Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1
With Grill Lighting I _
A veC- lnstructions
E ido de
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Readal! these instructi°ns andii_eeP!the'_.i_!_safe place for ft_tu!_
..... Laissez ces instructions _i'utilisateur, _ - - -- .... -:-_-,:_-. _
Lisez routes ces instructions et conservez_le$ dansun lieu sEJr pour
U & C 09/99
11/00 1142-0161BX
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
WARN|NG! WARNING! FOR YOUR SAFETY: iF YOU SMELL GAS: t. DO NOT Store or use gasoline or 1. Shut off gas to the appliance. other flammable vapors and liquids 2. Extinguish any open flame. in the vicinity of this or any other 3. Open Lid. appliance. 4. If odor continues, immediately call 2. An LP. cylinder not connected for your gas supplier or your fire use shall NOT be stored in the department. vicinity of this or any other appliance: 5. NEVER use Natural Gas in a unit 3. NEVER use Liquid Propan
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3
TABLE Safety Rules .............................................................................. 4 Lighting Instructions for 300- 700 Series Grills ................. 22 General Installation .................................................................. 6 Match Lighting ....................................................................... 23 Optional Electrical Attachments .............................................. 7 Side Burner Lighting (selected models only) ....................... 2
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WARNING Z_ =Riskof injury =Riskof fire , NEVERplace morethan 15pounds ona sidetable,a side burneror a fronttable. DO NOTlean on shelyes. (Fig.5) • NEVERusecharcoalbriquettes or lighterfluidina gasgrill. (Fig.6) _ =Riskof explosion =Keepaway , Grillis hot when in use;to avoid burns,DONOT touchany hot E grillsurface.Keepchildrenand petsawayfromhot grill. (Fig.7) A, DANGER n • NEVERleavethe grillunattendedwhile it is in use. (Fig.8) • FOROUTDOORUSEONLY.NEVERoperategrill in enclosed g • It is your r
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[ REGLAS DE SEGUR!DAD ] iik ADVERTENCIA , NocolocarNUNCAm_sde15libras(6,8Kg)enunamesalateral,un _= Riesgode heridas _ = Riesgode incendio quemador lateralounamesafrontal.NO inclinarse sobreestanten'as.. (Fig5). • NOutilizarnuncapastillas ar{ificiales decarl:_no liquido de _= Riesgode explosi6n _ = iantener apartado encendedores decigarrillos enunaparrilla degas. (Rg.6) • Laparfillasecalientadurantesuuso;paraevita"quemaduras, NOtocar PELIGRO ninguna superficie dela parfillaqueest_caliente. Manten
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6
...... _ Clear _ D_gager GENERAL UNSTALLATIO J Despejado • Installation mustconform withlocalcodesor,intheabsenceof localcodes,. witheithertheNationalFuelGasCode,ANSIZ223.1(USA),CAN/CGA-B149.1, Natural GasInstallation CodeorCAN/CGA-B149.2, PropaneInstallation 24" Code(Canada). (60cm) Tochecklocalcodes,seeyourlocalLP. gasdealerornaturalgascompanylisted intheYellowPagesfor recommended installation procedures andregulations. A WARNING REPRESENTATIVE ILLUSTRATION 24" Thisappliance isnotto beinstall
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TIONAL ELeCTRiCAL ATTAC#4 ,_q - NTS } Longerdetachablepower-supply cordsor extension cordsmustbe When usingan electricattachmentwith grill, followspecification usedwithcare. The markedelectricalratingof thecord setorextension statementsaccompanyingthe accessory. cord mustbe at leastas greatasthe electricalratingofthe appliance.If IMPORTANT: If usingan externalelectricalsource,the installed the applianceisofthe groundedtype,theextensioncordshouldbea E appliancemustbe electricallygroundedaccording
