Instrukcja obsługi Friedrich MW24Y3F

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Friedrich MW24Y3F

Urządzenie: Friedrich MW24Y3F
Kategoria: Klimatyzator
Producent: Friedrich
Rozmiar: 0.79 MB
Data dodania: 4/7/2014
Liczba stron: 46
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Indoor Unit
Outdoor Unit
Friedrich Air Conditioning Co. FOR FUTURE REFERENCE
4200 N. Pan Am
San Antonio, Texas 78218 USA
Tel. (210) 357-4400 Fax (210) 357-4490
Visit us at www. friedrich. com
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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

CONTENTS 1 Fig. 1 TYPE HEAT & COOL MODEL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................... En-1 ADJUSTING THE DIRECTION OF TYPE MODÈLE RÉVERSIBLE 8 MANUAL TIPO MODELO DE REFRIGERACIÓN Y CAlEFACCÓN FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS ........................... En-2 AIR CIRCULATION .............................................. En-9 AUTO NAME OF PARTS ................................................ En-3 SWING OPERATION ......................................... En-10 INDOOR UNIT 9 MODEL MW24Y3F UNIDAD I

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS INVERTER OMNI-DIRECTIONAL AIR FLOW (SWING OPERATION) At the start of operation, a large power is used to bring the room quickly to the desired temperature. Afterwards, the Three-dimensional control over air direction swing is possi- unit automatically switches to a low power setting for eco- ble through dual use of both an UP/DOWN air direction swing nomic and comfortable operation. and RIGHT/LEFT air direction swing. Since UP/DOWN air direction flaps operate automatically

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

NAME OF PARTS Fig. 1 Indoor Unit Fig. 6 Remote Control Unit 1 Operating Control Panel (Fig. 2) I SLEEP button 2 MANUAL AUTO button J MASTER CONTROL button  When kept on pressing the MANUAL K SET TEMP. button ( / ) AUTO button for more than 10 seconds, L COIL DRY button the forced cooling operation will start. M Signal Transmitter  The forced cooling operation is used at the N TIMER MODE button time of installation. O TIMER SET ( / ) button Only for authorized service personnel's use. P FAN

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

PREPARATION CAUTION! Load Batteries (AAA/R03/LR03 ××××× 2)  Take care to prevent infants from accidentally swallowing batteries. Press and slide the battery compartment lid on the re-  When not using the Remote Control Unit 1 verse side to open it. for an extended period, remove the batteries to avoid possible leakage and Slide in the direction of the arrow while pressing the mark. damage to the unit.  If leaking battery fluid comes in contact with your skin, eyes, or mouth, immedi- ately

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

OPERATION To Select Mode Operation Press the START/STOP button (Fig.6 Q). 1 The indoor unit’s OPERATION Indicator Lamp (red) (Fig. 3 5) will light. The air conditioner will start operating. Press the MASTER CONTROL button (Fig.6 J) to se- 2 lect the desired mode. Each time the button is pressed, the mode will change in the following order. ss s AUTO COOL DRY HEATt FANt About three seconds later, the entire display will reappear. To Set the Thermostat Example: When set to COOL. Press the

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

To Stop Operation Press the START/STOP button (Fig. 6 Q). The OPERATION Indicator Lamp (red) (Fig. 3 5) will go out. About AUTO CHANGEOVER Operation AUTO:  When AUTO CHANGEOVER operation first selected, the fan will oper- ate at very low speed for about one minute, during which time the unit detects the room conditions and selects the proper operating mode. If the differance between thermostat setting and actual room tempera- ture is more than +4 °F → Cooling or dry operation If the difference

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

TIMER OPERATION Before using the timer function, be sure that the Remote Control Unit is set to the correct current time ( P. 4). To Use the ON timer or OFF timer To Cancel the Timer Press the START/STOP button (Fig. 6 Q) 1 Use the TIMER button to select “CANCEL”. (if the unit is already operating, proceed to step 2). The air conditioner will return to normal 5 The indoor unit’s OPERATION Indicator Lamp (red) (Fig. 3 ) will light. operation. To Change the Timer Settings Press the TIMER MODE but

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

SLEEP TIMER OPERATION Unlike other timer functions, the SLEEP timer is used to set the length of time until air conditioner operate is stopped. To Use the SLEEP Timer To Cancel the Timer: While the air conditioner is operating or stopped, press the Use the TIMER MODE button to select “CANCEL”. SLEEP button (Fig. 6 I). The air conditioner will return to normal The indoor unit’s OPERATION Indicator Lamp (red) (Fig. 3 5) lights and the TIMER operation. Indicator Lamp (green) (Fig. 3 6) light. To St

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

ADJUSTING THE DIRECTION OF AIR CIRCULATION  Adjust the up, down, left, and right AIR directions with the AIR DIRECTION buttons on the Remote Control Unit.  Use the AIR DIRECTION buttons after the Indoor Unit has started operating and the airflow-direction louvers have stopped moving. Vertical Air Direction Adjustment R DANGER!  Never place fingers or foreign objects in- Press the SET button (Vertical) (Fig. 6 R). side the outlet ports, since the internal fan Each time the button is presse

