Instrukcja obsługi Mackie PPM1008

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Mackie PPM1008

Urządzenie: Mackie PPM1008
Kategoria: Mixer muzyczny
Producent: Mackie
Rozmiar: 4.81 MB
Data dodania: 8/11/2013
Liczba stron: 32
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

8-Channel, 2 x 800 W Professional Powered Mixer

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Important Safety Instructions 1. Read these instructions. 19. The MAINS plug or an appliance coupler is used as the disconnect 2. Keep these instructions. device, so the disconnect device shall remain readily operable. 20. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with 3. Heed all warnings. the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC 4. Follow all instructions. Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection 5. Do not use this ap

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Owner’s Manual Ready, steady, go! Read This Page! 1. Turn the channel level, mon 1, and FX/mon 2 We realize that you must be keen to try controls fully down. out your new powered mixer, but please 2. Turn down the compressor controls (ch. 1–4). read the safety instructions on page 2, and this page fi rst. 3. Set all the EQ controls to the center, including the graphic EQ sliders. 4. Turn down the main level and monitor 1 level Setup controls. The PPM1008 powered mixer is designed to be ea

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Introduction � Independent 9-band graphic EQs with constant- It is possible that only one person will read this Q fi lters on main and monitor outputs manual all the way through. Hello mom. Here's another manual from your boy. � Tape/CD stereo RCA outputs Thank you for choosing a Mackie professional pow- � 12-segment stereo output meters on main mix, ered mixer. These powerful mixers are designed to meet and mono meter on monitor 1 the needs of almost any small to medium-sized club, � Brea

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Owner’s Manual Contents IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........................ 2 MASTER CONTROLS READ THIS PAGE! .................................................... 3 36. MAIN MASTER GRAPHIC EQ ................... 20 INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 4 37. FX TO MAIN ........................................... 20 HOOKUP DIAGRAMS............................................... 6 38. MAIN LEVEL ...........................................20 REAR PANEL FEATURES .

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Hookup Diagrams Front Panel Power Amp Mode switch set to Stereo Mains Rear Panel Microphones press HI-Z button press HI-Z button Adjust Vocal Compression Keyboards Portable Recorder SRM450 v2 Powered Stage Monitors (plays mon 1 output) SWA1801z Powered Subwoofers S225 Passive Speakers (plays main mix below 100 Hz) (plays stereo main mix) This diagram shows microphones attached to channels 1 and 2, electric guitars connected directly to channels 5 and 6 (with hi-z switch pressed in), and a keybo

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Owner’s Manual Microphones Acoustic Guitar and Mic Front Panel Power Amp Mode switch set to Mains/Mon 1 Rear Panel press HI-Z button Adjust Vocal Compression Drum Machine FRS2800 Amplifier C300z Passive Stage Monitors dual-mono (plays mon 1 output) mode Keyboards SRM150 Powered Monitor (plays mon 1 output) S215 Passive Speakers S218s Passive Subwoofers House System (plays main mix below 100 Hz) (plays mono main mix) This diagram shows microphones attached to the mic inputs of channels 1 to 4, an

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Wireless Microphone Microphones Front Panel Power Amp Mode switch set to Stereo Mains Rear Panel Graphic EQ TM iPod Docking Station Wireless Mic Receiver Mackie d.2 Pro DJ Production Console SA1521z SA1521z Powered Powered Speaker Speaker MAIN OUT BOOTH FX PGM 2 PGM 1 MIC PHONO CD PHONO CD LR L L SEND RLL L L LINE MIC RRRR LIVE RETURN RECORD R L(MONO) R LINE GND LINE GND ~100-240 VAC 50-60Hz 20W L PHONO PHONO R Turntables with phono-level output S225 Passive Speakers SWA2801z SWA2801z (plays st

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Owner’s Manual Microphones Front Panel Power Amp Mode switch set to Mon 1/Mon 2 Rear Panel press HI-Z buttons Adjust Vocal Compression Send SA1532z SA1532z Powered Powered Speaker Speaker Guitar Processor Return (connected to INSERT) C200z Passive Stage Monitors (plays mon 2 output) Keyboards C300z Passive Stage Monitors (plays mon 1 output) SWA2801z SWA2801z Electronic Drum Kit Powered Subwoofer Powered Subwoofer (plays right main mix) (plays left main mix) This diagram shows microphones attac

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Rear Panel Features 2 X 800W PROFESSIONAL POWERED MIXER 4 2 6 3 6 1 OUTPUT POWER: @ 4 OHMS, 800 WATTS PEAK PER CH MINIMUM LOAD: 4 OHMS PER CHANNEL 5 1. POWER CONNECTION 3. SPEAKER-LEVEL OUTPUTS This jack accepts the supplied 3-prong IEC AC power These output connections provide speaker-level cord. output power from the internal power amplifi ers to your passive speakers. The power output of the PPM1008 is Before you plug the AC power cord into the 500 watts rms per channel into 4 ohms. power

