Instrukcja obsługi ML 220

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia ML 220

Urządzenie: ML 220
Kategoria: Telefon IP
Rozmiar: 0.56 MB
Data dodania: 1/1/2014
Liczba stron: 15
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Netphone (MeritPhone)
ML 220
User Manual

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Package Contents................................................................................................................................................... 3 3. Component Illustration .................................................................................................................................

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

1. Introduction MeritPhone-ML220 is a practical and highly manageable broadband VoIP phone that looks like a regular phone, and uses the broadband Internet for voice communication. It can apply to any enterprise intranet, telecommunication level IP service carrier, and users with Internet connection. It is capable of communicating with regular PSTN phones with the support of telecommunication carriers, at very low costs. MeritPhone-ML220 can also be a cost-effective communication tool of hi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Figure 2——Side View 3 2 1 1——RJ-45 input port 2——RJ-45 output port 3——Power Port 4. Character Strings Corresponding Keys: Key Characters 1 . ' " 1 - 2 a b c 2 A B C 2 3 d e f 3 D E F 3 4 g h i 4 G H I 4 5 j k l 5 J K L 5 6 m n o 6 M N O 6 7 p q r s 7 P Q R S 7 8 t u v 8 T U V 8 9 w x y z 9 W X Y Z 9 0 ( ) @ 0 - * & * * If you need to enter alphabetic characters or a numeric sequence then press the corresponding key above repeatedly unt

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The phone should now be connected as in the diagram above. Within 30 seconds of being connected to the Internet your MeritPhone should display “Ready For Calls”. If it does, then no other configuration is necessary – you can make calls. If the phone continues to say “Please Wait” or “Wait Logon” for more than 30 seconds then it has not been able to connect to the Internet – consult the Problems and Solutions section of this guide. If your service provider has instructed you to configu

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5.2.3 PPPoE Users’ Parameter Settings Press ‘SET/OK’ to enter the main menu, and use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ to scroll and select ‘TCP/IP Settings’. A. Do not use DHCP Press ‘SET/OK’ to enter the submenu, and use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ to select ‘Use DHCP’. Press ‘SET/OK’ to enter settings. Input 0 to disable DHCP. B. Use PPPoE Press ‘SET/OK’ to enter the submenu, and use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ to select ‘Use PPPoE’. Press ‘SET/OK’ to enter settings. Input 1 to enable PPPoE. C. Set PPPoE account Press ‘SET/O

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

NOTE: When you finish set- up, press ‘SET/OK’ to confirm or ‘ESC’ to cancel. If you input your setting accordingly, the LCD will display the new setting. Otherwise, the LCD will display ‘Input Invalid’; press ESC to return to your previous setting. 5.2.5 Account Settings Press ‘SET/OK’ to the main menu; use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ to select ‘Account Settings. A. Set phone number Press ‘SET/OK’ to the submenu; use ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ to select ‘Phone Number’. Press ‘SET/OK’, and then, use 0~9 to inp

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MeritPhone user calling a China regular number 0755-88889999. Pick up the MeritPhone handset, dial 075588889999 then press “#” key after hearing the dial tone. 6.3 Call Forwarding Every MeritPhone has call forwarding capability, when the user is not online the incoming call can be forwarded to a preset telephone number. Settings: Enter the user system and click on the manual’s main page to set the forwarded number. The number must accord with MeritCall’s dialing rule. Please type i

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

page. This service is categorized into two types: Once Dialing and Twice Dialing. Once Dialing: Users with this service will have their MeritPhone numbers bundled with a regular local phone number of a certain place, and people will only have dial that bundled local phone number to reach the subscribing MeritPhone user. Example: A Mexico MeritPhone user 6667777 bundles with a U.S Los Angeles regular phone number 1-213-000-0000, then friends in the U.S just have to dial 1-213-000-0000

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 Enter the maximum number of people you will likely be conferencing with at one time.  In some circumstances a password will be required for the Host and Participant to be involved in the conference.  Click on the check boxes to select the defaults of 1234 and 4321 to be the password or change them to something else you will remember easily. (If you do not click on the check boxes a random password will be chosen and advised to you.)  Click Submit and your conference feature will be

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

B. Host initiates the Conference by dialing, host access number + #. C. Participant dials participant access number + #. Participant will hear the prompt ‘To join a conference, press 1. To listen to a conference recording, press 2. To access your messages, press 3. To leave a voice mail, press the * key’. Participant should then press 1 and will hear the prompt “Please enter conference ID”. Participant should then enter the conference ID (Host’s Phone number) followed by #. Finally Participa

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

7.4.1Query Phone Book Press SET/OK to the submenu and use UP and DOWN to select ‘Query Phone Book’. Press SET/OK and use UP and DOWN to do query. 7.4.2Add new numbers Press SET/OK to the submenu and use UP and DOWN to select ‘Add Phone Number’. Press SET/OK to add new numbers. Note: The limit is 112 pieces records. 7.4.3Delete Phone Number in the Phone Book A prompt to delete your phone number would pop up if you press SET/OK after entering your Phone Book. Press SE

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contact’s phone number. Press SET/OK to add. 7.10.3Modify or delete Speed Dial number Press M1---M8 speed dial to be modified or deleted. Press SET/OK to delete the currently stored speed dial. Press SET/OK if you wish to enter new details for this speed dial. Otherwise, if you wish to leave the Speed Dial empty just press ESC. Please press SET/OK to save the changes when prompted to. Note: Speed dials can not be modified. You must delete the speed dial and then enter a replacement. 8.

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 16ms echo cancellation  Dynamic buffer management—minimize effect to voice quality caused by audio delay jitter 9.2 Standard and Protocol  IEEE 802.3 10 Base-T  G.711A, G.711μ, G.723.1 5.3K/6.3 Kbps and G.729 audio codec  H.323  Abbreviation dial plan  TCP/IP: Internet Transport and Control Protocol  RTP: Real-time Transport Protocol  RTCP: Real-time Control Protocol  G.723.1 G.729 VAD/CNG economical bandwidth  G.165 16ms Echo cancel  DTMF DTMF Tone Generat

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

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