Instrukcja obsługi Patton electronic 2157

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Patton electronic 2157

Urządzenie: Patton electronic 2157
Kategoria: Karta sieciowa
Producent: Patton electronic
Rozmiar: 1.1 MB
Data dodania: 4/20/2013
Liczba stron: 20
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

MODELS 2156 & 2157
CopperLink Ethernet
Part# 07M2156_2157 SALES OFFICE
Doc# 032131U Rev. A
(301) 975-1000
Revised 2/4/03
(301) 975-1007
An ISO-9001Certified

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

CONTENTS 1.0 Warranty Information ................................................................. 3 1.1 Radio and TV Interference............................................................ 3 1.2 CE Notice...................................................................................... 3 1.3 FCC Part 68.................................................................................. 4 1.4 Industry Canada Notice ............................................................

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1.0 WARRANTY INFORMATION Patton Electronics warrants all Model 2156 or 2157 components to be free from defects, and will—at our option—repair or replace the product should it fail within one year from the first date of the shipment. This warranty is limited to defects in workmanship or materials, and does not cover customer damage, abuse or unauthorized modification. If this product fails or does not performs as warranted, your sole recourse shall be repair or replacement as

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1.3 FCC PART 68 The Models 2156 and 2157 are not intended to be con- nected to the public telephone network. Caution 1. You are required to request service from the telephone company before you connect the Model 2156 or 2157 to a network. When you request service, you must provide the telephone company with the following data. — The required Universal Service Order code (USOC) jack: RJ-11C — The make, model number, Ringer Equivalence Number (REN), and FCC Registration number

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1.4 INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE NOTICE: This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Termi- nal Equipment Technical Specifications. This is confirmed by the registra- tion number. The abbreviation IC, before the registration number signifies that registration was performed based on a Declaration of conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the equipment. 1.5 SERVICE All warranty and non

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2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Thank you purchasing this Patton Electronics product. This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested and is warranted for one year for parts and labor. If questions arise while installing or using this product, contact Technical Support at +1 (301) 975-1007. 2.1 FEATURES • Easy-to-install Ethernet Extenders—no configuration required • Auto-rate adaption ensures the highest rate possible for each exten- sion distance • Data rates to 2.3 Mbps (for M

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Figure 1. Typical application The 2157/L and 2157/R work together to create a transparent extension between two peered Ethernet LANs. Figure 1 shows a typical point-to- point application. 7

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3.0 INSTALLATION Because the CopperLink Ethernet Extenders require no configuration, they can be installed quickly. Installation consists of the following: • Connect the line interface between the units (refer to section 3.1, “Connecting the Twisted-Pair Line Interface” on page 8) Note See Figure 2 for the rear-panel connectors locations. • Connect the Ethernet interface (refer to section 3.2, “Line Interface— Connecting the 10/100Base-T Ethernet Interface” on page 9). • Connect t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Follow the steps below to connect the CopperLink interfaces. Note The Model 2156 or 2157 units work in pairs. One of the units must be a Model 2156/L (local) or 2157/L, and the other unit must be a Model 2156/R (remote) or 2157/R. 1. To function properly, the two Ethernet Extenders must be connected together using twisted-pair, unconditioned, dry, metal wire, between 19 (0.9mm) and 26 AWG (0.4mm). Leased circuits that run through signal equalization equipment are not acceptab

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Figure 4. CopperLink Ethernet Extender 10/100Base-T RJ-45 Connector Pinout. Connecting the 10/100Base-T Ethernet Port to a Hub or PC The Models 2156 and 2157 are equipped with an MDI-X switch that enables connections to a hub (DCE) or PC (DTE) interface, thereby elimininating confusion over whether a straight-through or crossover cable is needed. When using a straight-through cable for connecting to a hub, the MDI-X switch should be in its released (DCE mode) position (see Figur

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

2157 10/100Base-T Port 10/100Base-T DTE RJ-45 Pin No. RJ-45 Pin No. 1 (TX+) 1 (TX+) 2 (TX-) 2 (TX-) 3 (RX+) 3 (RX+) 6 (RX-) 6 (RX-) Figure 7. MDI-X switch pressed in performs 10/100Base-T crossover function 3.3 CONNECTING POWER An external AC or DC power supply is available separately. This connec- tion is made via the barrel jack on the rear panel of the Models 2156 and 2157. No configuration is necessary for the power supply (See Appendix B on page 18 for domestic and internati