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8
CONNECT{O_S OTHER THAN PORTABLE L,P. CYLINDER-_ /_ WARNING • This noticeappliesto L.P.Gas(Propane)Grillsandonly , Grillsdesignedto use L.P.Gas(Propane)_ be E wherepropanegasis to be pipedto the grill. convenedto use naturalgas. , Naturalgas can.o.Bl.ybe usedwithgrillswhichcome n fromthe factory alreadyequippedfor usewithnaturalgas. THE PIPINGSYSTEMMUSTBE INSTALLEDIN ACCORDANCE WITHNATIONAL g FUELGAS CODE INTHE USA, INCLUDING: I Ifthe applianceis for connectiontootherthanan LP. cylinder (consultt
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Liquefied Petroleum gas, (abbreviatedL.P.gas or propane)is highly A flammable. It becomesliquidwhenstoredunderhighpressureinsidea cylinderandvaporizes when released.L.P.gas is heavierthanair and tendsto collectin low areas. Itis importantthatthereare no leaking connectionsonyour gas grillthatcouldcausea fire or explosion. (See "LEAKTESTING",Pg. 17) PortableLP gas grills requirea fueldeliverysystemwhichis comprisedof a valve[A], a hose[B], a regulator[C]with venthole[G], an L.P.gas supplycylinder
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P. suP L " o iNDERJ A DANGER , DONOTinsertany foreignobjectsintothe valveoutlet. You maydamagethe back-check.A damagedback-checkcan causea leak,whichcouldresultinexplosion,fire,severe personalinjuryor death. WARNING • Cylindersmust bestoredoutdoorsout of the reachof children and mustnot be storedin a building,garageor any other enclosedarea. (Fig.11) CYLINDER SPECIFICATIONS • Any L.P.gas supplycylinderusedwiththisgrill mustbe approximately12 inchesdiameterand 18incheshigh. Themaximum fuel capaci
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• A Type1compatiblecylinderwitha Type1 cylindervalvehasa as applicable;andshall beprovidedwitha listedoverfilling.i back-checkvalvewhichdoesnot permitgas flow,untila positiveseal prevention.device. has beenobtained. , Readlabelson the L.R Gas SupplyCylinder. • The cylindermustbe arrangedfor vapor withdrawal.It mustalso • Newcylindersarealwaysshippedemptyfor safety. E includeacollar to protectthe cylindervalve. Asafetyreliefdevice , Allowonly qualifiedL.P.gas dealersto fill or repairyour LP. gas
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HOSE AND REGULATOR ! The pressureregulatorandhbseassemblywiththeType1 fitting TheType 1connectionsystemhas the followingfeatures: suppliedwiththe appliancemustbe used. Do notuse anotherhose 1.The systemwill not allow gas to flowuntil a positiveconnectionhas andregulatorassemblyotherthanthe onesuppliedwiththe grill ora beenmade. manufacturer's replacement pressureregulatorassembly.The NOTE:The cylindercontrolvalvemustbe turnedoff beforeany pressureregulatorand hoseassemblyprovidedis factorysetat
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] A 8,PORTI {G CYLIh' DER , Transportonly onecylinderat a time. • Transportcylinderin anuprightandsecuremannerwithcontrol E valveturnedoff andthe POLplugor capin place. • DONOTtransportcylinderin passengercompartment, unless n you havean openwindowventilation. • DONOTleavecylinderin directsunlightor ina highheatarea g suchas aclosedcar trunk. Highheat areascouldcausetherelief I valveto ventgas. i , Usea cylindercap onCylinder valveoutletduringtransport and S whenthe cylinderis notconnectedto g