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

SWING OPERATION Begin air conditioner operation before performing this procedure. To select SWING Operation Press the SWING button (Fig. 6 T). The SWING Display (Fig. 7 c) will light. Each time the SWING button is pressed, the swing operation will change in the following order. Up/down swing operation Left/right swing operation Swing operation stops Up/down/left/right swing operation To stop SWING Operation Press the SWING button and select STOP. Airflow direction will return to the setting befo

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

CLEANING AND CARE  Before cleaning the air conditioner, be sure to turn it off and disconnect the Power Supply Cord. CAUTION!  Be sure the Intake Grille (Fig. 1 8) is installed securely.  When removing and replacing the air filters, be sure not to touch the heat exchanger, as per- sonal injury may result. Cleaning the Intake Grille Cleaning the Air Filter 1. Remove the Intake Grille. 1. Open the Intake Grille, and remove the air 1 Place your fingers at both lower ends of the grille filter. p

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

TROUBLESHOOTING In the event of a malfunction (burning smell, etc.), immediately stop operation, turn off the elec- WARNING! trical breaker or disconnect the power supply plug, and consult authorized service personnel. Merely turning off the unit’s power switch will not completely disconnect the unit from the power source. Always be sure to turn off the electrical breaker or disconnect the power supply plug to ensure that power is completely off. Before requesting service, perform the following

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

TROUBLESHOOTING Items to check Symptom See Page CHECK ONCE Doesn’t operate at all:  Is the Power Supply Plug disconnected its outlet? MORE  Has there been a power failure? —  Has a fuse blown out, or a circuit breaker been tripped?  Is the timer operating? 7 - 8  Is the Air Filter dirty?  Air the air conditioner’s intake grille or outlet port blocked? Poor Cooling performance:  Did you adjust the room temperature settings (thermostat) cor- rectly?  Is there a window or door open? —  In

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

OPERATING TIPS Temperature and Humidity Range Cooling Mode Dry Mode Heating Mode Outdoor temperature About 14 to 115 °F About 14 to 115 °F About 5 to 75 °F Indoor temperature About 64 to 90 °F About 88 °F or less About 64 to 90 °F  If the air conditioner is used under higher temperature conditioner than those listed, the built-in protection circuit may operate to prevent internal circuit damage. Also, during Cooling and Dry modes, if the unit is used under conditions of lower temperature than t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

SOMMAIRE PRÉCAUTIONS DE SÉCURITÉ ............................ Fr-1 RÉGLAGE DE LA DIRECTION CARACTÉRISTIQUES ET FONCTIONS .............. Fr-2 DU FLUX D’AIR .................................................... Fr-9 NOMENCLATURE DES ORGANES..................... Fr-3 FONCTIONNEMENT OSCILLANT..................... Fr-10 PRÉPARATIFS ...................................................... Fr-4 FONCTIONNEMENT DU SÉCHAGE FONCTIONNEMENT ............................................ Fr-5 DU SERPENTIN.........

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

CARACTÉRISTIQUES ET FONCTIONS INVERSEUR FLUX D’AIR OMNIDIRECTIONNEL (MODE OSCILLANT) Lors de la mise en fonctionnement, une grande quantité de courant est nécessaire pour amener rapidement la tempé- L’oscillation simultanée haut/bas et droite/gauche du flux rature de la pièce à la température souhaitée. Pour des rai- d’air offre un contrôle optimal de la ventilation. Les clapets sons de confort et d’économie d’énergie, la consommation de direction verticale du flux d’air oscillent automatique- d

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

NOMENCLATURE DES ORGANES Fig. 1 Unité intérieur Fig. 6 Télécommande 1 Panneau de contrôle de fonctionnement I Touche de fonctionnement temporisé (Fig. 2) (SLEEP) 2 Bouton manuel-automatique J Touche de contrôle principal (MANUAL AUTO) (MASTER CONTROL)  Si vous maintenez le bouton manuel-auto- K Touche SET TEMP ( / ) matique (MANUAL AUTO) enfoncé pen- L Touche COIL DRY dant plus de 10 secondes, le système de M Emetteur du signal refroidissement forcé se déclenche. N Touche TIMER MODE  Le syst

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

PRÉPARATIFS ATTENTION! Mise en place des Piles (AAA/R03/LR03 ××××× 2)  Prenez soin de ne pas laisser des piles à la portée des petits enfants qui pourraient les Appuyez sur le couvercle du logement des Piles à l’ar- avaler par accident. 1 rière et faites le glisser pour l’ouvrir.  Si vous prévoyez de ne pas utiliser la télé- commande pendant longtemps, retirez-en Faites glisser dans le sens de la flèche en appuyant sur le repère ( ). les piles pour éviter un suintement de leur électrolyte. In

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

FONCTIONNEMENT Sélection du mode de Fonctionnement Appuyez sur la touche START/STOP (Fig. 6 Q). 1 Le voyant rouge de fonctionnement (OPERATION) de l’appareil intérieur (Fig. 3 5) s’allume. Le climatiseur se met en marche. Appuyez sur la touche MASTER CONTROL (Fig. 6 J) 2 pour choisir le mode souhaité. A chaque pression de la touche, le mode change dans l’ordre suivant: s ss AUTO COOL DRY (Automatique) (Refroidissement) (Déshumidification) t t HEAT FAN (Chauffage) (Ventilation

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