Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1
with h _.- - v----w
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Restart Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...48
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . + . . . . , e +. . , . . , . 1
GENERAL . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . . . , . , . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . 2
Alarm Codes . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 49
MAJOR SYSTEM COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 Compressor Alarm Circuit . . . . . e +. . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
-%a- The contrwsm consists of a processor module (PSIO)9 GENERAL a low-voltage relay module (DSIO-LV), 2 EXVs, an EXV IMPORTANT: This publication contains controls, op- driver module (DSIO-EXV), a 6-pack relay board, a key- eration and troubleshooting data for 3OGNO40-420 and pad and display module (also called HSIO or LID), ther- 30GT225, 250, and 280 FlotronicTM II chillers, mistors, and transducers to provide inputs to the Circuits are identified as circuits A and B, and com- microprocessor.
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4
In the LOCAL/ENABLE position, the chiller is under lo- Compressor Protection Control Module (CPCS) cal control and responds to the scheduling configuration and - Each compressor on models 30GN070 (50 Hz), 080- set point data input at its own local interface device (key- 100, and 240B, 270B, has its own CPCS as standard equip- pad and display module). ment. All 30GN040-060 and 070 (60 Hz) units feature the CPCS as an accessory, and CR (control relay) as standard In the CCN position, the chiller i
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5
ically reset by the return temperature reset or space and out- OPERATION DATA door air temperature reset features. It can also be reset from Capacity Control - The control system cycles an external 4-20 mA signal with a loop isolator, or from a compressor to give capacity control steps as shown in network signal. Tables 4A-4D. The unit controls leaving chilled water tem- The operating sequences shown are some of many pos- perature. Entering water temperature is used by the micro- sible loading s
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- Capacity Control Steps, 040-070 (cant) Table 4A LOADING SEQUENCE A LOADING SEQUENCE B I UNIT % 30GN Compressors Displacement Compressors . . . a tApw0 I 1 I 18 ?I 56 73 Y 1:; - Al* 1 28 050 (50 Hz) - - Al”B1 060G Hz) - Al ,k Al* Bl* 050 (50 Hz) Al% * Al&l’ “g pgy Al’,Bl Al ,‘sl* I Al ,Bl Al ,Bl - A&t! - 050 (50 Hz) #$Vg, 060A\~**Hz) Al ,‘sl yi! - - - - - - - 050 (50 Hz) - - 06g$,y I - - - - 6 1 15 18 A;p Bs’lt,t z: Al~~Bl* “d,i;t) 8600 A$t!g’ Al’,Bi 100 - - Al ,‘sl - - Al* 060 (50 Hz) - - - -
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7
Table 4A - Capacity Control Steps, 040-070 (cant) LOADING S WENCE B LOADING SEQUENCE A T UNIT % % 30GN Displacement Compressors Displacement 1 _ . . tApprod (Approx) i 16 ;. i! 060 (50 Hz) 2: ii: :i 83 Al’,61 100 100 - - Al* - 2 - 65 A-FBI - Al ,k “‘“G Hz) - i; Al l ,A2,Bl Al ,A2.B1 100 Al” Bl* Al% l Al& * Al fB1 Al ,‘sl* oy&ya Al ,Bl Al ,Bl , Al*,A2,Bl* Al *,A2,Bl* Al *,A2,Bl Al .A2.B1* Al ,A2,Bl Ai’,A2’,Bl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 ylf,t :: - - Al& l 57 - Al :Bt ii A
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8
, Table 4B - Capacity Control Steps, 080-110 and Associated Modular Units I LOADING SEQUENCE A r LOADING SEQUENCE B UNIT % 30GN Compressors Displacement Compressors (4wW Al* Bl* Al z! Bi Al*,Bl* Ai*,Bl* Al *,Bi :: Al,Bl* Al ,Bl Al ,Bl Al *,A2,Bl iii Al .A2.81* Al .A2.B1 100 Ai,A2,Bi - - Aiti - Al” - - - - Al+yBl* - AA’;Jgl - - Al ,Bl - - Al *.A2.B1 - Al ,A2,Bl - - y-/i+ - - - - - A$-hJ - - - Ai,Bl - Al ,A2,61* Al ,A2,Bl Al tt Be’lt,t Ai*. Al+yBl* A;{:;:) 080 (60 Hz) Al ++,Bl Aly*,Blv Al *,Bl Al’
