Instrukcja obsługi Patton electronic 2173R

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Patton electronic 2173R

Urządzenie: Patton electronic 2173R
Kategoria: Karta sieciowa
Producent: Patton electronic
Rozmiar: 0.41 MB
Data dodania: 4/20/2013
Liczba stron: 20
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Ruggedized High Speed
Ethernet Extender
Rev. A
(301) 975-1000
Revised 6/13/11
(301) 975-1007
An ISO-9001Certified

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

CONTENTS 1.0 Warranty Information ................................................................. 4 1.1 Compliance................................................................................... 4 EMC Compliance:......................................................................... 4 Low-Voltage Direcive (Safety):..................................................... 4 PSTN:........................................................................................... 4 1.2 Radio and TV Inter

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RJ-45.......................................................................................... 18 C.2 CopperLINK Interface ................................................................ 18 RJ-45.......................................................................................... 18 D Sample Rates/Distance Chart, Based on 24 AWG (0.5 MM) . 19 3

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1.0 WARRANTY INFORMATION Patton Electronics warrants all Model 2173R components to be free from defects, and will—at our option—repair or replace the product should it fail within one year from the first date of the shipment. This warranty is limited to defects in workmanship or materials, and does not cover customer damage, abuse or unauthorized modification. If this product fails or does not performs as warranted, your sole recourse shall be repair or replacement as described above. Unde

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

reception. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in accordance with the specifica- tions in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide - reasonable protection from such interference in a commercial installa tion. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If the equipment causes interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by disconnec

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

1.6 SAFETY WHEN WORKING WITH ELECTRICITY • This device contains no user serviceable parts. This device can only be repaired by qualified service per- sonnel. • Do not open the device when the power cord is con- nected. For systems without a power switch and without an external power adapter, line voltages are present within the device when the power cord is connected. • For devices with an external power adapter, the power adapter shall be a listed Limited Power Source. The mains outlet

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In accordance with the requirements of council direc- tive 2002/96/EC on Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), ensure that at end-of-life you sepa- rate this product from other waste and scrap and deliver to the WEEE collection system in your country for recy- cling. This device is NOT intended nor approved for connec- tion to the PSTN. It is intended only for connection to WARNING customer premise equipment. When the 2173R is mounted, it shall be secured in such a way as to w

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Thank you for your purchase of this Patton Electronics product. This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested and is warranted for one year for parts and labor. If any questions or problems arise during installation or use of this product, contact Patton Electronics Technical Support at +1 (301) 975-1007. 2.1 FEATURES  Variable rate CopperLINK extender - Easy to configure  Auto-MDIX Ethernet  Configurable 10/100, Full/Half, and Auto-Negotiating Ethernet 

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Figure 1. Typical application The pair of 2173R and 2173 models work together to create a transparent extension between two peered Ethernet LANs. Figure 1 shows a typical point-to-point application. 3.0 INSTALLATION The Interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use and shall be rated for the proper applica- tion with respect to voltage, current, anticipated tem- CAUTION perature, flammability, and mechanical serviceability. To install the 2173R Ethernet Extender, do the followi

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2173R (RJ-45) Power jack CopperLINK twisted-pair RJ-45 interface Ethernet port 2 Ethernet port 1 Figure 2. Model 2173R panel 3.1 CONNECTING THE TWISTED-PAIR LINE INTERFACE The Interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use and shall be rated for the proper applica- tion with respect to voltage, current, anticipated tem- CAUTION perature, flammability, and mechanical serviceability. The Model 2173R supports communication between two peer Ethernet LAN sites over a distance of up t

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2. The Model 2173R is equipped with either an RJ-45 interface jack that can be used on the CopperLINK interface. These CopperLINK inter- faces are a two-wire interface. Observe the signal/pin relationships on the Model 2173R's CopperLINK interface jacks. The RJ-45 connector on the Model 2173R's twisted pair interface is polarity insensitive and is wired for a two-wire interface. The signal/pin relationship is shown in Figure 3. 1 (no connection) 2 (no connection) 1 2 3 (no connection) 3

