Instrukcja obsługi Lochinvar SMART TOUCH 1

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Lochinvar SMART TOUCH 1

Urządzenie: Lochinvar SMART TOUCH 1
Kategoria: Boiler
Producent: Lochinvar
Rozmiar: 2.16 MB
Data dodania: 9/18/2013
Liczba stron: 80
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Hot Water Heating Boilers
Domestic Hot Water Supply Boilers
1,500,000 — 1,700,000 — 2,000,000 Btu/hr Models
FIG. 1 Front View
FIG. 2 Rear View
Installation and service must be per formed by a qual i fied service
in stall er, service agency or the gas supplier.
Retain this manual for future reference.
Factory warranty (shipped with unit) does not apply to units NOTE:
improperly instal

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS Warranty .......................................................................... 1 Manual Override Control ..................................39 Safety Warnings .............................................................. 3 Temperature Adjustment....................................39 Codes .......................................................................... 3 Command Display ............................................39 Installation Requirements .....................

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

A gas appliance that draws combustion air from the equipment CHECKING EQUIPMENT room where it is installed must have a supply of fresh air circulating Upon receiving equipment, check for signs of ship ping damage. around it during burner operation for proper gas combustion and Pay par tic u lar attention to parts ac com pa ny ing the boiler, which proper venting. may show signs of being hit or otherwise being mishandled. Verify total number of pieces shown on packing slip with those actually WA

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

6. The appliance must not be in stalled on carpet. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE LOCATION OF UNIT 7. The appliance must be installed indoors where it is protected from exposure to wind, rain and weather. 1. Locate the appliance so that if water connections should leak, water damage will not occur. When such lo ca tions 8. This appliance may condense the products of cannot be avoided, it is recommended that a suitable drain combustion when operating at water temperatures pan, ad e quate ly drained

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

NOTE Clearances from combustible construction are noted on the appliance rating plate. Maintain minimum specified clearances for adequate operation. All in stal la tions must allow sufficient space for servicing the vent connections, water pipe connections, integral circulating pump, bypass piping and other auxiliary equipment, as well as the appliance. The clearance labels on each appliance note the same service and combustible clearance requirements as shown in the clearances from combustion

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

TABLE - B Minimum Recommended Combustion AIR SUPPLY TO MECHANICAL ROOM Combustion Air Source Btu/hr Outside Air* Outside Air* Inside Air 2 - Openings Input 1 - Opening 2 - Openings 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,500,000 375 in (2419 cm ) 500 in (3226 cm ) 1,500 in (9,677 cm ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,700 in (10,968 cm ) 1,700,000 425 in (2742 cm ) 567 in (3658 cm ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2,000,000 500 in (3226 cm ) 667 in (4303 cm ) 2,000 in (12,903 cm ) *Outside air openings shall directly communicate with the outdoors. When combus

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

All dimensions based on net free area in square inches. Metal from the venting system into an occupied living space can cause a louvers or screens reduce the free area of a com bus tion air opening very hazardous condition that must be im me di ate ly corrected. If a a minimum of ap prox i mate ly 25%. Check with louver fan is used to supply combustion air to the equipment room, the manufacturers for exact net free area of louvers. Where two installer must make sure that it does not cause dr

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

The construction air filter MUST be removed from the General appliance’s air inlet before the appliance is placed in normal operation. Once the construction air filter is removed, ensure that Vent installations for connection to gas vents or chimneys must be either the equipment room is supplied with combustion air from in ac cor dance with Part 7, “Venting of Equip ment,” of the latest properly sized combustion and ventilation air openings or a edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

The flue products in the vent system may be cooled below their Category IV Venting dew point and form condensate in the flue. The ma te ri als used for a Category IV vent must be resistant to any A CATEGORY IV POSITIVE corrosive damage from flue gas condensate. The flue from a Category IV vent system must have a condensate drain with PRESSURE VENTING SYSTEM provisions to properly collect and dispose of any condensate that may occur in the vent ing system. Category IV Flue Pipe Materials Select

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Any vent materials specified must be listed by a nationally Do not terminate the vent in a window well, stairwell, alcove, recognized test agency for use as a Category IV vent material. courtyard or other recessed area. The vent cannot terminate below grade. The bottom of the vent terminal shall be located at The venting system must be planned so as to avoid possible least 12 inches (30 cm) above grade and above normal snow levels. contact with con cealed plumbing or electrical wiring inside w

