Instrukcja obsługi Wow Wee 8095

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Wow Wee 8095

Urządzenie: Wow Wee 8095
Kategoria: Robotyka
Producent: Wow Wee
Rozmiar: 0.6 MB
Data dodania: 10/13/2013
Liczba stron: 12
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

ITEM NO. 8095
AGES: 8+

A F u s i o n o f T e c h n o l o g y a n d P e r s o n a l i t y

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Table of Contents • Roboraptor™ Overview ............................................................................. 1 • Controller Index ...................................................................................... 2 • Battery Details .......................................................................................... 3 • Basic Operation ......................................................................................... 4 • Advanced Operation .........................

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Roboraptor Overview ™ Roboraptor ™ Infrared Vision Stereo Sound Sensors Sensors Tail Touch Sensors Mouth Touch Sensor Chin Touch Battery Sensor Compartment Press once to turn power ON OFF ON Bottom View 1

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Controller Index Top View Remote Controller Shift Signal Indicator Light Head Forward Clockwise/ Hunting Mood Turn Tail Right/ Left Playful Mood Head Backward Counterclockwise Demo/ Roam Battery Compartment Turn Tail Left/ Right Cautious Mood Bite/ Stop GuardMode Front View Back View 2

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Battery Details Battery Requirements: Your Roboraptor is powered by 6 x “AA” size batteries (not included). ™ Your remote controller is powered by 3 x “AAA” size batteries (not included). Battery Installation: 1. Before installing or changing batteries, ensure the roboraptor ’s ™ ON/OFF button is in the OFF position. 2. Remove the battery compartment covers using a Phillips or crosshead screwdriver (not included). 3. Insert batteries (not included) into the Roboraptor ™ and controll

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Basic Operation Turn on Roboraptor using the On/Off button (Refer to page 1 “Roboraptor™ Overview”). ™ Roboraptor can be controlled directly using the buttons on the remote controller. ™ These instructions assume that you and the Roboraptor are facing each other. ™ • Hunting Gait x1: Push “Forward” once to • Walk Right x2: While Roboraptor™ is turning make Roboraptor™ move forward using his slow right, push “Turn Right” again to make predatory hunting walk. Roboraptor walk a wide a

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Advanced Operation Free-Roam Mode Roboraptor will start to explore his environment autonomously in Free-Roam ™ Mode if left alone for more than three minutes. Caution: [Do not put him near the edge of a table since he could fall off when he becomes animated.] You can also put Roboraptor into Free-Roam Mode manually by pressing “Shift” ™ and “Demo / Roam” . While Roboraptor is in Free-Roam Mode he will avoid obstacles using his ™ Infrared Vision Sensors.

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Advanced Operation Controlling Roboraptor’s Moods ™ Roboraptor has three different moods, Hunting, Cautious and Playful. To change ™ Roboraptor ’s moods use the “Shift” button . ™ • Hunting Mood : Press “Shift” and “Head Clockwise / Hunting Mood” to put Roboraptor into Hunting Mood. This mood is the default mood that Roboraptor is in ™ ™ when turned on. • Playful Mood : Press “Shift” and “Tail Right / Playful Mood” to put Roboraptor into playful mood.

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Advanced Operation Touch Sensors Roboraptor has multiple sensors which allow him to explore his ™ environment and respond to human interaction. Tail Touch Sensors: Press the sensors on Roboraptor ’s tail to ™ see his reaction. The reaction varies depending on his mood. Chin Touch Sensor: Press the sensor under Roboraptor ’s chin to ™ see his reaction. The reaction varies depending on his mood. Mouth Touch Sensor: There is a touch sensor on the roof of Roboraptor ’s mouth. In Hunting Mood, tou

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Advanced Operation Stereo Sound Sensors: Roboraptor can detect sharp, loud sounds (like a clap) to his left, his right and directly ahead. ™ He only listens when he is not moving or making a noise. Hunting Mood When he hears a sharp sound to his side he will turn his head to look at the source. If he hears another sharp sound from the same direction he will turn his body towards the source. If he hears a sharp sound directly in front of him he will take a few steps toward the source. C

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Advanced Operation If you trigger the Vision Sensor on one side more than three times in a row, Roboraptor will get frustrated and will turn away from you. This will also happen ™ if you leave him standing with his head facing a wall. Obstacle Avoidance: Roboraptor uses his Vision Sensors to avoid obstacles ™ while wandering around. While walking he will not be able to detect movement so he will react to you as if you are an obstacle. Press the “Stop” button before trying to interact with him. R

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Manufactured and distributed by ©2005 WowWee Ltd. All Right Reserved. WowWee (Asia Office) Unit 301A-C, 92 Granville Rd T.S.T. East, Hong Kong EL8095GB01* WowWee (North American Office) We recommend that you retain our 6600 Decarie, Suite 200 address for future reference. Montreal QC, H3X 2K4, Canada Product and colors may vary. Consumer Hotline: 1-800-310-3033 PRINTED IN CHINA.

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