Instrukcja obsługi Liebert RAC2-8

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Liebert RAC2-8

Urządzenie: Liebert RAC2-8
Kategoria: Zasilacz
Producent: Liebert
Rozmiar: 0.78 MB
Data dodania: 1/10/2014
Liczba stron: 47
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Liebert RAC2-8 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1 SECTION 2: START UP....................................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 3: OPERATION.................................................................................................................. 5 Local............................................................

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TABLE OF FIGURES Figure i. Typical System Configuration..........................................................................................................iii Figure 2–1. Local Control Panel ..........................................................................................................................3 Figure 5–1. RAC2-8 Dimensional Enclosure Diagram ......................................................................................39 Figure 5–2. RAC2-8 Component Arrangem

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Power Source Aux Pwr Out Terminal Modem 120 VAC 24 VAC, 2A Port Port SiteScan EIA-422 Liebert Twisted Pair EIA-232 EIA-232 Temp/Humid RAC2-8 Module (p/n THS28-xx) N.O. Common Alarm C Output N.C. Emergency Power Oper. N.O. Humidity Lockout Input C Relay N.C. N.O. Optional Lockout C Relay Emergency N.C. Power Off Common Control Common Common Control Control Alarm Input Alarm Input Alarm Input Output Output Output UNIT 8 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 Figure i. Typ

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Section 1: Introduction The Liebert RAC2-8 remotely controls from two to eight environmental See SECTION 5 — units. Each unit is assigned to a Zone (room) from 1 to 4. In Zone 1, the INSTALLATION for special instructions when using the RAC2-8 largest room, the temperature and humidity can be monitored. The with Liebert mini-MATE, mini-MATE common alarm output from each unit is monitored and annunciated by Plus, and DataMate environmental the RAC2-8. Up to 20 system alarms can be st

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Section 2: Start Up To start up the RAC2-8: 1. Mount unit to wall. 2. Connect cables. 3. Set switches and jumpers on circuit boards as required for your application. Refer to instructions and illustrations in SECTION 5 — INSTALLATION. 4. Make user programmable selections from the local control panel or from an optional remote terminal. Refer to SECTION 4 — GLOSSARY OF CONTROL FUNCTIONS and SECTION 3 — OPERATION. 5. Apply power to the unit. Note that the ON/OFF switch is inside

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4 • User Manual (9/97)

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Section 3: Operation This chapter describes how to use the RAC2-8. Local The following screens are displayed at the LCD display built into the RAC2-8 unit control panel. Refer to SECTION 4 — GLOSSARY OF CONTROL FUNCTIONS for more details. Sequencing Status Screens With power ON, the following status screens are displayed in sequence. LIEBERT RAC2-8 TEMP 71.8°F HUM 47% MO 07-15-96 13:26:55 NO ALARMS PRESENT STATUS ZONE 1 01-R 02-S A=ALM S=STBY R=RUN STATUS ZONE 2

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Section 3: Operation Sequencing Status Screens (cont’d.) AUTO SEQUENCING ON DAY 06 OF 15 <00:00> TEMP STAGING OFF Each screen is automatically displayed for 3 seconds. To control the display of the status screens, you can press the Hold/Sequence button to hold a screen and to manually step through the screens. Press C to resume automatic sequencing. The system returns to the Sequencing Status Screens if no control keys have been pressed during a two minute period. xx is the nu

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Section 3: Operation STATUS MENU 1. UNITS 2. T/H 3. A-DELAY 4. R-DELAY 5. H-DELAY 6. RETURN 1. UNITS From the Status Sub-menu, press 1. UNITS to display the Unit Status menu: UNIT STATUS 01-R 02-S 03-R 04-S 05-R 06-S 07-R 08-S A=ALM S=STBY R=RUN 2. T/H From the Status Sub-menu, press 2. T/H to display the Temperature/Humidity screen: TEMP 71.8°F HUM 47% STAGING OFF PUSH CLEAR TO RETURN 3. A-DELAY From the Status Sub-menu, press 3. A-DELAY to display the Alarm Delays scree

