Instrukcja obsługi Mackie D8B

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Mackie D8B

Urządzenie: Mackie D8B
Kategoria: Mixer muzyczny
Producent: Mackie
Rozmiar: 1.93 MB
Data dodania: 8/11/2013
Liczba stron: 46
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Chapter 4
D8B Manual • Chapter 4 • page 87

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Channel Configuration/Planning Setting Up for a Session This actually has a lot to do with how well any This section of the Digital 8•Bus Owner’s audio experience unfolds. If you know where Manual provides very application-specific descrip- you’re headed with track expectations and instru- tions of some common usages. Follow the check- mentation, you’ll be able to make better choices list format to help ensure everything is set just along the way. Plan; plan again; think about it; right for your

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• It’s a good idea to keep a snapshot of each Setup Window working configuration as a starting point: tracking, overdubs, symphony, grunge band, etc. The Setup Window is very important to the functionality of the Digital 8•Bus. Its settings ❏ Connect all mics and instruments determine how the console functions within its • Be sure all channel faders are down. own architecture as well as how it interfaces with • Turn Master Fader down. other digital equipment. • Turn Speaker level down. ❏ Set up

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Setup Window settings are automatically stored and are recalled in subsequent boot ups. General ❏ • Mouse Speed • Display Intensity • Date and Time • Smart Save selection • Appearance style Mackie Digital Systems (MDS) Network ❏ • Network Channel • Mixer Name • Alt I/O 1–8 assignments • Link Options across the digital network (connected Digital 8•Bus consoles) Digital I/O (Tape 1–24) ❏ • Sample rate • Apogee Clock status: Internal/Word Clock • Alt 1–8 Type, Inputs, and Outputs • Stereo I/O setti

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

OPT•8 Card (ADAT Optical) Installation and Connection of Optional I/O and Effects Cards The inexpensive ADAT optical card functions with any device incorporating the ADAT format The Input/Output cards are an essential part digital optical lightpipe. The OPT•8 card configures of the D8B multitrack system. These cards itself automatically; it doesn’t need to be adjusted provided up to 24 tape outputs and inputs for use in the Setup>Digital I/O window. Lightpipe connec- with any common analog and

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Installation of FX Cards IMPORTANT: Shut off power to the Digital 8•Bus’ Remote CPU before installing or removing cards. Also, install your FX cards in order. For example, put your first FX card in the slot marked “A,” your second FX card in slot “B,” etc. 1. Loosen the four spring-loaded screws on the blank cover plate to the FX card slot you want to fill. FX Card Cover Plate Removal 2. With your finger in the hole on the FX card (and the components on the circuit board facing to the left), pus

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

Installation of I/O Cards IMPORTANT: Shut off power to the Digital 8•Bus’ Remote CPU before installing or removing cards. 1. Using a #2 Philips screwdriver, unscrew the blank cover plate corresponding to the I/O card slot you want to fill. Remove Cover Plate for Tape I/O Card 2. Holding the I/O card so that the components on the green circuit board face to the left (see diagram), line up the card so the top and bottom edges fit into the white guide slots. Do not touch any of the circuit board co

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Checklist for Basic Connecting Analog Multitrack(s) Operational Functionality ❏ Install AIO•8 card(s) into one or more of the D8B Basic system functionality depends greatly on TAPE CARD slots. This provides up to 32 tracks of the accurate selection of a few key items. Work I/O (including the ALT I/O card). through this checklist to verify console settings. ❏ Using the appropriate cable, connect 25-pin D-sub The previous chapters provide an explanation of each item. This checklist simply provides

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Connecting TASCAM (TDIF) Multitrack(s) ❏ Install DIO•8 card into one or more of the D8B TAPE card slots. ❏ Using a 25-pin D-sub digital cable (TDIF), connect the D8B Digital I/O connector to the TASCAM MDM (e.g., DA-88) Digital I/O connector. ❏ Install BNC clock cable and make sure all connec- tions are tightly secured. ❏ If the D8B is to be the slave, the sync source should be connected to the sync card BNC Word Clock input and the D8B Apogee Clock should be set to External in the Setup>Digital

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

E C N I ❏ Press Mic button on channels using microphone Multitrack Recording inputs. Multitrack recording involves a continuous assessment of signal flow. If you follow a well- planned thought process from the beginning of the MIC signal path to the end, you’ll succeed in each audio task. When multitrack recording using the D8B, it’s ❏ Configure Auxes for desired Pre/Post status, se- helpful to visualize the basic signal flow between lect Surround Mode, set Mix Options. fader banks. For any mult