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

An approved external power supply that incorporates a disconnect device must be used and positioned within easy reach of the operator’s position. Caution Connect the equipment to a 5 VDC source that is electri- cally isolated from the AC source. The 5 VDC source is to be reliably connected to earth. Caution External 48 VDC power supply • Input – Rated voltage: 36–60 VDC – Rated current: 0.25 A DC at nominal 48 VDC – 3-pin locking connector, 3.5 mm pitch – Reverse p

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3.5 CONSOLE PORT The Console Port is only intended for use by Patton Electronics Technical Support technicians. 13

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4.0 OPERATION Once the CopperLink Ethernet Extenders are properly installed, they should operate transparently. No user settings required. This section describes reading the LED status monitors. 4.1 FRONT PANEL LED STATUS MONITORS The Models 2156 and 2157 feature eight front-panel LEDs that monitor power, Ethernet signals, and the CopperLink connection. Figure 9 shows the front panel location of each LED. Table 1 describes the LED functions. Figure 9. CopperLink Ethernet Ex

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APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS A.1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS • Compact low cost plug-and-play router • 10/100 Ethernet • Unlimited host support • Eight front panel LEDs indicate Power, WAN, Ethernet LAN speed and status • Convenient and standard RJ connectors for Ethernet and line • External UI or 48 VDC power supply options • Standard 1-year warranty A.2 WAN CHARACTERISTICS • 2.3 Mbps (Model 2156) or 4.6 Mbps speed (Model 2157) • RJ-11 connector • Uses two-wire unconditioned twisted-pai

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A.4 EXTENSION DISTANCE AND RATE • 2.3 Mbps (Model 2156) or 4.6 Mbps speed (Model 2157) • Distances up to 30,000 ft (9,144 m) on 24 AWG (0.4 mm) wire • Auto-adjusting rate picks best rate for a given extension distance (see tables below) Table 2: Model 2156 Extension Distances No Noise DSL line rate 26g (0.4 mm) 24g (0.5 mm) 22g (0.6 mm) 20g (0.8 mm) 19g (0.9 mm) N kbps miles km miles km miles km miles km miles km 3 200 4.4 7.0 5.7 9.4 8.0 13.1 10.3 16.8 12.1 19.7 6 392 4.0 6.6 5.

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A.5 LED INDICATORS • Eight LED indicators •Power • WAN Link, Transmit, and Receive • Ethernet Link, 100M, Transmit, and Receive A.6 POWER AND POWER SUPPLY SPECIFICATIONS • Either AC or DC options are available • Connection to the CopperLink Ethernet Extender requires +5VDC ±5% DC power (1.0A minimum). Center pin is +5V. The barrel type plug has a 2.5/5.5/10mm I.D./O.D./shaft length dimensions • CopperLink Ethernet Extender’s rated voltage: 5.0 VDC • CopperLink Ethernet Extender’s r

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

APPENDIX B MODELS 2156 AND 2157 SERIES FACTORY REPLACEMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Patton Model # Description 2156 Base Models 2156/L CopperLink Ethernet Extender; Line: RJ-11 (Local) 2156/R CopperLink Ethernet Extender; Line: RJ-11 (Remote) 2156-2PK CopperLink Ethernet Extender Kit: includes one local (L) and one remote (R) Model 2156 2157 Base Models 2157/L CopperLink Ethernet Extender; Line: RJ-11 (Local) 2157/R CopperLink Ethernet Extender; Line: RJ-11 (Remote) 2157-2PK CopperLi

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APPENDIX C MODELS 2156 AND 2157 SERIES INTERFACE PIN ASSIGNMENT C.1 10/100BASE-T INTERFACE RJ-45 • Pin 1: TX+ • Pin 2: TX- • Pin 3: RX+ • Pin 6: RX- • Pins 4, 5, 7, 8: no connection C.2 COPPERLINK INTERFACE RJ-11 • Pin 2: RING • Pin 3: TIP • Pins 1 & 4: no connection 19

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Notes ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________

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