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9
Table 4B - Capacity Control Steps, 080-110 and Associated Modular Units (cant) l- iQUENCE A LOADING 1 :QUENCE B LOADING ! UNIT CONTROL % % 30GN STEPS Displacement Compressors Displacement Compressors (Approx) VNwW Al* Bl* :; ;; Al% * Al%* E Al ‘,Bl ii Al,Bl* Al ,Bl 53 Al ,Bl Al *,A2,Bl* 2; Al *,Bl l ,B2 65: Al *,AZ,Bl Al ,Bl *,B2 Al ,A2,Bl r3: Al,Bl,B2 ii Al *,A2,Bl *,B2 Al *,A2,Bl *,B2 Al *,A2,Bl ,B2 :: Al ,A2,Bi *,B2 91 Al ,AZ,Bl,B2 100 Al .A2.B1 .B2 - - A2.p - - - - - - A;,%&1 - - - - 090 (60
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10
Table 4B - Capacity Control Steps, 080-110 and Associated Modular Units (cant) r LOADING T LOADING SEQUENCE B CONTROL UNIT % % 30GN STEPS Displacement Compressors Displacement Compressors (4wW (APPW - - 7 - - - :;’ - - ii - 43 Al*,BlTT,BZ 090 (50 Hz) - Alt,Bly Pii “d;B~ltt~~2 - 60 - - A1’,Bl*k - - 7”: Al *,A2,Bitt,Bl - - Al ,A2,BlTt,Bl - - Ei A.i‘J;,;; i;2 - 100 II I A$!! BB’.p Al;; Bl A;;:;H Al +I Al ,Bl Al’,Bl* Al*,Bltt,B2 Al tt,AZBl tt 090 (50 Hz) Altt,A2,Bl* Al ,Bi TT,B2 Al t**,Bl t** AlTT,A
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11
Table 40 - Capacity Control Steps, 080-I IO and Associated Modular Units (cant) LOADING SEQUENCE A LOADING EQUENCE B r UNIT % % 30GN Compressors Displacement Compressors Displacement (Apex) (Awr ox) 8 8 Altt Bitt Bl* Al* :i Al “B: tt A$;g :A Ai,Bl* Al ,Bl Al ,bl 100, 2406, 20” Al*,Bltt,B2 Al tt,A2,61* 270B (60 Hz) Al tt,A2,61 “A;“B’lt”tb;2 Alr*,Blr :: Al *,A2,Bl Al ,A2,Bl Al’,Bl ,b2 Al tt,A2,Bl *,B2 ;“7 Al *,A2,Bl tt,B2 Al ,A2,Bi tt,B2 Al tt,A2,Bl ,B2 Al *,A2,Bi $32 E- Al ,A2,Bl l ,BZ 100 Al .A2
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12
- Table 48 - Capacity Control Steps, 080-110 and Associated Modular Units (cant) LOADING SEQUENCE A LOADING SEQUENCE B r UNIT % % 30GN Displacement Compressors Displacement Compressors (Amrox) (ApprW 14 Al* 81” ;A &I * Al51 * Al ‘,Bl Al,Bl* Al ,Bi :: Al ,Bl Al l ,A2,Bl* ;;*gg s6: Al *,A2,Bi Al ,A2,Bl Ai’,Bl ,B2 2 Al*,A2,Bl*,B2 Al*,A2,Bl*,B2 Al *.A2.B1 .B2 Al ,A2,Bl *,B2 Al ,A2,Bl ,i32 Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 - A/p - A;;;# - 1 - - Al ,Bl - - Al Tt,A2,Bl* - - Al t-/-,A2,Bl - Al*,A2,Bl - - Al ,A2,Bi - - Al T
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13
Table 4B - Capacity Control Steps, 080-110 and Associated Modular Units (cant) LOADING : ,QUENCE B LOADING SEQUENCE A T UNIT CONTROL % % 30GN STEPS Displacement Compressors Displacement Compressors UWrW (Arwox) - A2.p - - - - - - *$#l - - - - 110 (50 Hz) Al ,Bl - - Alt**,Blt “A:tkA2’i3BI~ - - - - AleA2 Bl - - Al tf,A2,Bl ,B2 - - Al *,A2,Bl ,B2 - - Al ,AZ,Bi ,B2 - Be’lt,t - - - - - - *;,F;:t - - - - Al’,Bl 110 (50 Hz) - - Alt,Blv “A;W&3$ - - - - Ai,Bi ,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bl tt,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bf *,82 -
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14
Table 4C - Capacity Control Steps, 130-210 and Associated Modular Units T- LOADING EQUENCE A r LOAD11 EQUENCE B UNIT % % 30GN Displacement Compressors Displacement Compressors Mvrox) VVwr ox) Al* Bl* :‘: :i Al% * Al&’ :fz Al ‘,Bl z Al ,k* Al ,Bl 130, 240A, Al ,Bl 2; Al *,A2,Bl* Al l ,Bl l ,B2 2; Al *,A2,Bl Al ,Bi *,B2 ;i Al ,A2,Bl ;: Al ,Bl ,B2 Al *,A2,Bi *,B2 Al?,A2,Bl *,B2 Ei Al*,A2,Bl ,B2 K Al ,A2,Bf*,B2 100 Al .A2.B1 .B2 100 Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 - - ’ Al’tt ’ - ‘- Al* - - - AlgBl’ - A$t;l”i’ - - -
