Instrukcja obsługi Patton electronic 2112

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Patton electronic 2112

Urządzenie: Patton electronic 2112
Kategoria: Karta sieciowa
Producent: Patton electronic
Rozmiar: 0.67 MB
Data dodania: 4/20/2013
Liczba stron: 10
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Patton electronic 2112 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

MODEL 2112
Network Access Bridge
Part# 07M2112-A
Doc# 033081UA
Revised 06/22/99
An ISO-9001

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

T TA AB BL LE E O OF F C CO ON NT TE EN NT TS S 1 1..0 0 W WA AR RR RA AN NT TY Y I IN NF FO OR RM MA AT TI IO ON N Patton Electronics warrants all Model 2112 components to be SECTION PAGE free from defects, and will—at our option—repair or replace the prod- uct should it fail within one year from the first date of shipment. 1.0 Warranty Information..............................................................2 This warranty is limited to defects in workmanship or materials, 1.1 Radio and TV

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

2 2..0 0 G GE EN NE ER RA AL L I IN NF FO OR RM MA AT TI IO ON N 1.3 SERVICE Thank you for your purchase of this Patton Electronics product. All warranty and non-warranty repairs must be returned freight This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested and is warrant- prepaid and insured to Patton Electronics. All returns must have a ed for One Year parts and labor. If any questions or problems arise Return Materials Authorization number on the outside of the shipping during installatio

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

3.0 INSTALLATION 2.3 TYPICAL APPLICATION The Model 2112 requires no configuration. You only need to con- nect the Ethernet interface, line interface between the units and power. The 2112-CO and 2112-CP work together to create an extension This section describes these connections. between 2 peer Ethernet LANs with all the benefits of MAC bridging. The following diagram shows a typical application Corporate Headquarters Model 2112-CO LAN 2-Wire Leased Line Power 10BaseT IEC Power Line Swi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

3. Observe the Signal/Pin relationships on the Model 2112’s Line 3.2 CONNECTING THE 10BASET ETHERNET INTERFACE Interface jack. This Line Interface is a 2 wire interface. The RJ-45 jack labeled “Interface Port” is the 10BaseT interface. This port is designed to connect directly to a 10BaseT network. Figure 4, below, shows the Signal/Pin relationships on this interface. You may 1 (N/C) connect this port to another Ethernet port via a Type 4 or Type 5 cable 2 (N/C) that is up to 330 feet long.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

4.0 OPERATION 3.3 CONNECTING POWER Once the Model 2112 is properly installed, it should operate trans- The Model 2112 is available with a Universal AC power supply parently. This sections describes power-up, reading the LED status that is operable in power environments from 100 to 253VAC. No con- monitors, and using the built-in loopback test modes. figuration is necessary for the power supply (See Appendix B for 4.1 POWER-UP domestic and international power plug options). To apply pow

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

TM Glows red to indicate that the Model 2112 has 11 Detected LAN receive frame(s) with bad CRC. been placed in Test Mode. The unit can be placed in test mode by the local or remote user. Link Glows green to indicate good link integrity on the 10Base-T twisted pair line. NS Glow red to indicate that the local Model 2112 has not yet connected with the remote. 4.4 TEST MODES The Model 2112 offers a proprietary loopback test mode, plus a 4.3 ETHERNET LED STATUS MONITORS built-in V.52 BER test p

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

APPENDIX A 2. If the above test indicates no errors are present, move the V.52 toggle switch DOWN, activating the “511/E” test with PATTON ELECTRONICS MODEL 2112 SPECIFICATIONS errors present. If the test is working properly, the local LAN Connection: RJ-45, 10Base-T, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet modem's red “ER” LED will glow. A successful “511/E” test will confirm that the link is in place, and that the Model MAC Address Table Size: 4096 entries 2112’s built-in “511” generator and detector are

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

A AP PP PE EN ND DI IX X C C APPENDIX B PATTON ELECTRONICS MODEL 2112 FACTORY REPLACEMENT MODEL 2112 INTERFACE PIN ASSIGNMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 10BASE-T Interface Pin Description Patton Electronics Model # Description (RJ-45 Female Connector) (DTE Configuration) 0805US ...........................American Power Cord 0805EUR.........................European Power Cord CEE 7 0805UK ...........................United Kingdom Power Cord 1 TD+ (data output from 2112) 0805AUS........................

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

A AP PP PE EN ND DI IX X D D Dear Valued Customer, MODEL 2112 INTERFACE PIN ASSIGNMENT Thank you for purchasing Patton Electronics products! We (continued) do appreciate your business. I trust that you find this user manual helpful. Line Interface Pin Description W e manufacture one of the widest selections of data commu- (RJ-45 Female Connector) nications products in the world including CSU/DSU’s, network termina- tion units, powered and self-powered short range modems, fiber optic 1 (N/C)

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