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User Guide
Issue 1, September 2007
This User Guide is applicable for serial numbers:
M233-00151 and later
Copyright © 2007 by Studio Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved
50336-0907, Issue 1
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Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................... 5 System Features ........................................................... 6 Installation and Setup ................................................... 12 Configuration ................................................................ 17 Operation ...................................................................... 28 Advanced Operation .....................................................
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This page intentionally left blank. Issue 1, September 2007 Model 233 User Guide Page 4 Studio Technologies, Inc.
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Whether it’s the mic preamplifier, audio Introduction switching, talkback signals, intercom inter- facing, or headphone cue feed, superior What This User Guide Covers audio quality is maintained throughout. A This User Guide is designed to assist you microprocessor provides the Model 233’s when installing, configuring, and using logic power, allowing precise control of the Model 233 Announcer’s Console. Ad- the unit’s operation. With extensive flexibil- ditional background technical infor
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Figure 2. Model 233 back panel of capabilities many other specialized The output circuitry features a high- “behind-the-scenes” applications can performance output transformer also be implemented. expressly designed for professional audio applications. Talkback Functions System Features The talkback functions are intended Microphone Input to provide personnel associated with A high-performance microphone preampli- production trucks, control rooms, live- fier circuit provides low-noise/low-d
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main output to be used as an additional provide users with a clear, easy-to-use talkback output. This feature makes the interface. One pushbutton switch controls unit even more powerful when used in live- the status of the main output. This is the event applications, such as serving as a audio output intended for on-air, stadium master console for an orchestra conductor announcement, or other primary uses. or production director. Two LEDs display the on/off status of the main output. Two a
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radio broadcasting, announce-booth, or include off-air receivers, wireless IFB sys- voice-over applications. The fourth mode tems, and audio consoles. The connected provides a hybrid function, supporting signals can be from two independent both push-to-talk and tap-to-enable/tap-to- sources, or could be from a stereo audio disable operation. This operation is similar feed such as would be associated with a to that found in many broadcast intercom broadcast music event. Two level trim po- sys
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with satellite transmission systems, are A headphone control reverse mode is present. In effect the Model 233’s sidetone provided specifically for on-air television function adds the “minus” part to a “mix applications where a headset with boom minus” cue. microphone is used. The reverse mode ensures that no matter which headset Several configurable parameters allow orientation is used by the talent, the two the sidetone function to be tailored to the “pots” controlling the external sour
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Intercom Interface Power Sources Of special note is the Model 233’s sophisti- The Model 233 can derive its operating cated intercom interface. It’s designed power from an intercom line or an external to work correctly with industry-standard 24 volt DC source. For redundancy, both single- and dual-channel party-line inter- power sources can be connected simul- com systems, including those from RTS taneously. An internal switch-mode power and Clear-Com. An intercom line connect- supply ensures
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Additional Connector Locations Configuration In the world of broadcast, production, and Model 233 configurations are made using public address audio it’s fair to say that a number of DIP-type switches and four applications vary widely. To this end, up to trim potentiometers. One 8-position switch three additional XLR-type connectors can array is used to set the gain of the micro- be easily mounted into the Model 233’s phone preamplifier, the on/off status of back panel. Multiple 3-posit
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Options Installation and The Model 233’s standard resources are more than sufficient to directly support a Setup large number of applications. But in the In this section interconnections will be “real world” of audio and intercommunica- made using the input and output connec- tions special needs always seem to arise. tors located on the Model 233’s back pan- To that end, Studio Technologies offers el. Microphone, line-level audio sources, a number of option cards. In addition to interco
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The selected microphone is intercon- purchased only premium-quality headsets, nected by way of a 3-pin female XLR-type their total cost of ownership would have connector which is located on the Model been much less. Enough said… 233’s back panel. The mating connector Headphone Output (male) should be wired so that pin 2 is The Model 233’s headphone output is signal high (+ or hot), pin 3 is signal low compatible with stereo or mono head- (– or cold), and pin 1 is shield. It’s possible pho
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Main Output Line-Level Talkback Outputs The Model 233’s main output is intended to The two line-level talkback outputs are be the “on-air” or primary signal that typi- intended to be connected to control cally connects to the input of an audio con- rooms, production trailers, or other loca- sole. The output is transformer balanced tions where talent-originated voice cues with a nominal signal level of –2 dBu. The are required. The outputs are transformer actual level will depend upon the gai
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are often part of broadcast and production can be individually routed to the left chan- audio applications. While the output cir- nel, right channel, or both the left and right cuitry is not intended to be “on-air” quality, channel of the headphone outputs. The overall audio performance should be very inputs are balanced, transformer-coupled good. Devices connected to the line-level with a nominal impedance of 10 k ohms. talkback outputs can range from amplified Capacitors, in series with th
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intercom channels. In addition, the inter- External Power Input com line can provide the DC power re- An external source of 24 volt DC power can quired to operate the Model 233’s circuitry. be connected to the Model 233 by way of a 2.1 x 5.5 mm coaxial power jack which An intercom line is connected to the is located on the back panel of the unit. Model 233 by way of a 3-pin female XLR- The center pin of the jack is the positive type connector which is located on the (+) connection. While
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computer to create the desired text. The Pushbutton Labeling finished label size should be 0.625-inches The three pushbutton switches used in (15.8 mm) square. The completed artwork the Model 233 were selected for several can then be printed on transparency film reasons. Foremost was the fact that they sheets using a laser or inkjet printer. These are highly reliable, using gold-plated con- sheets are readily available from most tacts for long life in less-than-ideal environ- office sup
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Figure 4. Microphone preamplifier gain switch settings signal up to line level, nominally –2 dBu, Figure 3. Bottom view of Model 233 showing on the Model 233’s main output. Operating configuration switches, trim pots, and at this signal level will help to ensure the compressor active LED delivery of “clean” audio to the connected device. The output of the Model 233’s mi- Microphone Preamplifier Gain crophone preamplifier is used by both the and Phantom Power main output and, by way of t
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It is visible by observing the bottom of the a line-level signal is connected to the Model 233’s enclosure when the security microphone input. This could occur with plate has been removed. Technically, this a special Model 233 application. But with a red LED lights whenever the compressor microphone connected as the input source circuitry is controlling the dynamic range one should never use the 0 dB setting. of the signal coming from the microphone The issue is that with no gain added to t
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on the back panel. Two trim pots are associated with the intercom channels. They allow adjustment of the intercom sidetone (null) level. This impacts the amount of talkback audio signal that is returned to a headphone output when a talkback-to-intercom function is active. The sidetone audio source comes from the output of the compressor circuit as- sociated with the microphone preamplifier. This allows an announcer or other Model 233 user to receive a confirmation signal of what is com