Instrukcja obsługi Dynacord DRM 4000

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Dynacord DRM 4000

Urządzenie: Dynacord DRM 4000
Kategoria: Mixer muzyczny
Producent: Dynacord
Rozmiar: 2.35 MB
Data dodania: 7/23/2013
Liczba stron: 39
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Dynacord DRM 4000 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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DRM 4000

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IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the a

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CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SAFETY AND SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1.1 DRM 4000 Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1.2 Unpacking and Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION First of all, we like to thank you for and congratulate you on buying a DYNACORD DRM 4000 8-in-2 Audio Mixer & Router. To ensure optimal performance and to minimize the risk of damaging the appliance through erroneous operation, please make sure to read this owner’s manual carefully before operating the DRM 4000. 1.1 DRM 4000 CHARACTERISTICS The DRM 4000 is a rack-mixer and/or audio signal router offering 8 audio inputs and 2 audio outputs. The inputs are divided int

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INTRODUCTION • Optional serial RS-485 interface for connecting the DPM 4000: control of all routing possibilities, ducking control, preset switching via macros, output level control, configuration and storing of presets via Designer software. • 24V power supply; optional mains adapter for 90 - 240 V AC mains supply. • Power-on delay: relay switching to prevent audible power-on / off switching noise. • Enclosure: 19" / 1HU. This owner’s manual contains lots of valuable information about the DRM 4

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CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS 2. CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS 2.1 Front Panel 1, Socket MIC/LINE 1 Electronically balanced XLR-input on the front panel for the connection of microphones or other signal sources. This socket is connected parallel to the MIC/LINE 1 input on the appliance’s rear panel. Gain, Pad and phantom power settings have to be performed on the rear panel. 2, Sockets AUX 1 L/R The AUX 1 L/R RCA-type connectors on the front panel allow connecting a 2-channel audio signal source (e.g. CD-

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CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS 6, Tone Control LO / HI Each of the four MIC/LINE as well as each of the four AUX inputs has its own tone control section, which allows individually amplifying/attenuating the treble (HI) and bass (LO) by +/-15 dB. Turning the tone controls clockwise amplifies the corresponding frequency range, while turning them counterclockwise results in attenuating the corresponding frequency range. Avoid extreme settings. Generally, minor corrections of the input sound signal will a

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CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS 2.2 Rear Panel 14, 24 V power supply These two 6.3mm flat-connectors are utilized to supply the DRM 4000 with an operating voltage of 24 V DC. Whenever incorporating the DRM 4000 in an intercom system, using the system’s already existing supply voltage of 24 V is recommended. For stand-alone operation use the optionally available mains adapter (NRS 90257). Make sure to mind the correct polarity (+ = +24V, - = Ground) when connecting the power supply. 15, REMOTE INTERFACE

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CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS 20, SEND output The pre-master A/B audio signal of the output channels is present at these two RCA-type connectors. Therefore, these outputs can be utilized for easy expanding / cascading several DRM 4000. 21, MIX IN input This unbalanced stereo/dual input can be used connecting another mixer or an additional DRM 4000 allowing easy expanding / cascading. 22, MIX IN control This control allows matching the level of the input signal to the MIX IN input. Setting the control

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QUICK START 3. QUICK START This paragraph describes in an overview the most important steps for a trouble-free operation of the DRM 4000 in your PA-system. For a more detailed description of specific functions when using the DRM 4000 in combination with the DPM 4000, please refer to chapter 6.4. For further details on the functioning and the configuration of the DRM 4000, please refer to the corresponding paragraph in the handbook. POWER SUPPLY Connect the DRM 4000 to a 24 V DC power source via

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INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS 4. INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS 4.1 General Notes Achieving the best results possible with your DRM 4000 is only doable when making sure that all connections are in perfect order. For operating the appliance, connect its power supply via the flat-con- nectors on the rear panel to a 24 V DC power source. When incorporating the DRM 4000 in a PA or intercom system, using the already present 24 V supply voltage is recommended. For including the DRM 4000 in other applicat

