Instrukcja obsługi Kramer Electronics 102 mx

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Kramer Electronics 102 mx

Urządzenie: Kramer Electronics 102 mx
Kategoria: Mixer muzyczny
Producent: Kramer Electronics
Rozmiar: 3.5 MB
Data dodania: 8/11/2013
Liczba stron: 13
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Kramer Electronics 102 mx Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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2 Channel Audio Mixer

P/N: 2900-901020 Rev 2

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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Started 2 2.1 Achieving the Best Performance 2 2.2 Recycling Kramer Products 3 3 Overview 4 3.1 Defining the 102MX 2 Channel Audio Mixer 4 4 Connecting the 102MX 6 5 Operating the 102MX 7 5.1 Choosing the Microphone Type 7 5.2 Using a Microphone 7 5.3 Using the Talk-Over Function 7 5.4 Using the Volume Controls 7 6 Technical Specifications 8 Figures Figure 1: 102MX 2 Channel Audio Mixer 5 Figure 2: Connecting the 102MX 2 Channel Audio Mixer 6

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1 Introduction Welcome to Kramer Electronics! Since 1981, Kramer Electronics has been providing a world of unique, creative, and affordable solutions to the vast range of problems that confront video, audio, presentation, and broadcasting professionals on a daily basis. In recent years, we have redesigned and upgraded most of our line, making the best even better! Our 1,000-plus different models now appear in 11 groups that are clearly defined by function: GROUP 1: Distribution Amplifi

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2 Getting Started We recommend that you: • Unpack the equipment carefully and save the original box and packaging materials for possible future shipment • Review the contents of this user manual • Use Kramer high-performance, high-resolution cables Go to to check for up-to-date user manuals, application programs, and to check if firmware i upgrades are available (where appropriate). 2.1 Achieving the Best Performance To achieve the best performance

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2.2 Recycling Kramer Products The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC aims to reduce the amount of WEEE sent for disposal to landfill or incineration by requiring it to be collected and recycled. To comply with the WEEE Directive, Kramer Electronics has made arrangements with the European Advanced Recycling Network (EARN) and will cover any costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of waste Kramer Electronics branded equipment on arrival at the EARN fa

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3 Overview The 102MX is a high−performance 2 channel stereo audio mixer for line level and mic level audio signals. It mixes one line level input with either a microphone or a second line level input and produces a mixed audio output signal. The 102MX features: • A selectable microphone input – dynamic or condenser • A user-enabled talk-over function that mutes the line input when the mic detects sound • Three volume controls – Mic/Line Level, Line 2 Level, Master Level • A 12V DC pow

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Figure 1: 102MX 2 Channel Audio Mixer # Feature Function 1 LINE OUT (L, R) RCA Connectors Connect to the right and left channels of a line level stereo audio acceptor 2 LINE 2 IN (L, R) RCA Connectors Connect to the right and left channels of a line level stereo audio source 3 TALK OVER Button Press to activate the talk-over function 4 MIC SELECT Button Press to select the Input 1 mic level signal, release to select Input 1 line level signal 5 COND. MIC Button Press for a powered

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4 Connecting the 102MX Always switch off the power to each device before connecting it to your 102MX. After connecting your 102MX, connect its power and then i switch on the power to each device. To connect the 102MX as illustrated in the example in Figure 2: 1. Connect a mic or line source to Mic/Line IN 1. 2. Connect a stereo audio source to Line 2 IN (such as a stereo audio player). 3. Connect Line OUT to a stereo audio acceptor (such as a stereo audio recorder). 4. Connect the

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5 Operating the 102MX This section explains how to operate the 102MX. 5.1 Choosing the Microphone Type • When using a powered condenser microphone, press in the COND MIC. button • When using an unpowered dynamic mic, release the COND MIC. button 5.2 Using a Microphone • If you are using a microphone on MIC/LINE 1 IN, press in the MIC SELECT button to select the mic input 5.3 Using the Talk-Over Function • To use the talk-over function, press in the TALK OVER button The 102MX automa

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6 Technical Specifications INPUTS: Mic/line 1: 10mV/1.6kΩ, 1Vpp/10kΩ, on 6.5mm phone connector; Line 2: 1Vpp/10kΩ, stereo on RCA connectors OUTPUTS: Line level, stereo, up to 5.6Vpp/150Ω on RCA connectors BANDWIDTH (-3dB): 100kHz GAIN RANGE: −12dB to 68.5dB (mic); −12dB to +8.8dB (line) DIFF. PHASE: 0.05Deg. S/N RATIO: 69dB CONTROL: Mic/line 1 level, line 2 level, master level rotary controls, condenser/dynamic mic, line/mic, talkover selection switches AUDIO THD+NOISE: 0.018% 2nd H

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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

For the latest information on our 102MX and a list of Kramer distributors, visit our Web site where updates to this user manual may be found. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. Web site: E-mail: SAFETY WARNING Disconnect the unit from the power ! supply before opening and servicing P/N: Rev: 2900-901020 2

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