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Operator's Manuam
10.5 Horse power
33-inch Wide Cut Mower
Model No. 247.889330
CAUTION: Before using
this product, read this
manual and follow aim
safety fumes and operating
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our web site: FORMNO,769-02963
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CraftsmanTwoYear Limited Warranty If thisCraftsmanproductfailsdueto adefect inmaterialorworkmanshipwithintwoyearsfromthe dateof purchase,returnit to any Searsstore, SearsServiceCenter,orotherCraftsmanoutletinthe UnitedStatesforfree repair, Thiswarrantydoesnot include: Expendableitemswhichcanwearout fromnormaluse withinthe warrantyperiod,suchas rotarymowerblades,bladeadapters,belts,air cleaners,andsparkplug, , Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuseor negligence,includingbentcrankshaftsandthe fai
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This machine was built tobeoperated according totherules for This symbol points out important safety instructions safe operation inthismanual, Aswith any type ofpower equipment, which, ifnotfollowed, could endanger thepersonal carelessness orerror onthepart oftheoperator can result inserious safety and/or property ofyourself and others, Read and follow allinstructions inthis manual before iniury, This machine iscapable ofamputating hands andfeet and throwing obiects, Failure toobserve thefollowi
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Ifthe equipment should start tovibrate abnormally, stop the engine and o Neverremovegascapor addfuelwhile engineis hotor running. check immediately forthe cause. Vibration isgenerally awarning of Allowengineto cool at leasttwo minutesbefore refueling. trouble. o Neveroverfill fueltank. Filltank to nomorethan _ inchbelowbottom o Shut the engine offand wait until the blade comes toacomplete stop of filler neckto providefor fuelexpansion. before removing the grass catcher orunclogging the chute. o
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o Sight and how this levelwith a vertical tree... 8_ E 0 S 0_ 0 E T_ =s o O9 15° cd 09 cd g_
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WARNING This symbol pointsout important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the personal safetyand/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury.When you see this symbol HEEDITS WARNING! Your ResponsibiJity Restrictthe use of this power machineto persons who read, understand,and follow the warningsand instruc- tions in thi
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IMPORTANT: This unitis shippedwithoil inthe engine,After assembly,see page12for fuel andoildetails, IMPORTANT:Referenceto rightor left sideof the moweris observed fromtheoperatingposition, The mowingdeckis capableof throwingobiects,Failureto operate the mowerwithoutthe dischargechuteinthe properoperatingposi- tioncould resultin seriouspersonaliniuryand/or propertydamage, Disconnectthe sparkplugwireand groundit againsttheengineto preventunintendedstarting, LOOSE PARTS mNCARTON Figure1 Thefollowin
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f mNSTALLmNG THE GEAR SHIFT LEVER 1, Removethe 5/16=18 screwandthe locknutthat holdthe shift leverto theshift leverplate,Figure4, 2, Removethe remainingscrewandnutfromthe lowershift lever plate,Figure4, 3, Positionthe uppershift leverintoa verticalpositionaligningthe holesin the leverto the holes inthe shift plate,Figure5, 4, Securethe leverto the plateusingthe twoscrewsandtwo nuts removedearlier,Figure5, FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Rear Tire Pressure Neverexceedthe maximuminflationpressureshownonthe side
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Throttb/Choke Blade ControlLever Control GasCap DriveControl /- J GearShiftLever Figure6 Befamiliarwithall the controlsandtheirproperoperation,Know Be surenooneotherthan the operatoris standingnearthe lawn howto stopthe machineanddisengagethe controls, mowerwhilestartingengineoroperatingmower,Neverrunengine indoorsor inenclosed,poorlyventilatedareas,Engineexhaust containscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas,Keephands, feet, hairand looseclothingawayfromany movingpartson engine The operationof
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BLADE CONTROL GEAR SHIFT LEVER The bladecontrolis usedto engagethe Usethis leverto select anyof fourforwardgroundspeeds,neutral,or reverse, mowerdeck,Toengagethiscontrol, pressand holdthe leveragainstthe handlebargrip,Tostopthe blades, releasethe bladecontrol,Always disengagethe bladecontrolbefore startingthe engine,This helpsto ensure thatthe bladeswill not start turningwhen the enginestarts, Forward Therearefour forwardspeeds,Positionone (1)is the slowestand DRIVE CONTROL positionfour (4)is th
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12
