Instrukcja obsługi Nortel Networks P0908546

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Nortel Networks P0908546

Urządzenie: Nortel Networks P0908546
Kategoria: Karta sieciowa
Producent: Nortel Networks
Rozmiar: 0.09 MB
Data dodania: 8/15/2014
Liczba stron: 18
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Enterprise Edge ATA 2
User Guide
1-800-4 NORTEL
© 1999 Nortel Networks
P0908546 Issue 01

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Contents About Enterprise Edge ATA 2 5 What does Enterprise Edge ATA 2 do? 5 Feature List 6 Alternate Line 6 Call Forward 6 Call Park 6 Call Park Retrieve 6 Callback for Call Park 6 Call Pick-up (Directed) 6 Call Pick-up (Group) 6 Call Queuing 7 Camp-on 7 Conference Call 7 Conference Hold 7 Conference Consultation (Split Conference) 8 Disconnecting One Party 8 Hold Call (Exclusive) 8 Hold Call (Public) 8 Hotline 8 Last Number Redial 9 Line Pool Selection 9 Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging 9 Page

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

4 Contents Transfer 12 Blind Transfer 12 Transfer using announce 12 Transfer using Conference 12 To Transfer an external call to a co-worker with a line appearance using Hold 12 Trunk Answer from any Telephone 13 Voice Call 13 Data Communication 15 Set Tones to OFF 15 Auto-answer Modems and Answering Machines 15 Modem and FAX Transmission Compatibility 15 Troubleshooting for Data Applications 17 Enterprise Edge ATA 2 User Guide P0908546 Issue 01

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

About Enterprise Edge ATA 2 What does Enterprise Edge ATA 2 do? Enterprise Edge Analog Terminal Adapter 2 (Enterprise Edge ATA 2) connects a digital two-line display telephone port to a standard analog voice device, such as a single-line telephone or a data communication device, such as a modem or facsimile machine. Enterprise Edge ATA 2 provides on or off-premise service. This guide describes: • Enterprise Edge ATA 2 features used with the Enterprise Edge server • Data Communication informat

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

6 About Enterprise Edge ATA 2 Enterprise Edge ATA 2 User Guide P0908546 Issue 01

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Feature List Alternate Line ûÛ Allows you to switch between your two intercom lines. When a line is in use, you hear an error tone informing you that the line is already in use. Call Forward û¥Ý Directs your calls to another telephone connected to your Enterprise Edge system. Press the feature code followed by the extension number of the telephone to receive the forwarded calls. To cancel Call Forward, press û£Ý. Call Park û¥àÝ Parks the call on hold and allows it to be retrieved from any oth

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

8 Feature List Call Queuing û¥¡âÚ Allows you to answer the first incoming external call to your telephone, while you are on a call. All other incoming callers hear a busy signal unless there is another telephone programmed to ring on the same line. Camp-on û¥¡Û Allows you to reroute an external call or a call from a Centrex system telephone to another Enterprise Edge system telephone. Conference Call û¥Ü Allows you to establish a three-way conference between yours

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Feature List 9 Conference Consultation (Split Conference) Allows you to put one party on hold and consult with the other party. To consult: 1. Press û£Ü to split the conference. 2. Press ûÛ to alternate between calls. 3. Press û¥Ü to restore the three-way call. Disconnecting One Party Allows you to disconnect one party in a three-way conference call. To disconnect one call: 1. Press û£Ü to put one caller on hold. You are connected with the other call. 2. Replace the handset. 3. Lift the handse

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

10 Feature List Last Number Redial û¥Þ Automatically dials the last external telephone number you dialed. Line Pool Selection Allows several telephones to access a group of exchange lines. To access line pool selection, enter the line pool code or during the intercom dial tone press: û¥Ý . Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging Press the Enterprise Edge Voice Messaging extension, or û¥á¡Ú . Allows you to access your mailbox. û¥á¡â

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Feature List 11 Priority Call û¥á Allows you to interrupt an internal call in progress on a digital telephone, or make a voice call to a digital telephone on Voice Call Deny or Do Not Disturb. The session in progress is automatically put on hold. Note: Priority Call must be enabled in Enterprise Edge System Administration. Privacy Control û¥¡Ü Prevents another telephone that shares your line from joining your current call or permits another telephone that shares your line to join in. Restric

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

12 Feature List Saved Number Redial û¥ßà Allows you to save an external number while you are on a call or while the called telephone is ringing. To automatically redial the saved number: 1. Press û¥à. Send Message û¥Ú Allows you to leave a message on a co-worker’s telephone. To cancel send message, press û£Ú. Service Mode In service mode the Enterprise Edge ATA 2 telephone can be assigned as the control telephone for one or more lines, or as the night zero telephone. Service mode is assigned

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Feature List 13 Transfer Allows you to transfer a call. To transfer a call you must have an available intercom line. Blind Transfer 1. Press û¥àâ. 2. Press the transfer destination number. 3. Replace the handset. Transfer using announce 1. Press û¥àâ (intercom dial tone is heard). 2. Press the transfer destination number. 3. Announce the call to the receiving party (optional). 4. Replace the handset. Transfer using Conference 1. Press ûÛ. 2. Make the second call. 3. û¥Ü. 4. Replace the handse

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

14 Feature List Trunk Answer from any Telephone û¥¡ââ Allows you to pick up a ringing external call on a line that has been placed into any service mode. Voice Call û¥ßß Allows you to make a voice announcement or begin a conversation through the speaker of a digital telephone without making the other telephone ring. Enterprise Edge ATA 2 User Guide P0908546 Issue 01

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Data Communication This section supplies additional information for using Enterprise Edge Analog Terminal Adapter 2 with data communication devices. Set Tones to OFF Enterprise Edge ATA 2 must have tones OFF so tones do not interfere with data transmissions. The following progress tones are not heard when Enterprise Edge ATA 2 is in the tones OFF mode: • Held Line Reminder • Call Waiting • Ring Again To turn tones OFF: Lift the handset and press û£¡âá. Auto-answer Modems and Answering Machi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

16 Data Communication Enterprise Edge ATA 2 User Guide P0908546 Issue 01

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

Troubleshooting for Data Applications If you are having trouble, check the following before calling a repair person: 1. Make sure the data parameters (parity, baud) are set correctly. 2. Make sure Enterprise Edge Analog Terminal Adapter 2 is in the tones OFF mode. 3. Make sure you are dialing out on the proper line. The proper line is either an intercom or external line. See Alternate Line on page 6 of the Feature List. To change your prime line, see your System Administrator. 4. Substitute a

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

18 Troubleshooting for Data Applications Enterprise Edge ATA 2 User Guide P0908546 Issue 01

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