Instrukcja obsługi Xantrex Technology XPF 35-10

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Xantrex Technology XPF 35-10

Urządzenie: Xantrex Technology XPF 35-10
Kategoria: Zasilacz
Producent: Xantrex Technology
Rozmiar: 0.74 MB
Data dodania: 6/1/2013
Liczba stron: 40
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

XPF 35-10

Operating Manual
XPF Series
Dual Output
35V 10A Powerflex
DC Power Supply

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

About Xantrex Xantrex Technology Inc. is a world-leading supplier of advanced power electronics and controls with products from 50 watt mobile units to one MW utility-scale systems for wind, solar, batteries, fuel cells, microturbines, and backup power applications in both grid-connected and stand-alone systems. Xantrex products include inverters, battery chargers, programmable power supplies, and variable speed drives that convert, supply, control, clean, and distribute electrical power

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Table of Contents Specification 3 Safety 5 EMC 6 Installation 7 Connections 8 Operation 9 Maintenance 11 Calibration 12 Instructions en Francais Sécurité Installation 13 Connexions 14 Opération 14 Maintenance 16 Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch Sicherheit 17 Installation 18 Anschlüsse 19 Betrieb 19 Wartung 22 Istruzioni in Italiano Sicurezza 23 Installazione 24 Collegamento 25 Funzionamento 25 Manutenzione 28 Instrucciones en Español Seguridad 29 Instalación 30 C

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Specification OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Range: 0V to 35V Current Range: 0A to 10A Power Range: Up to 175W Output Voltage Setting: By coarse and fine controls. Output Current Setting: By single logarithmic control. Operating Mode: Constant voltage or constant current with automatic cross-over provided that the power demanded stays within the power envelope, see graph. Outside of this envelope the output becomes unregulated. Output Switch: Electronic. Preset voltage and cu

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

METER SPECIFICATIONS Meter Types: Dual 4 digit meters with 12.5mm (0.5") LEDs. Reading rate 4 Hz. Meter Resolutions: 10mV, 10mA Meter Accuracies: Voltage 0.2% of reading +/-1 digit, Current 0.5% of reading +/-1 digit GENERAL AC Input: 110V-120V AC or 220V-230V AC ± 10%, 50/60Hz. Installation Category II. Power Consumption: 600VA max. Operating Range: +5ºC to +40ºC, 20% TO 80% RH. Storage Range: −40ºC to + 70ºC. Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m, Pollution Degree

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Safety This power supply is a Safety Class I instrument according to IEC classification and has been designed to meet the requirements of EN61010-1 (Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use). It is an Installation Category II instrument intended for operation from a normal single phase supply. This instrument has been tested in accordance with EN61010-1 and has been supplied in a safe condition. This instruction manual contains some inform

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

EMC This instrument has been designed to meet the requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. Compliance was demonstrated by meeting the test limits of the following standards: Emissions EN61326 (1998) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use. Test limits used were: a) Radiated: Class B b) Conducted: Class B c) Harmonics: EN61000-3-2 (2000) Class A; the instrument is Class A by product category. Immunity EN61326 (1998) EMC product

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Installation Mains Operating Voltage Check that the instrument operating voltage marked on the rear panel is suitable for the local supply. Should it be necessary to change the operating voltage, proceed as follows: 1. Ensure that the instrument is disconnected from the AC supply. 2. Remove the 6 screws holding the case upper and lift off the cover. 3. Change the plug-in connections between the transformer and main board following the diagram below: 230V OPERA TION 115V OPERA TION (V

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Connections All connections are made from the front panel. The load should be connected to the positive (red) and negative (black) terminals marked OUTPUT. The OUTPUT terminals are rated at 15A. Remote sense connections to the load, if required, are made from the positive (+) and negative ( −) SENSE terminals. Switch the LOCAL/REMOTE switch to REMOTE when remote sensing is required. Switch back to LOCAL when remote sensing is not in use. The terminal marked is connected to the chass

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Operation The operation of both outputs is identical; the following description applies to both. Setting Up the Output With the POWER switch on (l) and the OUTPUT switch off the output voltage and current limit can be accurately preset using the VOLTAGE and CURRENT controls; the upper meter shows the set voltage and the lower meter shows the set maximum current. When the OUTPUT switch is switched on, the OUTPUT ON lamp and the CV (constant voltage) lamp light; the upper meter continues

