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NI-DMM Instrument Driver
Initialize and Close
niDMM Initialize
Creates a new session to the instrument.
ViRsrc resourceName For Traditional NI-DAQ devices, use DAQ::#,
where # is the device number.
For NI-DAQmx devices, the device name is
assigned by Measurement & Automation
Explorer (MAX). Optionally, for all devices
you can use an IVI logical name.
ViBoolean IDQuery NID
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 2 Initialize and Close (continued) ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Close (niDMM_close) Closes the current session to the instrument. ViSession vi Session handle Configure ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Configure Measurement Digits (niDMM_ConfigureMeasurementDigits) Configures the common properties of the measurement. ViSession vi Session handle ViInt32 Function DC volts, AC volts, and so on ViReal64 Range ViReal64 Resolut
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 3 Measurement Options (continued) ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Configure Auto Zero (niDMM_ConfigureAutoZeroMode) Configures the DMM for Auto Zero. ViSession vi Session handle ViInt32 AutoZero Default = Auto niDMM Configure ADC Calibration (niDMM_ConfigureADCCalibration) Allows the NI 4070/4071/4072 to compensate for gain drift since the last external or self-calibration. ViSession vi Session handle ViInt32 ADC Calibration Default = Aut
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 4 Capacitance and Inductance ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Configure Cable Comp Type (niDMM_ConfigureCableCompType) Sets the Cable Compensation Type property for the current capacitance/inductance mode range on the NI 4072. ViSession vi Session handle ViInt32 Cable Comp Type niDMM Configure Open Cable Comp Values (niDMM_OpenCableCompValues) Configures the Open Cable Comp Conductance and Open Cable Comp Susceptance properties on the NI 4
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 5 Triggers ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Configure Trigger (niDMM_ConfigureTrigger) Configures the DMM trigger source and trigger delay. ViSession vi Session handle ViInt32 Trigger Source Default = Immediate ViReal64 Trigger Delay Default = Auto niDMM Send Software Trigger (niDMM_SendSoftwareTrigger) Sends a command to trigger the DMM. ViSession vi Session handle niDMM Configure Trigger Slope (niDMM_ConfigureTriggerSlope) Sets the Trigge
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 6 Actual Values ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Get Auto Range Value (niDMM_GetAutoRangeValue) Returns the actual range that the DMM is using, even when auto ranging is off. ViSession vi Session handle ViReal64* autoRange Value Output niDMM Get Aperture Time Info (niDMM_GetApertureTimeInfo) Returns the aperture time and aperture time units. ViSession vi Session handle ViReal64* Aperture Time Output ViInt32* Aperture Time Output (seconds or
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 7 Acquisition (continued) ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Read Waveform (niDMM_ReadWaveform) Acquires a waveform and returns an array representing the digitized waveform on the NI 4070/4071/4072. ViSession vi Session handle ViInt32 Maximum Time Milliseconds ViInt32 Number to Read Default = 1 ViReal64[]* Waveform Data Output ViInt32* Actual Number Output niDMM Is Over Range (niDMM_IsOverRange) Takes a measurement value and determines if the
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 8 Low-Level Acquisition (continued) ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Fetch Waveform (niDMM_FetchWaveform) Acquires an array of data from a waveform on the NI 4070/4071/4072. ViSession vi Session handle ViInt32 Maximum Time Milliseconds ViInt32 Number to Fetch Default = 1 ViReal64[ ]* Waveform Data Output ViInt32* Actual Number Output niDMM Read Status (niDMM_ReadStatus) Returns measurement backlog and acquisition status on the NI 4060 and
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 9 Utility (continued) ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Format Measurements Absolute (niDMM_FormatMeasAbsolute) Formats the measurement to the proper number of displayed digits. ViInt32 Function DC volts, AC volts, and so on ViReal64 Range Input ViReal64 Resolution Input ViReal64 Measurement Input ViChar [ ] Mode String Output ViChar [ ] Range String Output ViChar [ ] Data String Output niDMM Get Digits Of Precision (niDMM_GetDigitsOfPrecisi
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 10 Calibration (continued) ICON TYPE PARAMETER VALUE TO SET, COMMENTS niDMM Get Dev Temp (niDMM_GetDevTemp) Returns the current temperature of the NI 4070/4071/4072. ViSession vi Session handle ViString Reserved " " ViReal64* Temperature Output niDMM Get Last Cal Temp (niDMM_GetLastCalTemp) Returns the temperature during the last calibration procedure on the NI 4070/4071/4072. ViSession vi Session handle ViInt32 Area Default = Internal ViReal64* Temperatu
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 11 DMM Programming Flow © © National Instruments Corporation National Instruments Corporation 11 NI-DMM Instrument Driver Quick Reference Close Initialize Configure Hardware Read Session Initiate/Fetch
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322614f.qxp 11/23/2004 10:13 AM Page 12 National Instruments, NI,, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on for more information about National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file