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Section 3: Operation Status Sub-menu (cont’d) The Alarm Delays screen indicates the time in seconds of an active delay on each unit. Active alarm delays count up while the condition is present and count down if the condition is cleared before the Alarm Delay time elapses. 4. R-DELAY From the Status Sub-menu, press 4. R-DELAY to display the Restart Delays screen: RESTART DELAYS 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 PUSH CLEAR TO RETURN The Restart Delays screen indicates the tim

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Section 3: Operation From the Set Units menu, select 1. ZONES/UNITS to select the number Note that the Clear button will not of zones, number of units in each zone, and operating status of each allow you to exit these screens until unit. Complete all of these selections before exiting this setup all selections have been made. function. When you press 1. ZONES/UNITS, the RAC2-8 sequences through the screens you must complete. SET NUMBER OF ZONES RANGE 1-4 <4> >_ PUSH ENTER FOR NEX

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Section 3: Operation From the Set Units menu, press 4. SHUTDOWN to display the Shutdown on Alarm screen: SHUTDOWN ON ALARM 01-Y 02-Y 03-Y 04-Y 05-Y 06-Y 07-Y 08-Y 1=YES O=NO E=NEXT Beginning with unit 01, indicate 1 (Yes) or 0 (No) if the unit should shut down on alarm. When you have selected the shutdown status for the last unit, the RAC2-8 displays the Set Units menu. When you have configured the delays, from the Set Units menu, press 5 to return to the Set Options Menu. 2. DELA

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Section 3: Operation From the Set Delays menu, press 3. UNIT RESTART to configure the restart delay: ENTER RESTART DELAY <00.1> XX.X MINUTES THEN PUSH ENTER PUSH CLEAR TO RETURN Enter the desired time for the restart delay. The default is 0.1 minutes. Press Enter to accept the new delay, then press C to return to the Set Delays menu. When you have configured the delays, from the Set Delays menu, press 5 to return to the Set Options Sub-menu. 3. TEMP/HUM From the Set Options Sub-m

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Section 3: Operation 1. F 2. C 5. RETURN From the T/H menu, press 4. LOCK to configure the optional Humidity Lockout feature: HUMIDITY LOCKOUT SET HI>00 LOW>00 (RANGE 20-80) 00=OFF E=NEXT C=RETURN Refer to SECTION 4 — GLOSSARY OF CONTROL FUNCTIONS for details on the Humidity Lockout feature. Set Options Sub-menu (cont’d) 4. STANDBY From the Set Options Sub-menu, press 4. STANDBY to display the Standby Options menu: STANDBY OPTIONS MENU 1. AUTO SEQUENCE UNIT 2. AUTO STANDB

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Section 3: Operation Press 1. NEW PASSWORD to set a new four-digit password for the system, then follow the instruction on the screens: ENTER NEW PASSWORD > THEN PUSH ENTER PUSH CLEAR TO RETURN Enter “0000” to disable the Password function. Set Options Sub-menu (cont’d) CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD > THEN PUSH ENTER When you have finished configuring the Password, Press E to return to the Main Menu. Alarm Sub-menu From the Main Menu, press 3. ALARMS to display the Alarm Sub- m

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Section 3: Operation Set Clock Sub-menu From the Main Menu, press 4. SET CLOCK to display the Set Clock Sub-menu: SET CLOCK MENU 1. DATE 2. TIME 3. DAY OF WEEK 4. RETURN 1. DATE Press 1 to set the system date: MO 07-15-96 15:12:34 SET DATE MM-DD-YY THEN PUSH ENTER PUSH CLEAR TO RETURN The first line displays the current system day, date, and time. Enter the new date, then press E to return to the Set Clock Sub-menu. 2. TIME Press 2 to set the system time: MO 07-15-96 15:12

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Section 3: Operation The Override function lets you manually force a unit ON or OFF, or to restore a forced unit to the normal control of the RAC2-8 system. The Override function acts immediately, ignoring the Hold Delay. An override message with time stamp is entered in the Alarm memory buffer. The Alarm light remains on while any unit is in an Override mode. To override a unit, enter the two digit label assigned to the unit, then press Enter: UNIT 01 FORCED ON 2. FORCE OFF 3. REST

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