Instrukcja obsługi Patton electronic USB

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Patton electronic USB

Urządzenie: Patton electronic USB
Kategoria: Karta sieciowa
Producent: Patton electronic
Rozmiar: 0.96 MB
Data dodania: 5/8/2013
Liczba stron: 28
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Model 2192/USB/V.92
USB Modem
Part# 07M2192 Rev. A SALES OFFICE
Doc# 09401U2-001
+1 (301) 975-1000
Revised 10/26/04
+1 (301) 975-1007
An ISO-9001
Certified Company

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

CONTENTS 1.0 Compliance and Trademarks..................................................... 3 1.1 FCC Notice ................................................................................... 3 1.2 FCC Requirement......................................................................... 3 1.3 Trademark Acknowledgements .................................................... 4 2.0 General Information.................................................................... 5 2.1 Package Conte

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

1.0 COMPLIANCE AND TRADEMARKS 1.1 FCC NOTICE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radi- ate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communi- cati

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

The REN is useful in determining the quantity of devices you may con- nect to your telephone line and still have those entire devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most, but not all area, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one line should not exceed five (5). To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone com- pany to determine the maximum REN for your calling area

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Congratulations on your purchase of this USB Modem. The Model 2192/USB/V.92 Modem features the latest innovations in high speed modem design to make electronic communication faster and easier, including V.92 compatibility. This manual will show you how to install and properly use the modem in order to take full advantage of its features. If any questions or problems arise during installation or use of this product, contact Patton Electronics Technical

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

• Modem-on-Hold • V.44 Data Compression QuickConnect Allows your modem to connect to the ISP faster than before. Very simply, QuickConnect shortens the time it takes to make a connection by remembering the phone line and ISP characteristics, then storing them for later usage. QuickConnect cuts the modem handshake time in half for most calls. PCM Upstream Boosts the upstream data rates between you and your ISP to reduce upload times for large files and email attachments. Although

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

3.0 INSTALLATION This chapter contains the following sections that describe installing the modem driver software: • Section 3.1, “Setting Up the Modem in Windows 98” on page 7 • Section 3.2, “Setting Up the Modem in Windows ME” on page 11 • Section , “Congratulations! The modem is installed.” on page 12 • Section , “Congratulations! The modem is installed.” on page 13 3.1 SETTING UP THE MODEM IN WINDOWS 98 This section describes how to install your Model 2192 USB modem in Windows.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM and the system will execute the setup.exe automatically. The Modem Installation window (see Figure 2) will appear. Click to begin installing the modem driver. Figure 2. Modem Installation window 2. When the Setup Complete message displays (see Figure 3), Click . Figure 3. Modem Installation window—Setup Complete 8

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

3. Connect one end of the USB cable supplied with the modem to the USB port on the modem (see Figure 4). Figure 4. USB port location 4. Connect the other end of the cable to one of the PC’s USB ports. The port is usually labeled with the symbol shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. USB symbol 9

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5. Plug one end of the RJ-11 cable supplied with the modem into the RJ-11 jack (see Figure 6). Figure 6. RJ-11 port location 6. Plug the other end of the RJ-11 cable into the modular jack on the wall outlet or optional T adapter. 7. Verify that the red POWER LED on the modem (see Figure 7) is lit. Figure 7. Model 2192 LEDs 10

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8. Windows 98 detects the USB modem automatically and displays the message Add New Hardware Wizard, click Next to continue (see Figure 8). Figure 8. Add New Hardware Wizard window Congratulations! The modem is installed. 3.2 SETTING UP THE MODEM IN WINDOWS ME This section describes how to install your Model 2192 USB modem in Windows. When installed, the installation should look like the diagram shown in Figure 1 on page 7. Note The connection diagram in Figure 1 on p

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

5. Plug one end of the RJ-11 cable supplied with the modem into the RJ-11 jack (see Figure 6 on page 10). 6. Plug the other end of the RJ-11 cable into the modular jack on the wall outlet or optional T adapter. 7. Verify that the red POWER LED on the modem (see Figure 7 on page 10) is lit. 8. Windows ME detects the USB modem automatically and displays the message Found New Hardware Wizard”, click Next to continue (see Figure 9). Figure 9. Add New Hardware Wizar

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

3. Plug one end of the RJ-11 cable supplied with the modem into the RJ-11 jack (see Figure 6 on page 10). 4. Plug the other end of the RJ-11 cable into the modular jack on the wall outlet or optional T adapter. 5. Verify that the red POWER LED on the modem (see Figure 7 on page 10) is lit. 6. Windows 2000 detects the USB modem automatically and displays the message Found New Hardware Wizard”, click Cancel to con- tinue (see Figure 10). Figure 10. Found New Hard

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

Note The connection diagram in Figure 1 on page 7 includes an optional RJ-11 modular T adapter so the USB modem and a telephone can share the same telephone wall jack. If you will not be sharing the wall jack, it is not necessary to install a T adapter. 1. Connect one end of the USB cable supplied with the modem to the USB port on the modem (see Figure 4 on page 9). 2. Connect the other end of the cable to one of the PC’s USB ports. The port is usually labeled with the symb

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

7. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM and the system will execute the setup.exe automatically. The Modem Installation window (see Figure 2 on page 8) will appear. Click to begin installing the modem driver. 8. When the Setup Complete message displays (see Figure 3 on page 8), Click . Congratulations! The modem is installed. 15

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

4.0 SETTING UP AND USING MODEM-ON-HOLD The modem-on-hold feature requires the following: • Internet service from an ISP that supports V.92—Verify that your ISP supports V.92 MOH. Be sure to ask how long an Internet call can be left on hold before your Internet session will be disconnected. • Extra services from your local phone company—Check with your local phone company to see if your telephone line has these features: – The ability to receive voice calls while on a data cal

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

The SmartUSB56 Voice Modem Properties control panel displays (see Figure 13). Figure 13. V.92 Features panel 2. Click the Modem on Hold tab (see Figure 13). Verify that the Enable Incoming Modem on Hold box is checked (see Figure 14). Figure 14. Modem on Hold panel 17

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3. Select what you want the modem to do when a phone call is received while you’re online (see Figure 14 on page 17). 4. Click the OK button to save changes and close the control panel. Selecting the country/area 1. Left mouse click on Start > Settings > Control Panel > Modem Set- tings (see Figure 15). Figure 15. Selecting the Modem Settings panel 2. Click on the Configuration tab to bring it to the front of the panel. 18

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3. Select the country or area where the 2192 Modem is installed by selecting from the Country/Area pop-up menu (see Figure 16). Figure 16. Configuration panel Enabling the speaker (optional) 1. Click on the Speaker tab (see Figure 17). You can choose to enable your PC speakers to play sounds representing activities of the modem. The modem will play modem connection tones during the connection process and, while using modem on hold, will play a ringing sound upon the arrival

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

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