Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1
co n
Anti-Tip Bracket 3,.5 Shelves 9, 19
Appliance Registratitm 2 Thermostat Adjustment 25
16-23 Vent Duct 1()
(:arc and {:lcaning
Problem Solver
(:lock 10 26
1() Repair Service
Electronic (:ontrols 27
I+Aturcs 6, 7 Safety instructions 2-5
Flooring”Under Range . Surface Cooking 8,9
I.cveling .5 Burners 17
1.ift-Up {:(mktop 17 Burner Grates 16
Minute “rimer 10
{:ontrol Settings 8
Model anti Serial Numbers 2 Cookware Tips 9
own Drip Pans 17
Air Adjustment 24 Flame Size 8
Baking, Baking (;uide
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
FORYOURSAETY Risintendedtohelpyouoperateand maintainyournewrangeproperly. Ifyousmellgas: Keepithandyforanswerstoyour 1“openwindows. questions. 2.Don’ttouch Myoudon’tunderstandsomething electrical switches! orneedmorehe~p,write(incIude 3.Efiinguishany yourphonenumber): ConsumerAffiiirs openflame. TheCalifornia SafeDrinking GEAppliances Water andToxic Enforcement AppliancePark 4.Immediately call Actrequires theGovernor of Louisville,KY40225 your gassupplier. California topublish alistof substances
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3
@~y~~g~ &~~ y~ugap~ii$mceftm = I%gywir Img’e w?R * Beiwweyew mge ismm2&ly KRl+’dtgmmdd Wtkt 4M@?* a qualified%i%%ke warRIing w= heatiag4Wm43m= adjwtd by Rolongd IJSeofthe range ~ E3Q Eot rfjmwethe .Kw?d. tihdcian m’ insallerforme without adequate ventilation can ! mindingpm-g fmrn ml phlg.If type d gas INatwr%l Cwlx?)Wil behazardous. whichitisto beused.Your L doubtaboutthegrounding of -a. rangecanbeconverted foruseon thehomeelectrical system, itis @ Donot%M’x! watermlgrease eithertypeofgas. Your
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4
= If a Conlbination d’oilsor @use CmJy drypt hd?krs— fats willbeusedin frying, s~ir IT&X or (kUq? pothOkk13 on hot toge[herbeforeheating. or as dices may result in burns from fatsmelt slowly. steam. Do not let pot 130kkm come near open flames when lifting ~ !dtW’j% !kX3t fd Shdy, arid Wends. Do notusea towelor other watchas it heats. bulkyclothin placeof a pot holder. ~ use deep fat thermometer @ To mitimize the possibility whenever pssible to prevent of bums9 ignitionof flammable overheatingfat
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5
Flooriw under the Range MM’range, M&2 somaE2y f.l~hr item,isheavyand win i3Gllseh@id !Mik!MOsoft mmCWel-irlgs suchas cushionedvinylm“ carpeting. Whenmovingtherange on(histypeofflooring,usecm. Donotinstall the range over kitchencarpetingunlessyou placeaninsulatingpador sheetof l/4-inch-thickplywoodbetween therangeandcarpeting. Whentlzefloorcoveri’ngends at the front of the range, theareathatthe @Donotme ovenA%mer$. No rangewillrestonshouidbebuiltup cxmmmid ovencleaner oroven withplywoodor similar
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7
Explained Feature Index on page ..—. -— .- —- 2 } Modeland SerialNumbers (in burner boxundercooktop) 2 SurfaceBurnerControls 8 3 SurfaceBurners,Gratesand Chrome 8, 16, 17 Drip Pans 10,11 4 ElectronicControls 11 AutomaticOvenTimer (turnsyourovenon and offfor youautomatically) 10 clock 10 Minute/SecondTimer (letsyoutimeanykitchenfunction,evenwhen the ovenis in use) E#a iiEiF- 5 OVENCANCELbutton 11 =“. ~ (pushit tocancelanyovenoperation) - 10 6 ElectronicDisplayPanel 9, 10 7 Oven “On” Indicator 10
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8
