Instrukcja obsługi Renesas PROM Programming Adapter PCA7448

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Renesas PROM Programming Adapter PCA7448

Urządzenie: Renesas PROM Programming Adapter PCA7448
Kategoria: Karta sieciowa
Producent: Renesas
Rozmiar: 0.11 MB
Data dodania: 5/26/2013
Liczba stron: 18
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Renesas PROM Programming Adapter PCA7448 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

PROM Programming Adapter for 4500 Series 4524/4554 Group
User's Manual
July 1, 2004

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

• R4944A, R4945 and R4945A are trademarks of Advantest Corporation. • IC51-824.KS-8095 is a product of Yamaichi Electronics Co., Ltd. Keep safety first in your circuit designs! • Renesas Technology Corporation and Renesas Solutions Corporation put the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage. Remember to give due

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Contents Chapter 1. Precautions for Safety ...........................................................................................4 1.1 Safety Symbols and Meanings ..............................................................................4 Chapter 2. Introduction ...........................................................................................................6 2.1 Things to Check When Unpacking .......................................................................6 Chapter 3.

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Chapter 1. Precautions for Safety In both the user's manual and on the product itself, several icons are used to insure proper handling of this product and also to prevent injuries to you or other persons, or damage to your properties. This chapter describes the precautions which should be taken in order to use this product safely and properly. Be sure to read this chapter before using this product. 1.1 Safety Symbols and Meanings If the requirements shown in the "WARNING" sentences are ignored,

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WARNING Warnings for Use Environment: • This equipment is to be used in an environment with a maximum ambient temperature of 35˚C. Care should be taken that this temperature is not exceeded. • Select the proper programming mode of the PROM programmer. CAUTION Caution to Be Taken for Modifying This Product: • Do not disassemble or modify this product. Disassembling and modifying the product will void your warranty. Cautions to Be Taken for This Product: • Use caution when handling this product. B

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Chapter 2. Introduction This product is a PROM programming adapter for 4500 Series 4524 and 4554 Group MCUs (4-bit MCU). This product is used to write programs into the internal EPROM of MCU with a commercially available PROM programmer. This manual mainly explains specifications of this product and how to operate it. Figure 2.1 shows the external view of the product and its constituent parts. Figure 2.1 External view of the adapter and its constituent parts 2.1 Things to Check When Unpacking Th

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Chapter 3. Specifications Table 3.1 lists specifications of the PCA7448. Table 3.1 Specifications of the PCA7448 Operating clock Internal on-chip oscillator of the MCU Power supply Supplied from Vcc of the PROM programmer Board to insert a programmable MCU PCA7448 (IC socket for MCU mounted on it) (main unit) Interface board 1 Board PCA7414B* (Connected by two rows of standard-pitch 18-pin connectors configuration (interface unit) and two rows of standard-pitch 16-pin connectors to the upper and

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Chapter 4. How to Write the Program This chapter describes procedures you need to follow to write the program. For details on how to operate the PROM programmer, refer to the user's manual of the PROM programmer. 4.1 Programming Procedure Follow the steps in Figure 4.1 to write the program. (1) Read the program into the PROM programmer. (2) Attach the adapter to the IC socket of the PROM programmer. See "4.2 Attaching the Adapter to the PROM Programmer" (page 9). (3) Insert the MCU into the adap

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

4.2 Attaching the Adapter to the PROM Programmer As shown in Figure 4.2, attach the No. 1 pin of the PCA7402D connector (standard-pitch 28-pin pin- header mounted) to the No. 1 pin of the IC socket of the PROM programmer. Figure 4.2 Attaching the adapter to the PROM programmer CAUTION When Attaching the Adapter to the PROM Programmer: • Be careful when attaching to the PROM programmer because incorrect insertion can cause fatal damage to the MCU. ( 9 / 18 )

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4.3 Inserting an MCU into the Adapter As shown in Figure 4.3, insert the MCU into the IC socket with the No. 1 pin of the MCU matched to the No. 1 pin of the IC socket on the PCA7448. Top view Figure 4.3 Inserting an MCU 4.4 Precautions When Inserting an MCU into the Adapter When opening and closing the IC socket, keep the IC socket side above and horizontal. Figure 4.4 shows the state of opening and closing the IC socket to insert an MCU. Side view Figure 4.4 Opening and closing the IC socket C

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4.5 Caution to Be Taken for Handling This Product When not using this product, attach the connector pins of this product to the conductive sponge as it was shipped from the factory. And keep it in the place where temperature and humidity are low and direct rays do not hit. CAUTION When Handling This Product: • Do not touch the connector in the IC socket and the pins on the PROM programmer connector because dirt may cause an electrical insulation failure. ( 11 / 18 )

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Chapter 5. Recommended PROM Programmers The PROM programmers listed in Table 5.1 are recommended for this product. Using the actual products, we have verified that these PROM programmers can be used to write programs without problem. Table 5.1 Recommended PROM programmers Programming voltage Manufacturer Type name Device (Vpp) R4944A Advantest Corporation R4945 M5M27C256 mode 12.5 V R4945A IMPORTANT Notes on PROM Programmers: • Nonconformity occurring by using any other PROM programmers listed i

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Chapter 6. Memory Maps Figure 6.1 shows memory maps of the MCU and the PROM programmer. PROM programmer MCU (M5M27C256 mode) (M34524EDFP/M34554EDFP) 0000h 0000h Programming area *1 Lower 5 bits (10 bits x 16 KB) 3FFFh 3FFFh 4000h *1 Upper 5 bits 7FFFh *1: This area is fixed to "1" on the PROM programmer. *2: When writing, the lower 5 bits and the upper 5 bits are divided and then written into the MCU. Figure 6.1 Memory maps (M5M27C256 mode) ( 13 / 18 )

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Chapter 7. Troubleshooting The table below summarizes errors to be checked carefully before you determine them to be a fault. 7.1 Errors That Occur When Writing to PROM Table 7.1 Errors and checkpoints (when newly purchased) Cause Remedy See page Is the adapter attached to the correct position of the PROM 9 programmer? Programming adapter Is the MCU attached to the correct position? 10 PROM programmer Is the correct device selected? 12 The IC socket of the PROM programmer may be stained. The Con

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7.2 MCUs Do Not Function Normally The program operates normally on the emulator, but when the MCU that has normally been written is attached the same program does not necessarily operate in the same manner. The differences between actual MCUs and the emulator are listed below. (1) About ROM area With the emulator, the area where the program has not been read serves as NOP instruction (00h), but the MCU which has been written by the PROM programmer serves as FFh. Therefore the program happens to

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7.4 How to Request for Support After checking this manual, fill in the following information and email to your local distributor. For prompt response, please specify the following information: (1) Contact address • Company name •Department • Responsible person • Phone number • Fax number • E-mail address (2) Product information • Name of the programming adapter • Serial number • Date of purchase • Target MCU • Symptoms (Fails blank check/Cannot write a program/Fails verification etc.) • Detailed

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