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The Alcatel-Lucent
5530 Network Analyzer
Implementing Best-Practices
Access Loop Operations
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The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 Network Analyzer (NA) is a comprehensive line testing and quality management solution that helps you en- sure that DSL lines meet quality and stability requirements for the successful deployment of high-speed Internet and triple-play ser- vices. The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA supports operational best prac- tices throughout the access line lifecycle, including provisioning, maintenance, troubleshooting and customer support. It helps you achieve appropriate service rollout
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Service Provider Challenges and Needs With higher bit rates and triple-play Support more quality sensitive services services, the performance required DSL technology has enabled you to deliver triple-play from DSL lines is rising dramatically. services more cost effectively. Video and voice as well Lines are being operated closer to their as new multimedia services tend to become more bit rate limit while real-time voice and demanding in terms of bandwidth, latency and error video servi
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Streamline operations and Provide better Line testing strategies in control OPEX customer support the evolving access network The access network, with its many Providing better customer sup- The obsolescence of telephone ramifications and connections, is a port is paramount for customer switches and the on-going demand for natural place for problems to arise. satisfaction and retention. The higher bandwidth is also driving the With DSL, you will need to master quality perceived by your cus
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Supporting access operational best practices The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA is a comprehensive line testing solution helping ensure that DSL loops meet quality and stability requirements for the successful deployment of high speed Internet and triple play services. With the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA, you can streamline service delivery, improve service quality, reduce service downtime and resolve problems faster. Streamlining operations end-to-end The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA supports the full life-cy
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Pro-active line management Customer care integration Pro-active management will enable The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA you to detect problems before they has also been extended to support impact your customers, or correct customer care processes. This gives problems automatically through you visibility of simplified line dynamic line reconfiguration. The quality information, letting you Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA monitors design the workflows you need to your DSL lines and detects degrada- guide
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Advanced and comprehensive Rationalizing your troubleshooting capability testing architecture The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA Network evolution scenarios for provides a wide array of testing Class 5 switch replacement include capabilities allowing you to detect, the implementation of POTS line diagnose and troubleshoot any and cards in the access node. This trans- all problems affecting customer lines. formation option can apply to access It will allow you to check line state nodes deployed in
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Table 1. Features and benefits of the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 Network Analyzer FEATuRES BENEFiTS • N e t w o r k - w i d e l i n e q u a l i t y a s s e s s m e n t • C o n f i d e n t l y l a u n c h n e w s e r v i c e s b y i d e n t i f y i n g m a j o r p r o b l e m s s o u r c e s f r o m the very start • A d v a n c e d l i n e p r e - q u a l i f i c a t i o n a n d v a l i d a t i o n • I d e n t i f y a n d s o l v e c u s t o m e r
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How the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA works Embedded line testing technologies The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA relies on several embedded testing technologies. The Single Ended Line Test (SELT) is a reflectometric test mainly aimed at measuring line length and locating line problems. Consequently, it is used for the estimation of potential line capacity or for the location of possible line impairments. The Dual Ended Line Testing (DELT) is based on the exploitation of DSL physical layer parameters. DELT
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Coping with your evolving access network The Alcatel-Lucent access testing approach delivers testing capabilities in the Access nodes themselves, thus removing the need for test access matrices and costly external test-head solutions. Furthermore, as your access network evolves with the integration of POTS line cards (Class 5 replacement), you will be able to rely on the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA to serve as a single integrated testing solution for DSL and POTS. Over-the-time monitoring Broa
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Expert diagnostic system For more efficient troubleshooting, the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA integrates an expert system that analyses tests results and line operational parameters. The system in- cludes a knowledge base derived from Alcatel-Lucent’s DSL expertise and from the know-how acquired by consulting teams working with real-life networks. This knowledge and expertise is made available in the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA expert system. This will analyse the various symptoms detected and point
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tomizable workflows. This will help you to quickly build Adaptable customer care workflows the customer support application that fits your unique Thanks to the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA, your customer requirements. Based on this capability, your customer care support team can now be put back into action and take agents can take advantage of meaningful line state infor- a key role in the customer trouble resolution process. The mation and follow through well specified troubleshoot- product pr
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Dynamic line management Dynamic line management is a capability provided by the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA, which greatly improves DSL line stability. With real-time services such as voice and video, line stability has become paramount. To enforce line stability, the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA monitors key DSL line parameters and triggers line profile re-configuration, according to pre-defined line profile transitions. This process enables you to fine-tune parameters such as line speed, interleave
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Architecture The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA runs OSS and customer care integration in a clustered SUN server configu- The interface to the OSS is based on XML/SOAP. All ration, which provides the greatest testing and diagnosis capabilities are accessible from this scalability as your network evolves. interface so you can easily integrate testing capabilities on The database provides high avail- your other OSSs. A high-level API has also been specially ability due to the redundant master devel
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Leveraging unprecedented access management experience Proven solution, adopted by Technology and more than 50 service providers innovation leadership To date, the Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA has The Alcatel-Lucent 5530 NA is the result been deployed by more than 50 service of unmatched DSL expertise, backed by providers worldwide and manages more intense research and innovation. Alcatel- than 25 million DSL lines. It has quickly Lucent’s research and innovation teams become the essential DSL
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16 Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © 2008 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. CAR9718080102 (05)