— TO Lightasurface Burner .~ Automatic~nition HowtoSekt Fiamesize The flamesizeona gasburner Xmr surfaceburnersare lighted — byelectricignition,eliminatingthe shouldmaichthecookwareyou needfor standingpilotlightswith are using, constantlyburningflames. In case of a poweroutage,youcan lightthe surfaceburnersonyour rangewitha match.Holda Iighted matchtotheburner,thenturnthe knobto the LITEposition.Use extremecautionwhenlighting burnersthisway. Pushthecontrolknobin andturn NEVERLET THE FLAME Surfac
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9
using Your oven ! -I .~ “r{lp-of-Rallge cock.~vare Automatic Ignition — Aiimlinuin:Meciium-weight ‘I’he ovenburnerandbroil ciwkwwcis recommended becauseit burneron yourrangearelighted heatsquicklyandrowdy.Mostfm~s byelectricignition. biotvnevenlyinanaluminum skillet. lb lighteitherburner,pushthe Ivl ineraisin fd andwaterwil1stain buttonforthedesiredfunctionand butwillnotharmaluminum.A BEBE?.. ~ turn theSETknobuntilthedesired —. ..——— ——. quickscourwitha soap-tilledwool K!#a##- temperatureisdispl
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10
Electronic controls O\ Light ’ Usc the switchon the control panel to turn the light on and off. oven vent Yt)urovenis ventedthroughducts a[the rear ofthe range(seepage6). Do notblocktheseductswhen cookinginthe oven—itis important ToCancelthe~mer Oven “On” Indicator thatthe flowof hotair fromtie oven and freshair to theovenburnerbe PushandholdTIMERbuttonfor Word“ON” isdisplayedwhen uninterrupted.Avoidtouchingthe threeseconds.Thiswillclearthe BAKEor BROILbuttonisenergized, ventopeningsor nearbysur
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11
*. Autonlatie oven Ther FunctionErrorTone(seriesof Caution:Neverletfoodsit inthe ovenformorethan4 hoursbefore veryrapidbeeps, 1/8-second on, _‘ Theoventimerwillautomatically cookingstarts,Roomtemperature l/4-secondoff):displaywillshowa startandstopyourovencookingor is idealforthe growthofharmful failurecode.CancelFunctionError ‘elf-cleaning operationforyou. bacteria.Be sureovenlightis off TonebypushingtheCANCEL becauseheatfromthebulbwill button.If the FunctionError Tone Forautomaticovencooking:
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12
* B*W -— ~If moistureisnoticeableonthe CAKES ~ HowtoSetYiiNRr Kange -. Cakeriseshigherononeside frontoftheovenor ontheglassdoor for B- s ~at~er spread u~evcnly in pan. — whenfirstturningontheoven,leave e oven d-wivesnot level. 1. Positionthe shelfor shelvesin theovendoorajarfora fewminutes ~Usingwarpedpans. theoven.If cookingon twoshelves or untiltheoveniswarm. @ Incorrectpansize. at thesametime,place shelves ~Donotopentheovendoorduring about4 inchesapartand stagger abakingoperation—heat willbe
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13
. -- -. .— -. .— ..—.— --...—..,———— a::——- ..—-. .T —.— .- .— — — Baking Guide ~, 1. Preheatingis veryimportant 3. Darkor non-shinyfinishes,ah :: Preheatingis not necessarywhen ‘ when usingtemperaturesMow roastingor for long-timecookingof glassandPyrocerml@ cookware, -’--- ~ Z&E andwhenbakhwfoodssuchas wholemeals. wmerallyabsorbheatwhichmay iscuits,cookies, cal& and other ;&.dt in-dry,crisp crusts.Rcdu;e 2. Aluminumpansconductheat astries.Afterpushingthe BAKE ovenheat25*F.if lightercrustsare qu
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14
Roasting Step 4: MostnlCtNs continueto Misting iscookingbydry heat. Step 2: Checkweigh{ of roast. ~.. . cookslightlywhiIest:mdingafter Tendermeator poultrycunbe Placemeatfiat-side-up or poultry breast-side-upon roastingriickin a beingrcmow.ifromtheoven.For -Q- roasteduncoveredin youroven. rtircor mediuminternaldoneness, Roastingtemperatures,which shallowpan. The meltingfatwill shouldbe Iowandsteady,keep * bastethe meat. Selecta panas youmaywishto removemeatfrom theovenjust beforeit isdone if it
