Instrukcja obsługi Smith Cast Iron Boilers Series 28A

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Smith Cast Iron Boilers Series 28A

Urządzenie: Smith Cast Iron Boilers Series 28A
Kategoria: Boiler
Producent: Smith Cast Iron Boilers
Rozmiar: 2.36 MB
Data dodania: 3/24/2014
Liczba stron: 28
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

WARNING: If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion
may result causing property damage, personal injury

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Page 2 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS In Canada, the installation must be in accordance with CONTENTS the requirements of CAN/CGA B149.1 or .2, Installation Before You Start ................................................. page 2 Code for Gas Burning Appliances and Equipment. Boiler Ratings & 2 Boiler Location 2 In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the installation C

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 3 Figure 1- Service Clearances to Adjacent Construction COMBUSTION AIR & VENTILATION WARNING: Never install a 28A boiler on top of combustible flooring without consulting the WARNING: This boiler must be supplied with local building authorities for proper installation combustion and ventilation air in accordance guidelines! A minimum clearance of 6 in, with Section 5.3, Air for Combustion & 0.15 m must be maintained between the boile

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Page 4 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS All Air From Inside The Building Table 1- Make-up Air Louver Sizing 2 If the boiler is to be located in a confined space mini- Required Cross Sectional Area (in ) mum clearances of 24 in, 610 mm must be maintained Metal Wooden between the boiler and any adjacent construction. When Input 1/4" Wire Louvers Louvers installed in a confined space, two permanent openings (MBH) Screen 75% Free Area 25% Free Area communicating with an addi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 5 Chimney Inspection & Sizing The 28A is designed for pressurized operation with a If this boiler will be connected to a masonry chimney, a back pressure of 0.10 in, 2.54 mm W.C. before the thorough inspection of the chimney must be performed. smoke hood slide damper. If the vent configuration Ensure that the chimney is clean, properly constructed, results in a back pressure greater than this, the burner lined and properly sized, see

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Page 6 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: Failure to maintain minimum VENT CONNECTIONS clearances between vent connectors and any combustible material can result in a fire causing WARNING: Never modify or alter any part of the extensive property damage, severe personal boiler’s smoke hood. This includes the removal injury or death! or alteration of any baffles. Never install a vent pipe of a diameter different than that of the COMMON VENT SYSTEMS boiler smoke hood

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 7 c) Insofar as is practical, close all building doors and g) Any improper operation of the venting system windows and all doors between the space in which should be corrected so the installation conforms with the appliances remaining connected to the common the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54. venting system are located and other spaces of the When resizing any portion of the common venting building. Turn on clothes drye

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Page 8 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Completed boilers must be tested as follows: 2. Carefully place the back section in position on the angles as shown in Figure 4. Steam Boilers – the assembled boiler sections shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure of not less than WARNING: The section MUST be fully supported 45 psig, 315 kPa. to prevent it from falling! Failure to comply with this warning may result property damage, Water Boilers – the assembled boiler s

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 9 5. Insert the large port connector with its steel inner Figure 6 - Section Alignment ring into the upper port. 6. Insert the two round port connectors into the lower ports. NOTE: Apply the spray adhesive supplied with the boiler to the port recess to hold the port connector in place if necessary. 7. Select the correct intermediate section and carefully Table 4 - Section Torque Sequence move it into place against the back section, F

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Page 10 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS 9. Assemble the rest of the sections following steps 3 Burner Mounting Plate Installation, Figure 8 through 8 above. 1. Apply two coats of the spray adhesive supplied with the boiler to the rope groove on the plate. Allow time 10. Hydrostatically test the boiler by following the for the first coat to dry then apply the second coat. instructions on page 8. When the second coat is tacky lay the 3/8 rope into the rope groove and pres

