Instrukcja obsługi Victor Technology PL8000

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Victor Technology PL8000

Urządzenie: Victor Technology PL8000
Kategoria: Kalkulator
Producent: Victor Technology
Rozmiar: 0.64 MB
Data dodania: 10/29/2013
Liczba stron: 110
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Victor Technology PL8000 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1



- 1 -

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Operations and General Maintenance……………………………... 3 Loading Paper………………………………………………............ 4 Battery Replacement…………………………………………............ 5 Keyboard Layout……………………………………………………… 6 Slide Switch Features………………………………………………… 7 Key Features…………………………………………………………...9 Troubleshooting………………………………………………………..12 Application Examples 1. PROG function a. Set TAX1, TAX2………………………………………………... 13 b. Set Currency……………………………………………………. 13 c. Set Time/Date…………………………………………………...14

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

BEFORE TURNING ON - Please check the rating label on the bottom to see if the rated voltage corresponds to the local voltage before plugging in the AC cord. CAUTIONS - The calculator must not be covered when turned on. This will cause the unit to overheat. - Do not use organic solutions such as alcohol to clean the housing. - Do not use or leave the calculator in the direct sun light. Areas subject to quick temperature changes, high humidity and dirt should be avoided.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Loading Paper 1. Plug in calculator and turn it on. 2. Cut or tear evenly the end of the paper roll to get a straight edge. 3. Place the paper roll on the dual paper holders. 4. Push the lever up and Insert the paper as shown in diagram 1. 5. Push down the lever as shown in diagram 2. Diagram 1: Turn the lever upwards and insert the paper Diagram 2: Turn the lever downwards to lock the paper roll

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

BATTERY REPLACEMENT 1. Turn the AC power switch off 2. Remove - the battery compartment cover located on the calculator’s bottom case. 3. Remove the old battery and install a new CR2025 or equivalent. 4. Turn on the AC power switch 5. PRESS THE RESET BUTTON 6. Replace the battery compartment cover. 7. Reprogram the date and time. Battery Cover 2. Battery Holder 5. Reset Bottom Switch Case 3. Battery

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Model PL8000 Keyboard Layout 1 2 3 4 5 6 ↓ 5/4 ↑ Reprint Print + 1 2 3 4 6 F ● IC ● Loan Σ GT TIME TEXT COST SELL MARGIN TAX 1 TAX 2 7 PROG ↑ Reprint Text A Text B Text C CALC ← → 8 9 10 13 14 15 11 12 20 29 27 24 Amount TIME 7 8 9 - GT 16 → MT 32 $ DATE PQRS TUV WXYZ Delete Text 1 Start Date 21 Interest CE 30 4 5 6 #/S HELP ÷ M- 33 1 C GHI JKL MNO Text 2 End Dat

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

This section describes the mode switches, data entry keys, and operating keys provided on your calculator. The following terms are used in discussing your calculator’s operation: • The accumulator is the area of the calculator’s logic that stores a running total of the results of addition and subtraction operations. It is the “adding machine” portion of the calculator. • The calculating register is the area of the calculator’s logic where the intermediate and final results of multip

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

3. + 0 1 2 3 4 6 F Decimal Point Selector + Monetary Add Mode. At this setting, amounts entered are assumed to be monetary. The calculator automatically supplies a decimal point to the left of the last two digits entered. Use this setting to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals. Units/price mode operation: Multiplication: The first factor will be entered as a whole number and the second factor will have a decimal point supplied to the left of the last two digits. Divisi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

KEY FEATURES 7. Paper Feed Key [ ↑] Advance the paper roll. 8. [PROG] Program Key Program Tax Rate, Currency Rate, Time/Date, Greeting message, and Language. 9. [TEXT/Reprint] Text Mode / Reprint Key Print Switch On: Press once to enter Text Mode. Reprint Switch On: Print Entries (Maximum 24lines) since last clear. 10. [COST/Text A] Cost / Text A Key COST Enter the Cost in a Gross Profit Margin calculation. Text A Under Text Mode, use this key to pr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

17. [Help] Help Key Press Help Key; followed by any function key, to read the help message. Press [OK] key to print longer message. 18. [+/-] Sign Change Key Reverse the sign on the display. 19. [%] Percent Key Completes percent calculation when Multiple or Division key is used. 20. [TIME/DATE] Time / Date Display Key Recall Date and Time alternatively. 21. [ ÷] Division Key The Division key performs division, automatic constant division and intermediate se

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

28. [+ / OK] Addition / OK Key + Adds an amount to the Accumulator. To add the same amount more than one time (repeat addition), enter that amount once and depress the Plus key as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after [%] key, it works as percent plus key. OK Under PROG mode or TEXT mode, this key work as OK key, for confirm the selection. 29. [GT / Text 1] Grand Total / Text 1 Key GT Print and clear the Grand Total Memory or Total Sigma. T