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INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS 4.2.2 AUX and MIX IN inputs The four AUX-inputs (2 and 23) and the MIX IN-input (21) are provided via RCA-type jacks, which allows the direct connection of common unbalanced audio equipment (CD-Player, Tape Deck, Tuner, etc.). Usually, the needed connection cords are supplied together with the corresponding device. They are also available at basically any electronics store. Especially when using unbalanced cables, cable length matters: the shorter the cable, the smal

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INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS 4.4 Control Inputs 4.4.1 CONTROL INPUTS The CONTROL INPUTS (16) are eight freely configurable control inputs, which are provided via Phoenix-type terminals on the rear of the appliance. Closing (connection to ground) a control contact switches to the corresponding configuration (preset). Simultaneously closing several contacts selects the preset with the highest priority setting. When all control inputs are open (idling mode), the DRM 4000 is set to its BASIC CONFIGU

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INITIAL OPERATION 5. INITIAL OPERATION 5.1 Power-On Operation The POWER-switch (12) switches the power of the DRM 4000 on. The ON-LED (13) starts to light and after a short period of initialization (approx. two seconds), the DRM 4000 is ready for operation. When switching the DRM 4000 on for the first time, it is factory-pre-configured for 8-in-2-mixer operation. If the appliance had previously been operated, it may start-up in another configuration. Make sure to set the MASTER A / B volume con

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INITIAL OPERATION NOTE: If the input signal is not present at the master outputs, check the following: • Are the master controls (10) open? • Has the corresponding MIC/LINE input been assigned to one or both output channels? Please mind and compare your actual setting and the selected configuration! • Is ducking control active (see ducking indicators (9)) and does this maybe affect your input signal? 5.2.2 Level Adjustment for AUX-inputs The four AUX-inputs are provided via two unbalanced RCA

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SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE DRM 4000 6. SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE DRM 4000 6.1 Using Ducking Control The ducking control allows the unaltered passage of audio signals of prioritized channels (MIC/LINE 1 and / or MIC/LINE 2), while at the same time the audio signals of any other non-prioritized input channels (e.g. background music) are attenuated to a pre-adjustable level value. The background music audio signal fades in smoothly upon finishing the announcement. For using the ducking function, you hav

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SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE DRM 4000 6.4 Using The Unit Together With The DPM 4000 The DRM 4000 is an ideal inputs extension for the DPM 4000. Audio connections between the two units are established using balanced cables with XLR-type connectors. Using the optionally available RS-485 remote-interface NRS 90256 allows connecting the DRM 4000 to the DPM 4000 for control purposes. This allows using the DPM 4000’s Designer software to comfortably control, configure and save the following parameters: rou

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SOFTWARE EDITOR DRM 4000 7. SOFTWARE EDITOR DRM 4000 The Software Editor DRM 4000 is shipped together with the optionally available extension-kit RS-232 interface (NRS 90258). The DRM 4000 editor software runs under Windows and offers possibilities to comfortably program and monitor the DRM 4000 on-line. 7.1 System Requirements - PC with Pentium processor TM - Microsoft Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / NT - 32 MB RAM - Hard disk with at least 5 MB of free storage - Mouse - VGA-type monitor (The s

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SOFTWARE EDITOR DRM 4000 7.4 Software Description 7.4.1 General The DYNACORD DRM 4000 Editor software provides an extremely easy and comfortable manner for configuring, controlling and monitoring the DRM 4000. It is possible to load, save or transfer any number of DRM 4000 configurations. Additionally, reading the actual configuration of a DRM 4000 and storing it on disk is possible as well. The software’s structure and operation is as simple as possible and mostly self-explanatory. To learn mor

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SOFTWARE EDITOR DRM 4000 View Menu - Change the status of the symbol bar - visible / invisible - Change the status of the status bar - visible / invisible Note: For low-resolution monitors (800 x 600 pixels or less), turning off the display of the symbol and status bars might be advantageous, leaving more space for displaying the main window and therefore might lessen the need for scrolling. Communication Menu - Select the desired COM-port - Open the RS-232-monitor - Establish data-communication

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