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 11 Figure 8 - Burner Mounting Plate Details Observation Port Assembly, Figure 9 Figure 9 - Observation Port Assembly 1. Position the hinged end of the steel flapper door, # 5, over the boss on the observation port cover, # 4. 2. Drive the expansion pin, # 7, through the hinge bosses to secure the door to the cover. 3. Insert the hex bolt, # 6, through the hole in the observation port cover. 4. Install the spring, nut and knob, #"s 3,

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Page 12 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Observation Port Installation Smokehood Installation, Figure 10 1. Screw the four 5/16-18 x 1 1/2 studs into the tapped 1. Screw the four 5/16-18 x 1 1/2 studs into the tapped holes around the observation cover opening in the holes around the smokehood opening in the back back section. section. 2. Place the observation port cover assembly over the 2. Apply smokehood insulation tape to smokehood. studs and install the washers and n

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 13 Tankless Heater Installation - Optional 5. Install the operating control in one of the heater 1. Clean the heater flange to remove any rust or mounting plates to ensure quick burner response debris. when there is a demand for hot water. Figure 12 illustrates an acceptable piping arrangement for 2. Install the four 7/16" x 1 1/2" studs into the tapped multiple heaters. holes in the tankless heater flange on the section, Figure 11.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

Page 14 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Figure 14 - Back Section Tapping Locations GENERAL PIPING REQUIREMENTS CAUTION: Never use automotive antifreeze in the boiler or heating system. If antifreeze is necessary it must be formulated specifically for hydronic heating systems, such as ethylene or propylene glycol. Failure to comply with this caution will void the warranty! All heating system piping must be installed by a qualified technician in accordance with the latest

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 15 Figure 15 - Relief & Safely Valve Piping Table 7 - Boiler Water Content Boiler Model Water Boilers Steam Boilers Gallons Liters Gallons Liters 28A-4 123 466 104 394 28A-5 150 568 126 477 28A-6 177 670 148 560 28A-7 204 772 170 644 28A-8 231 875 192 727 28A-9 258 977 214 810 28A-10 285 1079 236 893 28A-11 312 1181 258 977 28A-12 339 1283 280 1060 28A-13 366 1386 302 1143 28A-14 392 1484 324 1227 28A-15 419 1586 346 13

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Page 16 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Piping For Use With Cooling Units When a boiler is connected to a heating coil that may The boiler, when used in connection with a refrigeration be exposed to refrigerated air from an air handling system, must be installed so the chilled medium is piped device, the piping system must be equipped with flow- in parallel with the boiler. Appropriate valves must be control valves or some other automatic means of used to prevent the ch

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 17 Figure 18 - Typical Single Water Boiler Piping Figure 19 - Typical Multiple Water Boiler Piping

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Page 18 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Figure 20 - Chilled Medium Diagram NOTE: Some locations do not allow this solution to be used. Check with the local authority having NOTE jurisdiction. FOR HEATING: VALVES “H” OPEN, VALVES “C” CLOSED. FOR COOLING: VALVES “H” CLOSED, VALVES “C” OPEN. 4. Mix the cleaning chemicals with water to create a EXP. TANK ROOM concentrated solution. Pour the cleaning solution UNIT through one of the top tappings in the front section VENT and

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 19 Table 9 - Steam Boiler Capacities Minimum Feed Water Condensate Receiver I=B=R Gross Output Evaporation Rate Boiler Pumping Rate Capacity Model MBH kW GPM L/hr GPM L/hr Gallons Liters 28A-S-4 900 264 1.9 7.3 3.9 14.8 37 140 28A-S-5 1166 342 2.5 9.5 5.0 18.9 48 182 28A-S-6 1433 420 3.1 11.7 6.2 23.5 59 223 28A-S-7 1699 498 3.7 13.8 7.3 27.6 69 261 28A-S-8 1965 576 4.2 16.0 8.4 31.8 80 303 28A-S-9 2232 654 4.8 18.

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Page 20 SERIES 28A BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Figure 22 - Typical Steam Piping - Gravity Return for Multiple Boilers Figure 23 - Typical Steam Piping - Pumped Return for Multiple Boilers

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