Instrukcja obsługi Ocean Kayak SCUPPER PRO 14561

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Ocean Kayak SCUPPER PRO 14561

Urządzenie: Ocean Kayak SCUPPER PRO 14561
Kategoria: Instrumenty morskie
Producent: Ocean Kayak
Rozmiar: 0.09 MB
Data dodania: 4/1/2014
Liczba stron: 4
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Naszym celem jest zapewnienie Ci jak najszybszego dostępu do treści zawartych w instrukcji obsługi urządzenia Ocean Kayak SCUPPER PRO 14561. Korzystając z podglądu online możesz szybko przejrzeć spis treści i przejść do strony, na której znajdziesz rozwiązanie swojego problemu z Ocean Kayak SCUPPER PRO 14561.

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Ocean Kayak SCUPPER PRO 14561 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Scupper Pro Rudder Installation Instructions (1997 or newer models)
This kit is designed for the Scupper Pro with rudder mount and notches, first shipped October 29, 1996, serial numbers greater than XKA11274. Your Pro must
also have the front and center hatches to allow acess to the hull for rudder installation.
Ledge (for
Notch (vertical surface for
steering track)
tubing and steering lines)
Notch (vertical surface for
tubing and steering lines)
Rudder mount
(insert nylon sleeve)

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Install Tubing 1. Use a knife to cut the ends of the tubing at an angle to make inserting the tubing easier. Lubricate one length of tubing with soapy water and insert it into a stern grommet (5). Push the tubing inside the kayak, leaving a few inches outside. 2. Reach inside the 6-inch hatch to get the tubing. Push the tubing (inside the kayak) through the bow grommet (4). Hold your fingers over the grommet as you pull the tubing out, to make sure the grommet stays in place. Make sure t

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Attach Rudder to Kayak 1. Lubricate the nylon sleeve with soapy water and insert it in the top of the rudder mount (7). 2. Place a small wooden block over the end of the sleeve (to avoid damage), and hammer it into place. The sleeve must go at least halfway into the rudder mount. Excess sleeve can be cut off. 3. Remove the ring from the end of the pin on the rudder assembly. Pull the pin out of the rudder housing--don’t lose the white washers. 4. Insert the pin through the nylon sleeve to

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Helpful Hints & Troubleshooting: After a long car trip or a long-distance paddle, make sure all the screws are tight. To prevent fraying in any of the lines, use a lighter to singe the ends of the lines. What to do if... Steering pedals are too tight (they should feel stiff): Check the steering tracks. They should be secured to the boat tightly enough to keep them in place and not hinder the movement of the slide. If the slide does not move easily, loosen the track screws. Steering line will n

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