Instrukcja obsługi Patton electronic 2701RC

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Patton electronic 2701RC

Urządzenie: Patton electronic 2701RC
Kategoria: Karta sieciowa
Producent: Patton electronic
Rozmiar: 0.19 MB
Data dodania: 4/20/2013
Liczba stron: 26
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Patton electronic 2701RC Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
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MODEL 2701RC Series
E1/Fractional E1 CSU/DSU
Rack Card
Doc# 086131UB
(301) 975-1000
Revised 03/09/01
(301) 975-1007
An ISO-9001
Certified Company

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 WARRANTY INFORMATION Section Page Thank you for your purchase of this Patton Electronics product. This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested and is warrant- 1.0 Warranty Information .............................................................2 ed for One Year parts and labor. If any questions or problems arise 1.1 Warranty Statement during installation or use of this product, please do not hesitate to con- 1.2 FCC Information tact Patton Electronics Technical

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cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the fol- Thank you for your purchase of this Patton Electronics product. lowing measures: This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested and is warrant- ed for One Year parts and labor. If any questions arise during installa- • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenn

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3.0 CONFIGURATION NOTE: If you do not have a terminal, you may force the unit to use the DIP switches as the default configuration source by turning off the unit, The 2701RC features configuration capability via hardware DIP setting all the DIP switches to the ON position, then powering on the switches, a software control port, or SNMP through the 1001MC. This unit. This will cause the unit to enter a special mode. Then turn off the section describes all possible hardware and software switch

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S1-2 and S1-3 CLOCK MODES ON ON ON OFF ON 1472kbps OFF OFF OFF ON ON 1536kbps Set switch S1-2 and S1-3 to determine the 2701RC’s transmitter ON OFF OFF ON ON 1600kbps timing. OFF ON OFF ON ON 1664kbps ON ON OFF ON ON 1728kbps OFF OFF ON ON ON 1792kbps ON OFF ON ON ON 1856kbps S1-2 S1-3 Clock Mode OFF ON ON ON ON 1920kbps On On Network (Recieved Recovered) ON ON ON ON ON 1984kbps Off On Internal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Clear Chan

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Off Response to DTE Loopback Request Enabled SWITCH S2-2: CRC-4 MULTIFRAME On Response to DTE Loopback Request Disabled In framed mode, S2-2 is used for CRC-4 MF. When CRC-4 is enabled, SWITCH S2-6 FRONT PANEL SWITCHES the unit monitors the incoming data stream for CRC-4 errors. It trans- mits CRC-4 error counts to the transmitting unit.. When using timeslot As the Front Panel Switches may be inadvertently toggled, or in the zero (TS0), excessive errors may cause loss of frame or loss of sync.

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3.2 CONFIGURING THE REAR INTERFACE CARD Prior to installation, you will need to examine the rear card you have selected and make sure it is properly configured for your applica- The Model 2701RC Series has five interface card options: the tion. Each rear card is configured by setting straps located on the PC Model 1001RCM12548C (DB-25/RJ-48C), the Model board. To configure the rear cards, you must set the configuration 1001RCM13448C (M/34/RJ-48C), the Model 1001RCM11548C (DB- straps. Figure

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The table below provides an overview of interface strap functions 3.2.2 Model 1001RCM13448C Strap Settings for the rear interface cards. Following the table overview are detailed descriptions of each strap’s function. Figure 6 shows the strap location for the Model 1001RCM13448C (M/34) rear card. This strap determines whether Signal Ground and INTERFACE CARD STRAP SUMMARY TABLE #1 Frame Ground will be connected. Strap Function Position 1&2 Position 2&3 JB3 DTE Shield (Pin1) & FRGND Connect

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SGND & FRGND (JB4) In the connected position, this strap links DB-15 pin 1 & frame In the connected position, this strap links Signal Ground and frame ground. In the open position, pin 1 is disconnected from frame ground. ground through a 100 ohm resistor. In the open position, signal ground JB3 is disconnected from frame ground. Position 1&2 = DTE Shield (Pin 1) and FRGND Connected Position 2&3 = DTE Shield (Pin 1) and FRGND Not Connected JB4 Position 1&2 = SGND and FRGND Connected SGND

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2 2 1 1 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 3.3 VT-100 SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION 3.3.2 Accessing the Menu System This section describes the VT-100 configuration using a 1001CC. 1) Set the Card Address as described in Section 3.2.1. For information on configuration using SNMP through the 1001MC, please refer to the 1001MC user manual. 2) Set S2-7 to the OFF position to select VT-100 control. The NetLink-E1™rack card features a VT-100 menu-driven system that may be used for local configuration and management. Cards