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Multitrack Tracking Checklist ❏ Connect multitrack ins and outs to D8B. ❏ Place tape inputs in ❏ Follow basic power-up procedure. record/ready to verify FAST TRACK ❏ Select Mic/Line fader bank. signal at machine. It’s ❏ Press phantom power button on the rear of typically best to monitor the console for necessary mic inputs. signal from the multitrack rather than from ❏ Press Mic button on channels using the channel input. microphone inputs. ❏ If levels on the multitrack appear too hot or ❏ Set p

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

❏ Assign MIC/LINE bank channels to desired tape ❏ If you want to monitor from the multitrack, tracks. remove the MIC/LINE Bank from the L/R mix. This has no effect on the output to tape. ❏ Adjust control room monitor mix from TAPE IN Bank. Verify channel assignment to the L/R bus. ❏ Place tape inputs in record/ready to verify signal at machine. It’s typically best to monitor signal from the multitrack rather than from the channel input. Modular Digital Multitrack Record Ready Buttons TAPE IN Ban

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

❏ Adjust headphone monitor volume in the PHONES/CUE MIX section. PHONES/CUE MIX 1 PHONES/CUE MIX 2 AUX 9-10 COPY MIX TO CUE AUX 9-10 COPY MIX TO CUE AUX 11-12 CONTROL ROOM AUX 11-12 CONTROL ROOM LEVEL LEVEL ❏ Adjust channel aux levels to onboard or outboard effects from Fader Bank 2 (TAPE IN). ❏ Verify that Master Output is connected to the mixdown machine. The mix should be arriving at the mixdown recorder. It’s good to check this as part of your tracking process. At the conclusion of a sessio

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

Monitoring Sample Tracking Setup Connect the outputs from the recorders to the This diagram shows a typical hookup for tracking. TAPE Inputs on the Digital 8•Bus. This allows you Four microphones are connected to channels 1–4 for to monitor the signal as it’s being recorded vocals. Two of them are condenser mics, which (assuming your recorder has that capability). require phantom power, so the +48V PH switch is To do this: pushed in on those channels. A vocal enhancer is • Assign channels 25–48

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Vocal Enhancer Reverb Stereo Effects Procesor D8B Manual • Chapter 4 • page 101 MIDI IN/OUT (Rear of Remote CPU) Direct Box Sync Interface LINE IN 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18 17 16 15 14 13 audio in 24 23 22 21 20 19 LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN audio out INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT internal digital return 2-inch 24 track internal digital send digital control signal BUS

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

❏ Select Master L/R in the Control Room section Mixdown Setup and adjust the speaker level to a moderately con- This simple checklist will help get the mix started. servative level (about 9:00). Notice that, each time, we follow the signal path from its source to its destination. CONTROL ROOM ❏ Be sure the multitrack recorder is connected 2 TRACK A DIGITAL IN 1 properly to the Tape In card(s). 2 TRACK B DIGITAL IN 2 ❏ Roll tape to verify signal at TAPE IN Fader Bank. 2 TRACK C MASTER L-R ❏ If an

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

Sample Mixdown Setup This sample mixdown setup helps provide ideas for how your mixdown setup might look. Each setup is unique in many ways, yet predictable in many ways. Optional AIO•8 Cards D8B Manual • Chapter 4 • page 103 MIDI I/O In (rear of D8B ) Remote CPU Out Sync Interface LINE IN 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 18 17 16 15 14 13 24 23 22 21 20 19 LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN LINE IN INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSE

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Effects/Plug-ins Note: In the plug-in windows, clicking directly on the Effects patch name displays a large pop-up menu of MFX/UFX Factory or User patch names, which points to available patches in your working directory’s Presets folder. Before we look at more setup Always save your custom presets to the User Presets examples, lets cover some quick tips on folder. Presets saved to the Factory Presets folder could efficient use of the Digital 8•Bus plug- be written over by future plug-in updates.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

6. Use the channel V-Pots to set individual 8. Click on the EFFECTS button to select Fader channel send to the selected aux bus. Bank 3. Click and drag, or physically move, the FX return fader(s) corresponding to the selected effect, to control the amount of processed signal returning to the left and right bus. Note: Alternately, you can click and drag on the horizontal bar in the auxes section at the top of the channel strip to adjust the aux send level. Note: Currently the D8B OS doesn’t store

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Dynamics and EQ Applications Dynamics and equalization are typically applied in one of three ways: 1. Processing Dynamics and EQ Before Tape • Select Fader Bank 1 (MIC/LINE). • Double-click SELECT on the desired channel to open the on-screen Fat Channel. • Set compression, EQ, or gate. Since Fader Bank 1 (MIC/LINE) feeds the multitrack inputs, any changes made from that bank are printed to tape. 2. Processing Dynamics and EQ After Tape • Choose Fader Bank 2 (TAPE IN). • Double-click SELECT but

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