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

the tee. The drain tubing must have a trap provided by a 4" VERTICAL VENTING (10.2 cm)-diameter circular trap loop in the drain tubing. Prime the trap loop by pouring a small quantity of water into the drain TERMINATIONS hose before assembly to the vent. Secure the trap loop in position Follow all General Category IV Vent Termination Clearances. with nylon wire ties. Use caution not to collapse or restrict the condensate drain line with the nylon wire ties. The con den sate drain must be rou

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

10' OR LESS 2' MIN 2' MIN 3' MIN WALL OR CHIMNEY CHIMNEY PARAPET FIG. 15 Vent Termination from Flat Roof - 10 Feet or FIG. 17 Sidewall Venting Installation Less from Parapet Wall The connection from the appliance flue outlet to the sidewall vent 10' OR MORE cap MUST be made with listed type Category IV vent materials and accessories. The in stall er must supply suitable vent pipe material. The sidewall vent cap is available from the appliance manufacturer as a vent kit. 3' MIN NOTE: NO HEIGHT

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

The installed sidewall vent cap assembly may be paint ed to match The sidewall vent termination must be at least 8 feet (2.4 m) the exterior color. The opening through the wall for instal la tion of horizontally from any combustion air intake located above the the sidewall vent cap must provide an air space clearance of sidewall termination cap. 2 inches (5.1 cm) around the flue pipe. The diameter of the opening for installation of the sidewall cap will be 4 inches (10.2 cm) larger Do not termi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

In cold climates, the use of type “B” double wall vent pipe or an • Galvanized steel vent pipe with joints and seams insulated single wall pipe for combustion air is recommended to sealed as specified below. help prevent moisture in the cool incoming air from condensing and leaking from the inlet pipe. • Type “B” double wall vent with joints and seams sealed as specified below. Termination point for the flue products must follow the clearance requirements in the Vertical or Horizontal Vent

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

sealant to ensure a proper seal at the appliance con nec tion and the air inlet cap connection. Dryer vent or flex duct should use a screw type clamp to seal the vent to the appliance air inlet and the air inlet 3' cap. Proper sealing of the air inlet pipe ensures that combustion air will be free of contaminants and sup plied in proper volume. 12" When a sidewall or vertical roof top combustion air supply system is dis con nect ed for any reason, the air inlet pipe must be resealed to ensure

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Incorrect installation and/or location of the air inlet cap can allow VERTICAL COMBUSTION AIR INLET the discharge of flue products to be drawn into the combustion process on the heater. This can result in incomplete combustion and potentially hazardous levels of carbon monoxide in the flue products. This will cause operational problems with the heater and possible spillage of flue products that can cause personal injury, death or prop er ty damage. Multiple Vertical Direct Vent Installations FI

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

The Direct Vent system requires the installation of an additional pipe to supply combustion air from outdoors directly to the appliance. The air inlet pipe must use one of the spec i fied materials. The maximum installed length of the air inlet pipe from the appliance to the air inlet cap is 100 equivalent feet (30.48 m) in length. The maximum in stalled length of the flue pipe from the appliance to the termination cap is 100 equivalent feet (30.48 m) in length. Subtract 5 feet (1.52 m) of equi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

The combustion air inlet caps for mul ti ple appliance installations must maintain the same minimum clearance from the closest vent cap installed within a 10 foot (3.05 m) radius of the point of flue gas termination as specified in single appliance installations. Multiple flue outlet caps may be installed side by side and multiple air inlet caps may be installed side by side but the minimum clearance of 3 feet (0.91 m) horizontal radius and 12 inches (0.30 m) below the closest flue outlet to

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

Termination point for the flue products must follow the clearance Combined Air Inlet Points requirements in the Vertical Vent Termination sec tion of the Category IV Venting. The air inlet pipes from multiple ap pli anc es installed with an Intelli-Vent system can be combined to a single common connection based on the cross sectional area of the common pipe as defined in the CAUTION Direct V ent basic in for ma tion section. Appliances that are shut down or will not operate may Maximum Leng

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

The Intelli-Vent system requires the installation of an additional Location of a Sidewall Air Inlet Cap pipe to supply combustion air from outdoors directly to the Installation, location and clearance requirements for the sidewall appliance. air inlet cap in an Intelli-Vent application are the same as the installation, location and clearance requirements for the sidewall In cold climates, the use of type “B” double wall vent pipe or an air inlet cap in the Hor i zon tal Direct Vent section of

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