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Owner’s Manual � 1/4" TS outputs are wired Tip positive, and 5. VENTILATION and REAR PANEL Sleeve negative. Ventilation holes in the rear panel and the bottom SLEEVE SLEEVE TIP panel allow the internal fans to fl ow breezy and minty- fresh cooling air over the internal power amplifi ers. Do TIP TIP not obstruct these holes, or the amplifi ers may overheat and shut down. SLEEVE Do not remove the feet, as these keep the 1/4" TS Connection powered mixer off the ground for ventilation. These two

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Front Panel Features 2 X 800W PROFESSIONAL POWERED MIXER / 11 12 14 10 8 9 FX FOOT SWITCH 13 7 Patchbay section 7. MIC INPUTS This is where you plug in things such as: microphones, We use phantom-powered, balanced microphone line-level instruments, guitars, and effects, a recorder, inputs just like the big studio mega-consoles, for exactly PA system, powered monitors, powered subwoofer etc. the same reason: This kind of circuit is excellent at (The speaker-level outputs from t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Owner’s Manual PHANTOM POWER 12. INSERT (CH. 1 to 6) Most modern professional condenser mics are These unbalanced 1/4" jacks on channels 1 to 6 are for equipped for phantom power, which lets the mixer connecting serial effects processors such as compres- send low-current DC voltage to the mic’s electronics sors, equalizers, de-essers, or fi lters. The insert point through the same wires that carry audio. (Semi-pro is after the gain switch [32] and compressor circuits condenser mics often have

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

/ 15 17 FX FOOT SWITCH 19 20 16 18 If they want "more me, and less Keith," you can turn 15. FX/MON 2 SEND OUTPUT up their channel's FX/mon 2 control, and turn down 1 This /4" TRS line-level output can be used to feed an Keith's. (If you were using monitor 1 to feed the stage external effects processor (FX) or another set of stage monitor, then you would adjust the mon 1 control [21] monitors (mon 2). The output here is a copy of what on each channel.) goes into the internal FX process

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Owner’s Manual (The main mix still plays the full frequency range, EFFECTS: SERIAL OR PARALLEL? this sub output is just a copy of the range below 100 Hz “Serial” means that the entire channel signal for external subwoofers.) leaves the mixer (insert [12] send), is routed through the effects device, and returns to the 19. MAIN OUTPUTS mixer (insert return). Examples: compressor, limiter, graphic equalizer. Line-level sources can also be These 1/4" TRS outputs supply the stereo main mix a

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

21 22 23 24 26 25 27 29 30 31 32 / 33 34 34 Channel Controls “U” like Unity gain Mackie mixers have a “U” symbol on almost every level The eight vertical channel strips look very similar, control. It stands for “unity gain,” meaning no change in with only a few differences between them. Each chan- signal level. The labels on the controls are measured in nel works independently, and just controls the signals decibels (dB), so you’ll know what you’re doing level- plugged into the in

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

Owner’s Manual 21. MON 1 23. HIGH EQ +15 This control allows you set up a nice monitor mix, The high EQ provides up to 15 +10 independent of the main mix or the monitor 2 mix. dB of boost or cut above 12 kHz, +5 Adjust these controls on each channel until your band is and it is also fl at at the detent. 0 –5 happy with the stage monitor mix. The controls are off Use it to add sizzle to cymbals, –10 when turned fully down, deliver unity gain at the center an overall sense of transpar- –15 20Hz

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

21 22 23 26 24 27 25 29 30 31 32 / 33 34 29. LOW EQ 32. GAIN SWITCH +15 The low EQ provides up to 15 Press this in (low) if you are connecting a line-level +10 dB of boost or cut below 80 Hz. input source to channels 1 to 6. +5 0 The circuit is fl at (no boost or Press this out (high) if you are connecting a micro- –5 cut) at the center detent posi- –10 phone-level signal to channels 1 to 8, or a instrument- tion. This frequency represents –15 level signal to channels 5 and 6 only

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

Owner’s Manual 33. COMPRESSOR +20 Channels 1 to 4 have an in-line compressor circuit with a variable threshold. This is very useful for com- +15 pression of vocals, for example. When the incoming signals exceed the threshold level +10 set by this knob, the signal level is automatically com- pressed. This reduces the dynamic range, and reduces +5 the chance of distortion due to overloading the input signals. +0 Dynamic range is the difference in level be- tween the quietest part of your song

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Master Controls As with the channel EQ, just take it easy. 35 2 X 800W PROFESSIONAL POWERED MIXER There is a large amount of adjustment, and if you are not careful, you can upset the delicate 37 balance of nature. Although it may not seem 40 cool to turn down controls, with EQ it is often your best option. Turn down the offending 36 frequency range, rather than boost the wanted 38 39 range. Having many sliders will allow you to reduce the level of some frequency bands where feedback

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