Instrukcja obsługi Powerware FCC 15

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Powerware FCC 15

Urządzenie: Powerware FCC 15
Kategoria: Karta sieciowa
Producent: Powerware
Rozmiar: 0.51 MB
Data dodania: 9/15/2013
Liczba stron: 32
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Powerware Modbus Card
User’s Guide

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ClassAEMCStatements FCCPart15 NOTE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to rad

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Table of Contents 1 Introduction ......................................................... 1 2 InstallingtheModbusCard ............................................. 3 InspectingtheEquipment................................................................ 3 Four-WireCommunication ............................................................... 4 InstallingtheModbusCardintoanX-Slot .................................................... 6 3 WiringtheModbusCard ..........................................

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TABLE OF CONTENTS ® ® ii EATON Powerware Modbus Card User’s Guide S 164201376 Rev C

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Chapter 1 Introduction ® ® ® ® The Eaton Powerware Modbus Card is an X-Slot connectivity device that allows you to continuously and reliably monitor the UPSs in your Building Management System (BMS). The card uses the Modbus protocol to integrate data from the UPS into your building management R software, such as Wonderware. The Modbus Card, shown in Figure 1, has the following features: S RS-485 communication through an isolated DB-9 port or isolated terminal strip S Selectable termination and

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INTRODUCTION BuildingManagementSoftware Ethernet EthernetGateway RS-485Network -270.6 -270.6 PowerMeter UPSwithModbusCard PLC Figure2.UPSIntegratedwithRS-485Network ® ® 2 EATON Powerware Modbus Card User’s Guide S 164201376 Rev C

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Chapter 2 Installing the Modbus Card The Modbus Card is available: S as a separate card for use with UPSs that have an X-Slot S factory-installed in a Powerware Expansion Chassis Use the following sequence for installing the Modbus Card: 1. For four-wire networks only, change the jumpers on the Modbus Card (see “Four-Wire Communication” on page 4). 2. If the Modbus Card will be the last device installed in the network chain or the length of the network cable is excessive, termination needs to be

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INSTALLING THE MODBUS CARD Four-Wire Communication The factory-default setting for the Modbus Card is for two-wire communication. To change the default setting, adjust the jumpers on the Modbus Card. CAUTION Topreventelectrostaticdischarge(ESD),placeonehandonanunpaintedmetalsurfacesuch astheUPSrearpanel. 1. If you are installing the Modbus Card into an X-Slot, complete Step 3 only. If you are installing the Powerware Expansion Chassis with your UPS, complete Steps 2 through 4. 2. Remove the card

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INSTALLING THE MODBUS CARD 3. Change the J9 and J10 jumpers to the desired setting as shown in Figure 4. Two-Wire (Default) J10 J7 J8 1 1 J10 J9 J9 Four-Wire J10 1 ON 1 S2 J11 123456 1 J9 Figure4.ModbusCardJumpers 4. Reinstall the Modbus Card into the Powerware Expansion Chassis. Align the Modbus Card with the slot guides and slide the card into the slot until it is firmly seated. Secure the Modbus Card with the screws removed in Step 2. ® ® EATON Powerware Modbus Card User’s Guide S 164201376 R

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INSTALLING THE MODBUS CARD Installing the Modbus Card into an X-Slot CAUTION Topreventelectrostaticdischarge(ESD),placeonehandonanunpaintedmetalsurfacesuch astheUPSrearpanel. 1. Remove the X-Slot cover (or existing X-Slot module) on the UPS rear panel. Retain the screws (see Figure 5). NOTE SomeUPSsmayhaveanotherX-Slotmodulealreadyinstalled(suchasthe Powerware9125UPS).Ifthereisacommunicationcableattachedtothismodule,disconnect thecableandthenremovetheX-Slotmodule. Figure5.RemovingtheSingle-PortM

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Chapter 3 Wiring the Modbus Card The Modbus Card provides an easy path for integrating a Powerware UPS into an RS-485 Modbus network and also provides isolation of the communication between the UPS and the RS-485 Modbus network. You can use the DB-9 port or terminal strip on the Modbus Card to wire into a two-wire or four-wire network. Two-Wire Networks The Modbus Card’s default configuration is for two-wire, half-duplex, RS-485 networks. Figure 6 shows a detailed view of two-wire connections us

