Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1
5010-1 3 H.P.
5020.1 4 H.P.S030~1
5 H~P~ 50C-4
;:f,..t.(.)',,~."" :"~/U~(.':
-'" ,
'""/C- .~ ~ ~
( " -I " /'
.., I " '
p, O. BOX 36940
, 300,1400-8
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
R UtES---F'OR' S:AF'E O'PER A nO'N Yo\)r EARTHBI AD Tiller "is a precision piece of tilling equipment, engineering skill and experience have been combined tq prpvide the L/ltima~fJ' in ae~f;!.ty andetficiency. However, as wj~h any type of power equipment. carelessnf!sS or::error on th~par' of the oper~t. or can result in injury, ' exercis~ e~treme c~6t.iQn at all times. 1. KNOW YOUR MA~H.lNe'R'&ad, ~he Owner's Manual carefully -learn how to operate your EAJ:'I;THBIRO pr~perly and haw
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3
SUG'GESTI,p'NS FOR MORE 'EFF1CIENT, AN:O MAINTENANCE- , ::, FREE OPERAr.JON' GrNERAl TILLING: Keep area to be tilled cl.t!ared of vines. glass, wire, and stones. ' ..': ':' '; '" .-, , 2. Always start engine with machine on level surface with master' clutch disengaged, Aftecr: starting, let engine warm up several mInutes at slow speed before:starting ,to; till. : " '-: ,,::', , AlwaY5 preset d~pth bar i(1to ti)e grqund befot~en9~g1ti~"m~st~r:~IL!tch~9ntrOI.: :,' c'..' ' , When tilling, run machi
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4
UN,' ';(111 6 AND SiT.UP 1, Be sure carton is right side up. cut end panels out and fold flat on flo~r '. Re~Ql/e i(!ner pack and roll unit out 9f carton,: ' 2. Assemble the right and left handle tubes to the unit with the rigl1t and left hatJdJe socket caps and bO;Jts. 00 not tigh'en.' 3. AsSemble the handle panel as$embly over the right and lefthilr'ldle tubes :and secure with four slotted round head bolts ~~d lock nUts. Tighten 811 1;he bolt$ on th~ handle assembly. Place th.~ h~dl~ grips ov~
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5
BlfGR:£stARTlHG £"61"1. 1. Fill the fuel tank With ~ good ,grade of regular 9a.sollne. Do not mix oil with gasoline. 2. Plac~ m~chine on 9 level surface, Remove oil filler cap and fill cr~n~~s!'J'..""ith909(;j quality geterger'lt..oit. Above 32~F use :SAE .~O~;,~el~w 32°;:yse SAE l()W. Fill t6 over: f.ll::i~i!iga:~d r~p.lace~ap; : " 3. b~rir:,g Irijti~(',': p~riO'q, ;W,e off lel/el should be ch~ck~9 oftery. ~ ; -': "~4. Che£1<. Oil 'I$y:&1 evef:Y five {5Y, op~rat!n~ 'hours 9r eachti
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6
fliNTS:' ' '. .. NOTE: Make all adju$tment~ with engine turned off and wire removed ~rom the sparkplug, (Fasten wire to ~Ylinder head ~t t$Q$'t 1" Qway from spirkpl\J9.1 tEll aIPlA«MINT .NO .":I;:~": IDlIR WHEE.lADJUS1MINT' CAUTION: For belt adjustment the engine :;hQuld be stopped and tile sPIlrl
s should also be carefully f~Jlowed w
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7
CH'AMGING tN&IN} 0:1(' Drain oil when engine is warm. ~emove oil drain plug and allow oi! to drain completely. Replat;e drQin plug and tighten securely. s~ engine ~anual fpt. cQmplete englr'!e l.ubric8tion and ~rVjce instructions" ;. (U'RJCAT:~N 'POINtS ,l,.UBRICATE THE PARTS,PERIODICALLY AS,:llL~STRATED The following points are to be lubricated every five hour~ of operation with SAE 20 weight light duty oil, uniess otherwise noted, 1, Clutch flipper, 2, Reverse arm. 3. Depth bar linkage. 4. Whe
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10
PARTS I.IST Your Tiller is Right Hand IA.H.t or Left Hand (L,H.I as You Operate Machine. NOTE: Unless othe,wis~ specified parts listed are used on all Models. REF PA RT No. NO. OE~CRIP-rtON QTY I Tine, 6010 (L,H,) 5/,6x 1~1/4 It 14" dia. (5020.1.5030-1 only) B 40~:!.3 , 42050 Tine, Bol6 \L.H.j'13/6.4 x 1:1/4 x 14" dia (5010.1 only) 8 :2 Til~e, BOlo (R.H.I 5/'G'~'1,'f4'11 14" die, 15020-1,5030-1 only) 8 403~5 2 Tine, BOlO !A,ti:f '.13164 X 1.1(4 x 14" dia. (5010-1 only) 8 4;20..49 61832 T Assy, S
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11
PAl'S LIST Your Tiller i$ Right Hand (A.H.) or left Hand tl.H.) as You OperauMachint. NOTE: Unless ot!1erwi,e specified P8Y:ts listed ate used on all Models. R~F, PART NO. DEscRIPTION NO. QTV. Decal, El1gine 15020-1 OI1IV) 56 4233,5 1 42336 Decal, C ngine 1$030.1 Ol1lyl 56 , 57 401,$2 atilt, Hex Head, 5/16.18)( 1-1/2 4 58 1616,280 Decal, Air ClfJaner label (5010.1 onlVI 1 59 264341 Knob, Throttle Control (5010-1 only) 1 2610-14 6t) Bu$hing, Adapter (FiltarJ (S01Q-1 only) , 6' 1552.12 Wasner, Wav