Instrukcja obsługi Futuretech DJ-SCAN 250

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Futuretech DJ-SCAN 250

Urządzenie: Futuretech DJ-SCAN 250
Kategoria: Skaner
Producent: Futuretech
Rozmiar: 1.83 MB
Data dodania: 4/7/2013
Liczba stron: 15
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Futuretech DJ-SCAN 250 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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MULTI-LANGUAGE-INSTRUCTIONS Table of contents EINFÜHRUNG..............................................................................FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. SICHERHEITSHINWEISE............................................................FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. BESTIMMUNGSGEMÄßE VERWENDUNG................................FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. GERÄTEBESCHREIBUNG .........................................................FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. Features ..

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. INSTRUCTIONS DE SÉCURITÉ .................................................FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. EMPLOI SELON LES PRESCRIPTIONS....................................FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. DESCRIPTION DE L'APPAREIL.................................................FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. Features ..................................................

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

USER MANUAL DJ-SCAN 250 DMX-Scanner CAUTION! Keep this device away from rain and moisture! Unplug mains lead before opening the housing! For your own safety, please read this user manual carefully before you initial start-up. Every person involved with the installation, operation and maintenance of this device has to - be qualilfied - follow the instructions of this manual - consider this manual to be part of the total product - keep this manual for the entire service life of the product - pass

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If the device has been exposed to drastic temperature fluctuation (e.g. after transportation), do not switch it on immediately. The arising condensation water might damage your device. Leave the device switched off until it has reached room temperature. This device falls under protection-class I. The power plug must only be plugged into a protection class I outlet. Never let the power-cord come into contact with other cables! Handle the power-cord and all connections with the mains with particul

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The maximum ambient temperature t = 45° C must never be exceeded. a Operate the device only after having become familiar with its functions. Do not permit operation by persons not qualified for operating the device. Most damages are the result of unprofessional operation! Please use the original packaging if the device is to be transported. Please consider that unauthorized modifications on the device are forbidden due to safety reasons! Never remove the serial barcode from the device as this wo

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Overview (1) Mounting bracket (2) Fixation screw Safety eyelet (3) (4) Objective-lens/Focus (5) Mirror (6) Housing cover (7) Housing screws (8) DMX-Out socket (9) DMX-In socket (10) Power supply (11) Fuseholder (12) Blackout-socket (13) Control Board (14) Venting slots (15) Control LED (16) Microphone (17) Mode-button (18) Down-button (19) Up-button 7/15 51839250X62NXS_V_1_1_E.DOC

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

INSTALLATION Installing/Replacing the lamp DANGER TO LIFE! Only install the lamp with the device switched off! Unplug from mains before! For the installation, you need one MSD/HSD 200 GY-9.5, MSD/HSD 250 GY-9.5 or MSD 250/2 GY-9.5 lamp. The lamp must only be changed when wearing appropriate protective clothing (protection glasses, protection gloves, helmet with sight, leather apron). CAUTION! The lamp has to be replaced when it is damaged or deformed due to the heat! The lamp life given by the m

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Lamp adjustment The lampholder is aligned at the factory. Due to differences between lamps, fine adjustment may improve light performance. Strike the lamp, open the shutter, set the dimmer intensity to 100 % and focus the light on a flat surface (wall). Center the hot-spot (the brightest part of the beam) using the 3 adjustment screws "A, B, C”. Turn one screw at a time to drag the hot-spot diagonally across the projected image. If you cannot detect a hot- spot, adjust the lamp until the light i

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Caution: Devices in hanging installations may cause severe injuries when crashing down! If you have doubts concerning the safety of a possible installation, do NOT install the device! Before rigging make sure that the installation area can hold a minimum point load of 10 times the device's weight. DANGER OF FIRE! When installing the device, make sure there is no highly-inflammable material (decoration articles, etc.) within a distance of min. 0.5 m. Mount the device to your trussing system using

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Occupation mono 1/4“ jack-plug: Tip Sleeve In Phase (+) Ground DMX-512 connection / connection between fixtures The wires must not come into contact with each other, otherwise the fixtures will not work at all, or will not work properly. Only use a stereo shielded cable and 3-pin XLR-plugs and connectors in order to connect the controller with the fixture or one fixture with another. Occupation of the XLR-connection: If you are using controllers with this occupation, you can connect the DMX-outp

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

The occupation of the connection-cables is as follows: Cable Pin International Brown Live L Blue Neutral N Yellow/Green Earth The earth has to be connected! If the device will be directly connected with the local power supply network, a disconnection switch with a minimum opening of 3 mm at every pole has to be included in the permanent electrical installation. Lighting effects must not be connected to dimming-packs. OPERATION After you connected the effect to the mains, the DJ-SCAN 250 starts r

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Note: After switching on, the DJ-SCAN 250 will automatically detect whether DMX 512 data is received or not. If the data is received, the control LED flashes. If there is no data received at the DMX-input, the control LED lights up permanently. This situation can occur if: - the 3 PIN XLR plug (cable with DMX signal from controller) is not connected with the input of the DJ-SCAN 250. - the controller is switched off or defective, if the cable or connector is defective or the signal wires are swa

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Control channel 5 - Gobo rotation DMX-value Feature 0-15 No rotation 16-135 Forwards gobo rotation with decreasing speed 136-255 Backwards gobo rotation with increasing speed Control channel 6 - Shutter, strobe DMX-value Feature 0-5 Shutter closed 6-128 Dimmer control 129-131 Reset (after 3-5 seconds) 132-139 No function (Shutter open) 140-199 Strobe effect with increasing speed 200-249 Random strobe effect with increasing speed 250-255 No function (Shutter open) CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE The ope

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

quantity of oil must not be excessive in order to avoid that oil runs out when the gobo-wheel rotates. There are no serviceable parts inside the device. Maintenance and service operations are only to be carried out by authorized dealers. Please refer to the instructions under "Installing/Replacing the lamp". Replacing the fuse If the fine-wire fuse of the device fuses, only replace the fuse by a fuse of same type and rating. Before replacing the fuse, unplug mains lead. Procedure: Step 1: Open t

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