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FILLING AND PURGING TYPE 1 L.P, GAS CYLINDERS J TAKE THESE INSTRUCTIONSTO THE L.P. GAS DEALER, , Newcylindersmust bepurgedbeforefilling. Tellyour LP. Gas dealerif your cylinderis new andhas notbeenpreviouslyfilled. The L.P.Gascylinderhasa Type1 cylindervalvewitha back-check modulein itsoutletwhichwill not permitgas to flowuntilan E /_ DANGER evacuationdeviceis installed. Topurgethe L.P.Gas cylinder,the n Purgingandfillingof L.P.Gascylindersmustbe performedby back-checkmodulemustbe openedwithanev
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Purgingusinga Type1connection(Fig.14): CAUTION i ¢. L.E Gas cylinderevacuationcan be accomplished duringeach Afterpurgingor filling an L.P.Gascylinder,DONOTinserta purgingby usinga Type1connection.The Type1 valveoutlet POLpluginto the valveoutlet. Insertionof theplugwill prevent hasan external1 5/16"ACMEright handthreadwhichwill the back-checkfrom closing.UseONLYthe providedcapand acceptthisconnection. strapattachedto the outlet. Closethe cylindervalveknob beforereturningthe cylinderto the custo
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I L,P, GAS CYLI SeeFig, 15: Connectthe L.P.cylinder,with cylindervalveclosed,to the grillout- 1. Checkthatthe cylindervalveis closedby turningthe cylinder doors only. Readand fellowdirectionson thecylinderand fuel hose WARNING [ knobclockwiseto afull stop. safetytags. 2. Checkthatall thegrillburnerknobsarein theoff position. 3. Removethe protectivecapsfromthe cylindervalveandcou- ,3 i CAUTION In theconnectionprocess,the grillsideof} plingnut. NOTE:Thecouplingnut connectsto the largeoutside thre
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DANGER To PREVENTFIRE OR EXPLOSIONHAZARD: . NOSMOKING.DO NOTuseorpermit sourcesof ignitionin E the areawhile doinga leak test. ° Performleak testsoutdoorsonly. I1 EVEo R performa leak test withfire orflame. g I How TOCHECKFORLEAKS i 1. Createa soapysolutionof equalpartsmildliquiddishwashing S detergentandwater. 2. Turnoff all burnercontrolknobs. h 3. Turnon fuel supply. Turn cylindervalveknobcounterclockwise (rightto left)one rotation. 4. Apply soapsolutionto connectionsindicatedwith arrowsin Fi
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FIXJ G A FUEL LEA { J systemis replaced. . IF YOUDETECT A LEAK; Performa leaktest at leastonceeachyearwhetherthe L.R gas !. Turnoff the fuel supply. Pushin andturn oncontrolknobsto supplycylinderhasbeendisconnectedor not. releasepressurein hose,then turnthe controlknobsbackto off. Havea dealercheckthecylinderfor deterioration after 12years, .- 2. Washoff soapysolutionswithcoldwater andtoweldry. accordingto DOTregulations. Immediately replacecylinderif any 3. Stop a leakby tighteningthe loosejoi
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19
[] STAR3"-UP CHECI_ LUS,T WARNING Failuretofollow thesesafetystepsbeforeusinggrill eachtime could resultina firethatcouldbehazardous to you,your applianceorproperty. It is especiallyimportant to observethese stepsafterthe grillhas beenstored,movedorcleaned. ,=,. ,=. [] 1. Regularlycheckburnerventuritubesfor blockagefroman insectnest. Read"CleaningtheVenturi"onpg. 32and "Troubleshooting" on pg. 38. K [] 2. Checkthatallburnerventuri[H]aresetoverthe valveoutlets J H [J] correctly.Thevalveorifice[K]
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] [] START=UP CHECK LAST = CONT_D. ,,, [] 5. use only the gas specifiedin assemblyinstructions. E _ 6. Keepthe barbecueon alevel surface. 7. Keepan empty metalcontainer,suchas a soup can,in the wire n or plasticgreasecan holderbelowthe grill bottomto catchdraining greaseduringuse. (Fig. 19, Fig.20) i s z_ CAUTION h The greasecan, greasepanandgrill bottombecomeextremelyhot duringuse. To avoid burninjury,emptygreaseholderonlywhen the grill is cool. For 800- 900 Series Grill Pourles Grils S_ries800