The operationof any lawnmowercan resultinforeignobiectsbeing Besureno oneotherthanthe operatoris standingnearthe lawn I thrownintothe eyes,whichcandamageyoureyesseverely,Always mowerwhile startingengineor operatingmower,Neverrunengine l wearsafetyglasseswhileoperatingthe mower,orwhileperforming indoorsor inenclosed,poorlyventilatedareas,Engineexhaust any adiustmentsor repairson it, containscarbonmonoxide,anodorbss anddeadlygas, Keephands,I feet,hair,andlooseclothingawayfromanymovingparts Useextr
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MULCHING OR SmDE-DISCHARGE MOWmNG Youcan usethe mowereitheras a mulchingmoweroras a side= Lookbehindthe mowerbeforeandduringreverseoperation.Stop dischargemower.To usethe mulchingfeature,insertthe mulchplug the mowerbladesbeforeoperatinginreverse. as describedbelow.Removethe mulchplugto side=discharge grass clippings. USmNG THE MOWER IMPORTANT:Alwaysreleasethe drivecontrolbeforechanging The mulchplugis designedto keepthe dischargechuteraisedup speeds.Referto "Knowyour Mower"sectionfor mowercontr
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Alwaysstopengine,disconnectsparkplug,andgroundagainst enginebeforeperforminganytypeof maintenance on the mower, GENERAL RECOMMENDATmONS Servicing the Air Cleaner Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performingany typeof maintenance on the mower, If filters,or coversarenotinstalledcorrectlyseriousiniuryordeath • Thewarrantyon thislawnmowerdoesnot coveritemsthathave could resultfrombackfire,Do not attemptto startthe enginewith beensubiectedto operatorabuseor negligence,To receivefull themremoved, valuefro
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f Changing the Engine Oim The oil inthe engineshouldbe changedevery25 hoursof operation, 1, Togainaccessto the oil drainvalveonthe engine,the right handlebracetubeshouldbe pivotedforward, a, Removethe upperstarknobandcarriagescrewon the right sideof the handle,Figure11, b, Pivotthe bracetubetowardsthe frontof the mowerto allow roomto connectthe oil drainhoseto theoil drainvalve, Figure11, 2, Popoffthe protectivecap onthe endof the oil drainvalveto DrainValve exposethedrain port,Figure12, "\\ 3,
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REMOVING THE MOWER DECK Whenservicingthe undersideof the mowerdeckforany reason,the Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance onthe machine,waitfor cuttingdeckshouldfirst beremoved,Followthe instructionsbelowto all partsto stopmovinganddisconnectthe sparkplugwire,Failure removethe cuttingdeck: to followthisinstructioncould resultin personaliniuryor property 1, Stoptheengine,waitfor allpartsto stopmoving,anddisconnect damage, sparkplugwire, 2, Releaseall mowercontrols, REMOVING THE BELT COVER 3, Remo
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Before performing any type ofmaintenance onthemachine, wait for Do not usea pressurewasherto cban the mower,it maycause allparts tostop moving and disconnect thespark plug wire, Failure damageto ebctrbal components,spindles,pulleys,bearings,orthe tofollow this instruction could result inpersonal iniury orproperty engine, damage, LUBRICATmON \ Pivot Points & Linkage \ Lubricateall thephzotpointsonthe drivesystemandlift linkageat \ bast oncea season,or 25hoursof operation,withlightoil, Rear Wheels
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,f ....... i _ -'X . _ ,_ i_ i Neverexceedthe maximuminflationpressureshownon the sidewall \'\ \ of tire, REAR TmRE PRESSURE Therecommended operatingreartire pressureis approximately 20 psi for the reartires,Checkthe tire pressureperiodicallyandmaintain equalpressurein bothreartiresat alltimes, IMPORTANT:Referto the tiresidewallfor exacttire manufacturer's / recommended or maximumpsi,Do notoverinflate,Uneventire pres- /f surecouldcausethecuttingdeckto mowunevenly, iii 4:• : ! _J Figure19 REPLACm
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f SERVmCmNG THE CUTTmNGBLADES -m Be sureto shutthe engineoffanddisconnectthe sparkplugwire andgroundagainstthe engineto preventunintendedstartingbefore Remove flange nutto release blade removingthe cuttingblade(s)for sharpeningor replacement,Protect \ your handsby usingheavyglovesor a ragto graspthecutting blade, Periodicallyinspectthe bladespindlesfor cracksor damage,espe= ciallyif youstrikea foreignobiect,Replaceimmediatelyif damaged, Useblockof woodto stabilizeblade. Mowerbladesaresharp,Whenw
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REPLACmNGBELTS Replacing the Deck Engagement Belt 1. Stopengine,waitfor allpartsto stopmoving,anddisconnect sparkplugwire. 2. Releaseall mowercontrols. 3. Removebelt coveras instructedearlierinthissection. 4. Loosenthe boltandnut holdingbelt keeperrodto frame, Figure23. 5. Loosenidlerpulley(A)by looseningthe nut andbolt,Figure24. 6. Loosenidlerpulley(B)by looseningnut,Figure24. 7. Removebelt (C) fromaroundpulleys,Figure24. between beltsandpulleys. 8. Routenewbelt aroundthe pulleysmakingsureto ti