Instrukcja obsługi Tangent 2.2

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Tangent 2.2

Urządzenie: Tangent 2.2
Kategoria: Kalkulator
Producent: Tangent
Rozmiar: 0.4 MB
Data dodania: 3/19/2013
Liczba stron: 48
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

CDML Advanced Calculator
version 2.2

User Manual
Copyright © 1994-2000 Leonard Kaplan and CDML Computer Services, Ltd.
29-28 41 Ave., Suite 707, Long Island City, NY 11101
Page 1

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Page 2

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Table of Contents About CDML Advanced Calculator .....................Page 4 Easy Access ........................................Page 5 Explanation of the Calculator Screen ...............Page 6 Using the Calculator ...............................Page 6 Using the Tape ..................................Page 8 Standard Calculator Operators ...................Page 8 Using Memory Functions ..........................Page 9 Clearing Entries in CDML Advanced Calculator ....Page 9 Oth

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About CDML Advanced Calculator Besides the functions of a standard calculator, the CDML Advanced Calculator provides users with the following features: ⇒ a resizable Tape Display ⇒ 5 Memory Functions ⇒ 14 Financial Functions ⇒ 11 conversion modes ⇒ 7 Intra-System conversion modes ⇒ Currency Conversions (with daily updates) ⇒ Time/Date Calculations ⇒ Base Conversions ⇒ a Calendar with Daily Notes ⇒ 34 Scientific Functions ⇒ a Scientific Expression Evaluator ⇒ a Foot/Inch Constru

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Easy Access In order to be less obtrusive, CDML Advanced Calculator will not appear in the Windows Task Bar when it is minimized. There are two features in the CDML Advanced Calculator to allow you easy, instant access to the calculator while keeping it out of the way. They may be activated (or deactivated) from the Properties Menu. Show in Tray This feature is active by default. When enabled you will see a small calculator icon appear in the bottom right corner of your screen. At

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The conversions come in handy when dealing with various international and time standards. The finan- cial functions make it easy to derive various payments and dividends (i.e. Mortgage, credit cards, stocks, etc.). The scientific expression evaluator helps to process advanced mathematical expressions and to print them out with the result. The tape is useful for reviewing your work. NOTE: You can start the CDML Advanced Calculator with the "/nic" command line parameter. This feature is

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Using the Calculator To use the CDML Advanced Calculator, you can click on the buttons or use the key- board to enter numbers and operators. You can also use the Tab key to move be- tween buttons and press the Space Bar when you reach the button that you want. Operators can also be entered from the Operators Menu . The original calculator mode is Standard Calculator. The current mode is displayed just below the number Readout, between then Next and Previous Mode buttons. To change

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Using the Tape The tape is very useful in reviewing your work. You can use your mouse to scroll up and down the tape or you can use the following commands. (All of the following commands can be accessed through the Tape Menu.) Print Tape Send contents of tape to the default printer Ctrl-P key and the Print Tape option on the Tape Menu Publish Tape Send contents of tape to Notepad or any other user-defined program Ctrl-N key and the Tape to Notepad op

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Square S, s, ^ keys and the x2 button Square Root R, r keys and the x½ button Decimal Separator (Period) . key and the . button (you can also use a comma or whatever your geographi- cal format dictates) Using Memory Functions To help you with complex calculations we included Memory Functions in the CDML Advanced Calculator. There are a total of 5 memory functions. If memory is set, you will see a Check Mark appear to the left of the readout. You will also s

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Other Valid Keys in CDML Advanced Calculator Annotate Tape / Select All Text on Tape Ctrl-A or N and n keys and the Annotate Tape option on the Tape Menu. Construction Calculator (ft/in) Ctrl-B key and the Construction Calculations option on the File Menu. Copy Readout to Clipboard Ctrl-C key and the Copy option on the Edit Menu. Expression Evaluator Ctrl-E or ( keys and the Expression Evaluator option on the File Menu. Find on Tape Ctrl-F key and the Find On Tape option on the Tap

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Time/Date Calculations F6 key and the Time/Date Calculations option on the File Menu Calendar F7 key and the Calendar option on the File Menu. Currency Conversions F8 key and the Currency Conversions option on the File Menu Numeric Base Conversions F9 key and the Base Conversions option on the File Menu Scratch Pad F12 key and the Scratch Pad option on the File Menu. Toolbar Setup Use this screen to set the function a Toolbar button will perform. When you open this screen, th

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Start Minimized If you check the "Start Min" box, then the next time you start CDML Advanced Cal- culator, the calculator will not be visible until you click on the tray icon. NOTE: DO NOT SET THE RUN MINIMIZED IN THE WINDOWS SHORT CUT PROPERTIES! Start On Top If you check the "Start On Top" box, then the next time you start CDML Ad- vanced Calculator, only the Stay-On-Top window will be visible. NOTE: Start Minimized and Start On Top boxes can not be checked at the same t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

accordance with your geographic format parameters. (i.e. 1000.00 will become Numeric Input Screen 1,000.00, 300000.555 will become 300,000.555, and so forth.) Percentage for Number If this option is checked, then the percentages will be calculated for the previous value. Otherwise the percentages will be calculated as the number you entered div ided by 100. For example: expression 200+200-20% will equal to 320 if this option is checked or 399.80 if this option is not checked.

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Page 14

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CDML Advanced Calculator Menus File Menu • • Edit Menu • Tape Menu • Operators Menu • Modes Menu • Scientific Menu • Financial Menu • Properties Menu • Help Menu Page 15

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File Menu Scratch Pad Displays a new instance of the small text editor. Show Calendar Displays the calendar. Expression Evaluator Same as hitting the ( button or Ctrl-E. Use this to launch the Expression Evaluator. Time/Date Calculations Same as hitting F6. Use this option to cal- culate differences between various times and dates. Currency Conversions Same as hitting F8. Use this option to con- vert between various currencies. You can sign up for daily exchange rates upd

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position. If you started the CDML Advanced Calculator with the "/nic" command line switch then this option will also exit the program. View RPN Stack Use this option when you are using RPN mode and wish to see the contents of your stack. The stack will be displayed in a separate floating window. Set Billing Rate Use this option to set the default Hourly Billing Rate used for calculations in the Project Timer and the Billing Function. Tape Menu Format N

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Operators Menu Add Same as hitting the + button. Subtract Same as hitting the - button. Multiply * Same as hitting the button. Divide Same as hitting the / button. Percent Same as hitting the % button. Square Root Same as hitting the x½ button. Square Same as hitting the x2 button. Change Sign Changes the sign of the value in the Readout between positive and egative. Clear Same as hitting the C button. Use this to clear the last calculation and reset to 0. Clear

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Modes Menu Financial This will display the result of your calcula- tions in a currency format (i.e. 5 will be 5.00, 3.2 will be 3.20 and 4.006 will be 4.01). The number of visible decimal places depends directly on your setting for the number of decimal places you wish to see. Auto-Decimal By special request from our users in the ac- counting profession. If Auto-Decimal Mode is checked, when entering a series of num- bers, you don't need to enter the decimals. Th

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Repeat Subtraction If this option is checked, then you can repetitively press Minus ("-") for subtrac- tion. NOTE: If this mode is turned on, you will need to use the Change Sign option on the Operators Menu or the "+/-" button on the calculator to enter negative num- bers. Intra-System Conversions There are seven Intra-System conversion modes: Metric, Computer and English Weight, Square, Cubic, Length and Capacity. These are useful to determine relations between units of measure in the

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