Instrukcja obsługi Sierra Wireless ACEVIEW 2120028

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Sierra Wireless ACEVIEW 2120028

Urządzenie: Sierra Wireless ACEVIEW 2120028
Kategoria: Modem
Producent: Sierra Wireless
Rozmiar: 0.51 MB
Data dodania: 8/3/2013
Liczba stron: 14
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Streszczenia treści
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User Guide
Rev 3.0B

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AceView • Obtaining and Installing AceView • Connecting to your modem • AceView Interface Features • System Tray Icon • GPS Mapping AceView is a small utility for viewing the status and  monitoring the connection state of a Sierra Wireless Airlink  (PinPoint Line only) TM modem with ALEOS  .  TM ALEOS ALEOS, the embedded core technology of the Sierra Wireless  AirLink products simplifies installation, operation and mainte‐ nance of any solution, and provides an always‐on, always‐ aware intel

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DocTitleHeader Obtaining and Installing AceView AceView is offered for free.  You can obtain the most recent  version of AceView from the Sierra Wireless web site, http:// Note: AceView requires the Tip: You can obtain the Microsoft .Net Framework, Microsoft Internet Microsoft .NET Framework and Explorer, and/or the latest ActiveX updates for Internet Explorer from Microsoft Windows 98, Windows Microsoft at: 2000,

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AceView Figure 0-3: Menu Figure 0-4: Connection Settings Address: If you have a modem connected directly to your  computer’s Ethernet port or on your local area network (LAN),  you can use the local IP address of the modem to contact it.  The default local IP address is Tip: If you have used AceView to connect to a modem in the past, the connection you used will be available with the drop down menu for your convenience. Select the IP address you need. Password: Enter the passwo

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DocTitleHeader your computer from the drop down menu once you select  Auto Start. You may only have 1 selection which would be  preselected for you. Note: When using the DUN DUN ‐ Maintain Persistent Connection: When checked,  connection, make sure the IP AceView will continually check the DUN connection to ensure  Address is set to the local IP it is not down. If so, AceView will attempt to connect again. address of the modem. Tip: If DUN is not installed on your computer for your modem, you c

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AceView GPS Signal (greyed for Raven line modems) Map (greyed for Raven line modems) Figure 0-6: Example of a PinPoint X EV-DO Rev A � Signal Strength: The strength of the cellular signal is  indicated by the number of bars.  For one (red) and  two  (yellow) bars, the signal is minimal.  Three to four bars is  in the preferred signal range.  There are different signal  strength values that triggers the numbers of bars. Tip: Hover your mouse over the signal bars to display the RSSI value. RSSI i

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DocTitleHeader EV-DO Rev A EV-DO Rev 0 CDMA/1x iDEN HSPDA UMTS EDGE GPRS � Connection Statistics:  · Bytes Sent and Recvd: The total bytes sent to and  received from the cellular network for the current  connection. · Connection Duration: The duration of the connection  between AceView and the modem. Figure 0-9: Statistics � Remote IP Address:  The IP Address assigned to your  modem by your cellular provider.   Figure 0-10: IP Address � GPS Signal (PinPoint line modems only): The stren

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AceView you display the AceView window it will return to being on  top.  Figure 0-12: Always On Top System Tray Icon While AceView is running, a quick reference icon will be  displayed in the system tray (the area near the clock, opposite  the “Start” button).  Figure 0-13: Example of an HSDPA Tray Icon The icon’s bars denote the signal strength.  The symbol above  the bars denotes the connection type (the symbols below have  been expanded for visibility). EV-DO Rev A EV-DO Rev 0 CDMA/1x

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DocTitleHeader Tip: If the AceView window is minimized, double-click the tray icon to restore it. GPS Mapping (PinPoint Line only) AceView can place the coordinates of a GPS enabled modem  on a map. Note: You will need to have an When you click the Map button, a map will open in a separate  active Internet connection to use re‐sizable window with the location of the modem noted by an  the map feature. The speed of icon placed over the relevant area. the map drawing depends on Using the compa

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AceView Figure 0-16: Map View Rev 3.0B Feb.08 11

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Important Notice Due to the nature of wireless communications, transmission  and reception of data can never be guaranteed. Data may be  delayed, corrupted (i.e., have errors) or be totally lost.  Although significant delays or losses of data are rare when  wireless devices such as the Sierra Wireless AirLink AceView  are used in a normal manner with a well‐constructed network,  the Sierra Wireless AirLink AceView should not be used in  situations where failure to transmit or receive data could 

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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Contact Information Support Desk: Phone: 1-877-231-1144 Hours: 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, except US Holidays E-mail: Sales Desk: Phone: 1-510-781-4200 1-604-232-1488 Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time E-mail: Post: Sierra Wireless AirLink Solutions 3159 Corporate Place Hayward, CA USA 94545 Sierra Wireless 13811 Wireless Way Richmond, BC Canada V6V 3A4 F

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