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

34. [M+ / Months / # of Days] Memory Plus / Months / # of Days Key M+ Adds an amount to memory. If there is a live calculation pending, the Memory plus key will complete the calculation and accumulate the result to Memory. Months Under Loan Mode, press this key to carry out the Calculation of Months. # of Days Under Date Calculation, press this key to enter # of Days. 35. [MS / Payment / ] Memory Subtotal / Payment / Compute Key MS Prints but do not clear the memo

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Application Examples 1. PROG function Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT 5/4 Print F ● ● Σ a. Set TAX1, TAX 2 Set TAX1 Rate to 5.25%, Set TAX1 to GST Set TAX2 Rate to 6.25%. Enter Display Paper [PROG] SET TAX1? GST% 5.25 % [OK] TAX1 0. % 5.25 TAX1 5.25 % TAX2% 6.25 % DESC A [TEXT] TAX1 5.25 % (‘T’ is blinking, ready for enter TEXT) DESC A 4 GAX1

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

c. Set Time/Date Set Time to 5 :04pm (Time setting always entry in military format) Set Date to May-31-2007 Set Time format to 24Hours (Default is 12Hours) Set Date format to MM-DD-YYYY (Default is MM-DD-YYYY) Enter Display Paper [PROG] SET TAX1? 05:04 PM [PROG] SET TAX2? [PROG] SET CURRENCY? MAY 31 2007 THU [PROG] SET TIME / DATE? [OK] 00:39 0. CL (‘0’ is blinking, and ready for modification) 1704(military format) 17:04 MAY

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

e. Set Language There are 6 kinds of languages to choose, and the default language is English. Only limited functions will be printed with the desired languages : i. Calendar ii. the word ‘Rate’ for currency conversion iii. Cost/Sell/Margin iv. Loan calculation Enter Display Paper [PROG] SET TAX1? SET ENGLISH [PROG] SET TAX2? [PROG] SET CURRENCY? [PROG] SET TIME / DATE? [PROG] SET GREETING? [PROG] SET LANGUAGE? [OK] ENGLISH

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

4. Addition & Subtraction Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT 5/4 Print F ● ● Σ Problem Enter Display Paper 2 + 3.1415926 – 6=? 2 [+] 2. 2. + 3.1415926 [+] 5.1415926 3.1415926 + 6 [-] − 0.8584074 6. − [T] − 0.8584074 - 0.8584074 TL * The display will in RED color while it is negative transaction or negative result. 5. Addition/Subtraction in Add Mode Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT 5/4 Print + ● ● Σ Problem Enter Display Paper

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

7. Grand Total Memory Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT 5/4 Print + ● ● GT Problem Enter Display Paper 13.20 9.55 [CE/C] 0. 0. CL 8.30 7.36 13.2 [+] 13.20 2.95 18.33 8.3 [+] 21.50 13.20 + 24.45 + 35.24 2.95 [+] 24.45 8.30 + GT [T] 24.45 2.95 + 24.45 T L+ GT 9.55 [+] 9.55 GT 7.36 [+] 9.55 + 16.91 GT 18.33 [+] 7.36 + 35.24 GT [T] 18.33 + 35.24 GT [GT] 35.24 35.24 TL+ 59.69

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

10. Sequential (Chain) Multiplication Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT Print 3 ● ● GT Problem Enter Display Paper 3.21 X 4.5 X 6.324 = ? 3.21 [x] 3.210 3.210 x 4.5 [x] 14.445 4.500 x 91.351 6.324 [=] 6.324 = 91.351 * 11. Constant Multiplication Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT 5/4 Print 2 ● ● GT Problem Enter Display Paper 2 x 4 = 8, 2 x 5 = 10 2 [x] 2.00 2.00 x 2 x 6 = 12 4 [=] 8.00 4.00 = 5

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

13. Division Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT Print 3 ● ● GT Problem Enter Display Paper 178 ÷ 6 =? [CE/C] 0. 0. CL 178 [÷] 178.000 6 [=] 29.666 178.000 ÷ 6.000 = 29.666 * 14. Constant Division Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT 5/4 Print 2 ● ● GT Problem Enter Display Paper 755.00 755 ÷ 4 = 188.75 755 [÷] 755.00 ÷ 188.75 409 ÷ 4 = 102.25 4 [=]

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

16. Units/Price Calculations Rounding Print Decimal IC Loan Σ/GT 5/4 Print + ● ● Σ Problem Enter Display Paper 132 x $ 5.67 = $748.44 [CE/C] 0. 0. CL 146 x $ 4.45 = $649.70 132 [x] 132.00 567 [=] 748.44 155 x $ 3.11 = $482.05 132.00 x 146.00 Total = ? 146 [x] 5.67 = 649.70 445 [=] 748.44 + 155 [x] 155.00 311 [=] 482.05 146.00 x [T] 1’880.19 4.45 = 649.70 + 155.00 x 3.11 =

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