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WIRING THE MODBUS CARD Four-Wire Networks The Modbus Card also supports four-wire, half-duplex, RS-485 networks. Figure 7 shows a detailed view of four-wire connections using the Modbus Card terminal strip. UPSwith SlaveDevice#1 SlaveDevice#2 ModbusCard TxD+ RxD+ TxD– RxD– R * T R * T Gnd R+ T+ R-- T-- Gnd R+ T+ R-- T-- MasterDevice R * T T-- R-- T+ R+ Gnd R * T *SeeNote Figure7.Four-WireRS-485ModbusNetwork NOTE Belden9842orequivalentcabling(adualtwisted-pairshieldedcablewithground) isrecommende

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WIRING THE MODBUS CARD Forfour-wirenetworks. All four RS-485 network signals including TxD(+), RxD(+), TxD(–), and RxD(–) must be connected to the terminal strip as illustrated in Table 1. Verify that the Modbus Card J9 and J10 jumpers are set to the four-wire option (see “Four-Wire Communication” on page 4). TxD+ RxD+ TxD– RxD– GND 12345 Figure8.RS-485TerminalStrip Table1.RS-485TerminalStripPinAssignments RS-485NetworkSignals PinNumber ModbusCardSignalName MasterSignalName 1 TxD(+) RxD(+) 2 RxD

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WIRING THE MODBUS CARD 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 Figure9.RS-485DB-9PinNumbers Table2.RS-485DB-9PinAssignments RS-485NetworkSignals PinNumber ModbusCardSignalName MasterSignalName 1 RxD(+) TxD(+) 2 TxD(+) RxD(+) 3 Signalcommon Signalcommon 4 Reserved — 5 Reserved — 6 RxD(–) TxD(–) 7 TxD(–) RxD(–) 8 Reserved — 9 Reserved — Termination CAUTION TerminationresistorsshouldbeplacedonlyattheextremeendsoftheRS-485network.No morethantwoterminationpointsshouldbeusedintheRS-485network. Termination is not required u

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WIRING THE MODBUS CARD Four-Wire Two-Wire ON *OFF *Factory-default=OFF J7J8 12 3 4 5 6 J10 TxD(–)PullDown(620Ω) J9 TxD(+)PullUp(620Ω) TxDTerminator(120 Ω) 1 S2 J11 RxDTerminator(120 Ω) RxD(+)PullUp(620 Ω) RxD(–)PullDown(620 Ω) Figure10.S2TerminationConfiguration If a value other than the on-board 120 ohm termination is required, then S2-3 and S2-4 should be set to the OFF position. The Modbus Card terminal strip provides easy access to attach external termination resistors across the TxD(+), TxD

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WIRING THE MODBUS CARD RS-232 Modbus Port It is also possible to use the RS-232 Modbus port for connecting to your network. 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 Figure11.RS-232DB-9PinNumbers Table3.RS-232DB-9PinAssignments PinNumber Function DirectionfromtheModbusCard 1 Noconnection — 2 RS-232transmitdata Out 3 RS-232receivedata In 4 Noconnection — 5 Signalcommon — 6 Noconnection — 7 Noconnection — 8 Noconnection — 9 Noconnection — ® ® 12 EATON Powerware Modbus Card User’s Guide S 164201376 Rev C

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Chapter 4 Modbus Card Configuration The Modbus Card has an RS-232 configuration port that you can access with a terminal or a computer equipped with a terminal emulation program. To use the configuration screens for the Modbus Card, you need: S A serial communication cable (supplied). S A terminal with a serial communication port, or a computer with a R terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal . The serial line should be set to 9600 baud, No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no hardwa

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MODBUS CARD CONFIGURATION 2. Press [Enter]. The Configuration screen appears (see Figure 13). Powerware Modbus Card Version 1.00 (1-16-02) Current Configuration: Baud Rate: 9600 Slave Address: 29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valid Commands: AD Change Slave Address, usage AD n, where n is the new slave address for the card (1 - 247 valid). BD Change Modbus Baud Rate, usage BD n, where n is the new baud rate (1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200). SA Save

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MODBUS CARD CONFIGURATION 4. To configure the slave address, type AD followed by a space and node (1 through 247) and press [Enter]. The default is 29. This setting affects both RS-232 and RS-485 Modbus connections. 5. To save and exit, type SA and press [Enter] to permanently save the new configuration changes. 6. The card is now configured. Shut down the terminal emulation program and disconnect the serial cable from the Modbus Card. 7. Continue to Chapter 5, “Integrating the UPS” on page 17.

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MODBUS CARD CONFIGURATION ® ® 16 EATON Powerware Modbus Card User’s Guide S 164201376 Rev C

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