR powers up. 33 44 STEP 2 Connect to a VGA Monitor or Television STEP 3 Connect Mouse Plug the mouse into the port labled “USB” on the rear OPTION A: Connecting a VGA PC Monitor OPTION B: Connecting a Television of the DVR. 1. C

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Control Bar Click on any icon to use that feature. Menu: Opens the Main Menu. Screen Display Mode: Choose the number of screens you wish to view simultaneously. Channels without attached cameras will display “Video Loss.” The basic functions of the Control Bar are listed to the right. Each function is covered in more detail within the manual. Clicking on the upward pointing arrows to the right of each icon will allow you to select which channels to view in that mode. Dwell: Enable/disable th

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