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15
Broiling is cooking foocibydirect BroilingT@ -- h:~’]t froma~ovc the fbod.Your ...___ . ~I!Meaks andchopsshouldbe at @ Usetongsto turnmeatover— —==== rangeis designedforwaist-high piercedmeatlosesjuices, least 1 inchthickforbestbroiling broiling.A speciallydesigned results.Panbroilthinnerones. roilerpanand ~dc~ allows dripping fatto drainawayfromthe foodsandbe keptawayfromthe BroilingGuide highheatof thegas flame. Quantity M or MSide l’%~oven doorshouldbeclosed andlor LO Shelf llrne, duringbroil
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16
care andcleaning Propercare andcleaningare BrushedChmm Finish Bwner GE%3tes importantso yourrangewillgive Cleanthe brushedchrometop Porcelainenameledburnergrates ~ youefficientandsatisfactory withwarm,soapywateror an all- shouldbe washedregularlyand, of service.Followthesedirections purposehouseholdcleanerand course,afterspiliovers.Washthem carefullyin caringfor it tohelp immediatelydry itwitha clean, inhot, soapywaterand rinsewith assuresafeandpropermaintenance. softcloth. Takecareto dry the cl
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17
DripPans -- The holesin the burners must be Removethegratesand liftoutthe ~ kept clean al alltimesfor proper chromedrip pans.Washthemin ignition and an even, unhampered hot, soapywater.Rinsethemwith clean,hotwaterand polishthem flame. dry witha cloth. Neveruse Cleanthe burners routinely and abrasivecleaneror steelwool— especially after bad spillovers they’llscratchthe surface.Instead, which could clog these holes. soakthedrip pansforabout20 Burners lift out for cleaning. minutesin slightlydilute
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18
— .— -ara&- Lift”off oven Door The ovenbottomhasa porcelain enamelfinish. Tomakecleaning -w- The ovendoor is removableto Theoven bottomcanbe removed easier,protecttheovenbottom makethe interiormoreaccessible to makecleaningeasierafterheavy fromexcessivespillovers.This is duringreplacement ofthe lampbulb. spillovers andto enableyouto reach particularlyimportantwhenbaking — theovenburner. a fruitpie or other foodswithhigh acidcontent.Hot fruit fillingsor —..———-----——— ------- ---- foodsthatare ac
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19
oven LightBulb -~ owl shelves Thelightbulb is locatedinthe =-~~vcn shelves maybe cleanedwith upperrightcornerof theoven. a mild abr:~sivccleanser following xmufwturer’s directions. After Beforereplacingthe bulb, disconnectelectricpowerto the leaning.rinsetheshelveswith rangeat the mainfuseor circuit cleanwaterand dry with a clean cloth. breakerpanelor unplugthe range fromtheelectricoutlet.Letthe T(Iwmove heavy.burned-on soil. bulbcoolcompletelybefore soapymetai pads maybe used removingit. Do not
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20
OpemtingtheSelf-Cleaning Oven ~ CM-mmdrippansfromthetop Programmed CIeaning‘l%m2: Cleanthedoor gasket(C) usinga 3%hmu’-s cleansponge[osoakthesoiledarea d’yourrangeshouldmwr be cleanedin theself-cleaningoven. withhydrogenperoxicic. Repeated soakingmaybe neededdepending Ovenshelvesmaybe cleanedinthe hpare the oven Before on theamountofsoil. Frequent self-cleaning oven. However, they setting the Controk cleaningwillpreventexcessivesoil will darken, lose their luster and buildup. Do notrubthedoor Th