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Connection to the Load The load should be connected to the positive (red) and negative (black) OUTPUT terminals. Both are fully floating and either can be connected to ground. Remote Sensing The unit has a very low output impedance, but this is inevitably increased by the resistance of the connecting leads. At high currents this can result in significant differences between the indicated source voltage and the actual load voltage (two 20m Ω connecting leads will drop 0.2V at 5 Amps, fo

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Even with the output off the load is still connected to the power supply output stage. Do not apply external voltages in excess of 50V to the power supply terminals or damage may result. The output is protected from reverse voltages by a diode; the continuous reverse current must not exceed 3 Amps, although transients can be much higher. Ventilation The power supply is very efficient but nevertheless can generate significant heat at full power. The supply relies on convection cooling on

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Calibration Allow at least 5 minutes warm-up before commencing calibration. Access to Calibration Adjustments All adjustments are on the control board, which is mounted above the main (power) board, except where stated. To gain access to the board it is necessary to remove the top cover. WARNING! When the instrument is connected to its supply the removal of covers is likely to expose live parts. The instrument should be di

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

Voltage Calibration Connect DMM, set to Volts, across output. Set voltage controls to minimum and current control to maximum. Switch output ON and check for a reading of 00·00V ± 0·01V on display and DMM. Set voltage controls to maximum. Adjust VR16/VR116 (maximum output volts) for a reading of 35·30V ± 0·02V on the DMM. Adjust VR2/VR102 (preset volts) until display matches DMM. Connect rheostat to output and adjust for nominally 4A at maximum output voltage. Reduce current limit (curre

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Sécurité Cet instrument est de Classe de sécurité 1 suivant la classification IEC et il a été construit pour satisfaire aux impératifs EN61010-1 (impératifs de sécurité pour le matériel électrique en vue de mesure, commande et utilisation en laboratoire). Il s'agit d'un instrument d'installation Catégorie II devant être exploité depuis une alimentation monophasée habituelle. Cet instrument a été soumis à des essais conformément à EN61010-1 et il a été fourni en tout état de sécurité. C

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Installation Tension d’utilisation secteur Vérifier que la tension opérationnelle de l'instrument indiquée sur le panneau arrière est appropriée pour l'alimentation locale. S'il s'avère nécessaire de modifier la tension opérationnelle, procéder de la manière décrite ci-dessous: 1. S'assurer que l'instrument est débranché de l'alimentation c.a. 2. Retirer les 6 vis qui maintiennent la partie supérieure du boîtier et démonter celle-ci en la soulevant. 3. Changer les connexions entre le

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

Connexions Toutes les connexions sont effectuées au panneau avant. Relier la charge aux bornes positive (rouge) et négative (noire) marquées OUTPUT (Sortie). Les bornes de sortie ont une intensité nominale de 15 A. Effectuer des connexions de télédétection à la charge, le cas échéant, des bornes de détection (SENSE) positive (+) et négative ( −). Placer le commutateur LOCAL/REMOTE en position REMOTE lorsque la détection distante est requise. Placer le commutateur en position LOCAL lor

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

L’enveloppe de puissance est réglée pour donner 35 V/5 A et 12 V/10 A à toutes les conditions d’alimentation (les deux sorties chargées); à de plus basses tensions de sortie, la puissance de sortie est restreinte par le courant de 10 A maximum. Si la limite de puissance est dépassée, l’indication de l’état passe de CV ou de CI à UNREG. Ainsi, par exemple, si l’alimentation est réglée sur 14 V, limite de courant au maximum, et qu’elle est reliée à une charge de 3,5 Ohm, un courant de 4 A

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

les valeurs directement sur l’affichage de l’utilisateur. Si, pour une raison quelconque, la tension de sortie dépasse la tension de protection OVP préréglée, y compris la tension forcée de manière externe, il se produira un déclenchement de la sortie. Il se produira également un déclenchement de la sortie en cas de tentative de consommation de puissance depuis les câbles de détection. Lors du déclenchement de la sortie, le voyant OUTPUT reste allumé, mais l’affichage indique ‘OP trip’ e

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Sicherheit Dieses Gerät wurde nach der Sicherheitsklasse (Schutzart) I der IEC-Klassifikation und gemäß den europäischen Vorschriften EN61010-1 (Sicherheitsvorschriften für elektrische Mess-, Steuer, Regel- und Laboranlagen) entwickelt. Es handelt sich um ein Gerät der Installationskategorie II, das für den Betrieb mit einer normalen einphasigen Versorgung vorgesehen ist. Das Gerät wurde gemäß den Vorschriften EN61010-1 geprüft und wurde in sicherem Zustand geliefert. Die vorliegende An

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