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The password prompt will be displayed as shown below. 3.3.3 Introduction to Main Menu After entering the password, you may access all of the system’s functions and parameters. The Main Menu looks like this: Patton Electronics Menu Management Enter Password: _ . 6) Note: The password is case sensitive. Type the password and press . The factory default password for the unit is: 2701RC patton NOTE: If the entry is incorrect, the password screen will clear HELPFUL HINTS and prompt you aga

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

3.3.4 System Configuration The Main Menu options are briefly described below. The System Configuration menu looks like this: a System Configuration options allow you to change various aspects of the Model 2701RC operation, e.g., framing, line coding, and aggregate bandwidth. System Diagnostics/Statistics options allow you to monitor b the network performance, initiate V.54 loops, local loops, and send test patterns. Network performance parameters are updated once a second, giving you the abili

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Clocking: Network (default) d b Line Coding: HDB3 (default) Options: Network, Internal, External Options: AMI, HDB3 Network: This is the most commonly used setting when connect- HDB3: In this line coding, the transmitter substitutes a deliberate ing to a carrier’s network. In this mode, the unit recovers the bipolar violation when excessive zeros in the data stream are clock from the received signal and uses it to transmit data. In detected. The receiver recognizes these special violations

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CAS MF Setting: Disabled (default) NOTE: If you do not have a terminal, you may force the unit to use the Options: Enabled, Disabled DIP switches as the default configuration source by turning off the unit, setting all the DIP switches to the ON position, then powering on the g CAS MF: CAS multiframe uses Timeslot 16 (TS16) to send multi- unit. This will cause the unit to enter a special mode. Then turn off the frame (MF) alignment data. In CAS MF, a MF is defined as 16 unit and change the sw

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Front Panel Switches: enabled (default) The Local Loop test has four states: Options: enabled, disabled Idle No user-controlled loopbacks are active. As the Front Panel Switches may be inadvertently toggled, or in the LL The Model 2701RC is in local loopback mode. event that the end-user may not need to use the switches, the installer may disable the front panel switches. Set Switch S2-6 to determine Off The Model 2701RC is in remote loopback mode or send- whether the front-panel toggle switch

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Tx1s If the remote Model 2701RC responds to the local Model d Test Pattern Idle (default) 2701RCs terminate loopback request, the local unit then sends an all ones pattern before returning to the Idle Options: Idle or Sending state TxP The Model 2701RC is sending a test pattern while in Test To send a pattern, press the ‘c’ key and press to send the Mode test pattern. The “OK” message indicates the received test pattern is error-free. The “BE” message indicates errors in the recei

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d 3.2.4 Unit Options Loop Timeout The Unit Options screen looks like this (factory default): The Loop Timeout setting can be set to one of the following: 00:05 = five minutes 00:10 = ten minutes 00:15 = fifteen minutes 00:30 = thirty minutes (default setting) 00:45 = forty-five minutes 01:00 = one hour 01:30 = 90 minutes 02:00 = two hours 03:00 = three hours NEVER = forever—the unit will remain in loopback without user intervention. e Tx Data Clock: Internal Tx Clock (default) Options: Interna

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4.0 INSTALLATION f Service Information This section describes the functions of the Model 1001R14 rack If you need to contact us for help, you can view the Service Information chassis, tells how to install front and rear Model 2701RC Series cards screen. Here is what it looks like: into the chassis, and how to connect to the twisted pair interface and the serial interface. 4.1 THE MODEL 1001R14 RACK CHASSIS The Model 1001R14 Rack Chassis (Figure 9, below) has fourteen or sixteen device card slo

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Powering up Your 1001R14 Rack 3. Locate the correct interface on the bottom of the driver board. The power supplies that come with your 1001R14 rack system are For example, the RS-232/V.35 interface board is marked equipped with a power entry connector on the rear power supply card. THIS SIDE UP FOR V.35 on one side and THIS SIDE UP The power supplies are Hot-Swappable, so you are not required to FOR RS-232 on the other side. Other single interface remove the cards from the rack while applying

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4.5 CONNECTING TO A DCE DEVICE 5.0 OPERATION The rear interface cards on most interface modules are hard wired Once the NetLink-E1™ is installed and configured properly it is as DCE . Therefore, you must use a null modem cable when con- ready to place into operation. This section describes the function of necting to a modem, multiplexer or other DCE device. This cable the LED indicators, and the use of the loopback and pattern test should be of the shortest possible length--we recommend 6 f

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