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15
Table 4C - Capacity Control Steps, 130-210 and Associated Modular Units (cant) LOADING SEQUENCE B r LOADING SEQUENCE A T UNIT CONTROL % % 30GN STEPS Compressors Displacement Compressors Displacement hwrox) (Awrox) - - 6 “drt,t - - - - - - AlPtlBl* - - Al tt,Bl - - Al l ,Bl - - Al ,Bl - - Al tt,A2,Bl* - - 130, 24OA, “A’:t;P22~7El - - - - Al*A2 Bl - Al tt,A2,Bl *,B2 - Altt,A2,Bl ,B2 - Al *,A2,Bi ,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 - Al tt,A2,A3,Bl *,B2 - Al tt,A2,A3,Bl ,B2 - Al *,A2,A3,Bl ,B2 - Al ,A2,A3,Bl ,B2
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16
Table 4C - Capacity Control Steps, 130-210 and Associated Modular Units (cant) LOADING EQUENCE A r LOADING EQUENCE 8 UNIT % % 30GN Displacement Compressors Displacement Compressors (Apwxl UQwrox) - 6 y-p - - - - :: - - AlPtlBl’ - - :“; “Att;l”l’ - - - zi Al ,‘sl - 49 AWh$Y; - 53 - Al ,A2,& - - ii Altt,A2,Bi*,B2 - - Al tt,A2,Bl ,B2 - - Al *,A2,Bl ,B2 i: - - Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 - - ii: Al tt,A2,A3,Bl ,B2 - Al *,A2,A3,Bl ,B2 95 100 Al .A2.A3.81 .B2 - B1 tt - - BP- - - - - AIBL * - - Ai,Bl - - Al *,Bl ft,
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Table 4C - Capacity Control Steps, 130-210 and Associated Modular Units (cant) SEQUENCE B LOADING SEQUENCE A UNIT % SIZE Displacement Compressors Compressors (4wrox) - - Bitt - - Bl-*. - - - - - - - - - “A;“B’:t;3”2’ 150 (50 Hz) - Alt,Bly* - Al’,Bl*‘BP - - Al ,A2,Bl’tt,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bl *,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 - - Al ,A2,A3,Bltt,B2 - - Al ,A2,A3,Bl*,B2 - Al ,A2,A3,Bl ,B2 A2.p “B’.p A~i~~~~ A+;~;1 Al ,‘Bl AljBl Al .Bl tt.B2 Al tt,A2,81 150 (50 Hz) Al *,A2,Bl Ai ,B1’*;[32 Alr*,Blt*” Al ,A2,Bl Al ,Bl
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18
Table 4C - Capacity Control Steps, 130-210 and Associated Modular Units (cant) LOADING SEQUENCE A r LOADING SEQUENCE B UNIT % SIZE Displacement Compressors Compressors (Aiwrox) - yp - - - - - - ;-;,q - - - - Ai,Bi* - Al ,Bl - Al*,BItt,B2 - “Ai”B’lttb”2’ - - 170, 270A,300B, Al’,Bl*BP - - Al *,A2,Bi tt,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bl tt,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bl l ,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 Al *,A2,Bi -ft,B2,B3 Al ,A2,Bltt,B2,B3 Al ,A2,Bl *,B2,B3 - Al ,A2,Bl ,B2,B3 - Al *,A2,A3,Bl tt,B2,B3 - Al ,A2,A3,Bl tt,B2,63 Al ,A2,A3,Bi
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19
Table 4C - Capacity Control Steps, 130210 and Associated Modular Units (cant) l- LOAD11 i SEQUENCE A r LOAD11 i SEQUENCE B UNIT CONTROL % % SIZE STEPS Compressors Displacement Compressors Displacement (Approx) (APP~~x) - - A)$ - - : - - - - 11 Al+yBl* - - 19 Altt;3B11 - - - - ;: Al ,Bl - - Al tt,A2,61* - - :i *‘-J-&W~’ - - 37 - - Al ,1A2,Bl 170, 270A, 300B, - - :i Al tt,A2,Bl *,B2 33OA/z, t”fB,:“O Hz) - - Al tt,A2,Bl ,B2 I - - z; Al *,A2,Bl ,B2 - - Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 - - Al tt,A2,A3,Bl *,B2 :: - - 72
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20
- Table 4C - Capacity Control Steps, 130-210 and Associated Modular Units (cant) LOADIN< SEQUENCE B r l- UNIT % SIZE CKEL Compressors Displacement Compressors OVvW A1B’Bl Ah 2 190,36OA/B, Al j2,B-i 41 Al ,&I ,B2 39oEpt Hz) 56 Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 Al ,A2,Bl ,B2 I Al .A2.B1 .B2.B3 Al ,A2,A3,Bl ,B2 Al ,A2,A3,Bl ,B2,63 1;: Al ,A2,d3& ,@2,B3 - Al* - - yp; - - - - Al *,A2,81 190,36OA/B, - - Al ,A2,B1 - 39;: jfj’;,“” - Al *,A2,Bl ,B2 - - , Al ,A2,81 ,B2 - - Al *,A2,A3,Bl ,B2 - - Al ,A2,A3,81 ,B2 - - Al *,A2,A