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

1 TX+/RX+ 2 TX-/RX- 1 2 3 RX+/TX+ 3 4 (no connection) 4 5 5 (no connection) 6 6 RX-/TX- 7 7 (no connection) 8 8 (no connection) Figure 4. Model 2173R 10/100Base-T RJ-45 Connector Pinout. 3.3 CONNECTING POWER The Interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use and shall be rated for the proper applica- tion with respect to voltage, current, anticipated tem- CAUTION perature, flammability, and mechanical serviceability. The Model 2173R does not have a power switch, so it powers up as

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

 Figure 5. Removing protective cover Figure 6 on page 13 shows the orientation of the DIP switches in the On and Off positions. Ruggedized High Speed Ethernet Extender S1 ON OFF                            Figure 6. DIP switch orientation 13 High-Speed Ethernet Extender  

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4.2 CONFIGURING DIP SWITCH S1 DIP switch S1 is where you configure the CopperLINK line. The following tables describe the configuration for the 2173. Table 1: 2173 Firmware Configuration S1-1 S1-2 S1-3 S1-4 Position Master/ Mode Rate SNR Slave ON Slave Fast Auto 6dB (CPE) OFF Master Interleave 25/25 9dB (CO) S1-2: Impulse Noise Protection  Fast Mode: Direct data transmission with latency less than 1ms  Interleave Mode: Provides data transmission protection for up to 250 ms impulse noise wit

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5.2 FRONT PANEL LED STATUS MONITORS The Model 2173R features six front panel LEDs that monitor power, the Ethernet signals, the CopperLINK connection, and the remote/local set- ting. Figure 7 shows the front panel location of each LED. Table 2 on page 15 describes the LED functions. Power LED Link LED Ethernet 1 LED Ethernet 2 LED Remote LED Local LED Figure 7. Model 2173R front panel Table 2: Front panel LED description LED Status Description Power Green The device is powered on. Off The dev

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APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS A.1 LAN CONNECTION  Two shielded RJ-45, 10/100Base-T, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet  CopperLINK Connection: Shielded RJ-45 A.2 TRANSMISSION LINE Two-wire unconditioned twisted pair. A.3 COPPERLINK LINE RATE AND COPPERLINK DISTANCE  Line Rate: Up to 155 Mbps aggregate (upstream/downstream) via Auto Rate; and 25/25 Mbps via DIP switch settings.  Distance: Up to 5,500 ft (1.6 km) Note Distances depend on line rate and line conditions. A.4 LED STATUS INDICATORS  Power (G

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

APPENDIX B MODEL 2173R FACTORY REPLACEMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Patton Model # Description Base Models 2173R/E CopperLINK Multi Rate 100 Mbps Ethernet Extender; No power supply 2173R/E-2PK CopperLINK Multi Rate 100 Mbps Ethernet Extender Kit (2 units preset to local and remote); No power supply 2173R/EUI-2PK CopperLINK Multi Rate 100 Mbps Ethernet Extender Kit (2 units preset to local and remote); 110-240VAC 07M2173R-UM User Manual Power Supplies 08055DCUI 100-240VAC (+5V reg. DC/2A) Unive

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APPENDIX C MODEL 2173R INTERFACE PIN ASSIGNMENT C.1 10/100BASE-T INTERFACE RJ-45  Pin 1: TX+  Pin 2: TX-  Pin 3: RX+  Pin 6: RX-  Pins 4, 5, 7, 8: no connection C.2 COPPERLINK INTERFACE RJ-45  Pin 4: RING  Pin 5: TIP  Pins 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8: no connection 18

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APPENDIX D SAMPLE RATES/DISTANCE CHART, BASED ON 24 AWG (0.5 MM) Throughput at Max Distance in Rate Mode Distance Feet (km) (megabits per second) 4/1 Fast 5,500 4.00 (DS) (1.6 km) 1.00 (US) 4/1 Interleave 5,500 4.00 (DS) (1.6 km) 1.00 (US) 100/70 Fast 500 ft 83 (DS) (0.15 km) 69.5 (US) 100/70 Interleave 250 83 (DS) (0.07 km) 69.5 (US) * Interleave 2,250 24.89 (DS) 25/25 (0.6 km) 24.89 (US) 50/50 Fast 1,750 49.78 (DS) (0.5 km) 49.78 (US) 50/50 Interleave 1,750 49.78 (DS) (0.5 km) 49.78 (US)

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Copyright © 2011 Patton Electronics Company All Rights Reserved. 20

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