Instrukcja obsługi Kenwood CMOS-300

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Kenwood CMOS-300

Urządzenie: Kenwood CMOS-300
Kategoria: Elektronika samochodowa
Producent: Kenwood
Rozmiar: 3.78 MB
Data dodania: 5/20/2013
Liczba stron: 100
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1


Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Before Use/ Installation Procedure above because of the danger of malfunction due to high 2WARNING temperatures.) • Before drilling any mounting holes always check behind To prevent injury or fire, take the following where you want to drill the holes. Do not drill into the gas precautions: line, brake line, electrical wiring or other important parts. • To prevent a short circuit, never put or leave any metallic • If this unit is installed in the passenger compartment, anchor objects (such

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

• Insulate unconnected wires with vinyl tape or other similar Accessories material. To prevent a short circuit, do not remove the caps on the ends of the unconnected wires or the terminals. Camera (with camera bracket) ..........1 • After the unit is installed, check whether the brake lamps, Camera connection cord ..........1 blinkers, wipers, etc. on the car are working properly. • Install so that it does not obstruct the rear fi eld of view. • Install so that it does not protrude from the si

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Installation 4 If required, separate the camera bracket from CAUTION the camera and adjust the shape according to • The adjustments during camera setting may be the surface on which it will be attached. hindered depending on the camera installation Adjust the camera position. Do not install the camera securely but Bend bracket shape so attach it only temporarily until the camera setting has that it fi ts the camera completed. Bend installation position. Camera bracket Recommended Instal

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

10 Adjust the camera angle so that the rear part of Installing the Power Supply Box the vehicle or the rear bumper is visible at the 1 Attach double-side adhesive tape on the power bottom of the monitor screen. supply box and then attach it under the carpet on the front passenger seat side. Vehicle rear part or bumper When adjusting the camera angle, be careful not to stretch the camera cord. 11 After adjusting the camera angle, tighten the retaining screws fi rmly. Inspect the retaining sc

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

Connections Basic Connections Connect to the rearview camera video input or to the Power supply box external video input of the video monitor. Video cord: 1.5m (59.1 inch) CAMERA Navigation system/video monitor Camera connection cord (separately available) Camera Connect the camera to the camera connection cord. CAMERA Camera’s cord length 5 m (197 inch), C amera connection cord length 3 m (118 inch) Switch unit (CMOS-300 only): 2 m (78.7 inch) Power cord Reverse detection cord (purple/whit

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

System Connection (CMOS-300 only) • When connecting the camera to a Kenwood navigation system (head unit) equipped with the camera control function, use the provided head unit connection cord. This allows the head unit to switch the display view and adjust the camera as well. • When using two CMOS-300 units (for the front and rear), it is required to set an ID for the front camera. For details, see “Camera ID Setting” (page 13). • Connect the power supply in the same way as “Basic Connectio

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Camera Setting (CMOS-300 only) Switch Unit Operation Camera Setting Procedure The switch unit can be used to switch the image 1 Complete all of the required connections in display mode, view/hide the guideline display and advance. adjust the camera. 2 Display the camera video. Some video monitors may switch automatically to View button the external video input function. For details, read • Switches the image display mode. the instruction manual for your video monitor. • Select an item in th

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

To adjust the item: Overhead View Image Adjustment After selecting the item, press the + or – button (Right-and-Left Angle) to adjust it and press the view button to enter the This item adjusts the horizontal angle (in the rotary adjusted value. direction) of the camera installation position. 6 End the setting. 1 Select “OVERHEAD VIEW IMAGE ADJUSTMENT Overhead View Image Adjustment (Right-and-Left ANGLE)”. (Centering) This item adjusts the center of the camera installation position. 1 Sel

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

Camera Setting (CMOS-300 only) • The orange line indicat es the position of the overhead view Overhead View Image Adjustment (area on the near side of the orange line) and of the wide (Up-and-Down Angle) view (area beyond the orange line) in the PinP view (page 14). When the orange line displayed in the wide view exceeds the This item adjusts the vertical angle (inclination) of the parking line, slow down the vehicle and move until the red camera installation position. line (parking posit

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

Wide View Guideline Adjustment 3 After completing the adjustment, press the view button. (Horizontal Direction) Advances to “WIDE VIEW GUIDELINE This item adjusts the left-right positioning of the ADJUSTMENT (Red Line Position Setting).” guidelines displayed in the wide view. 1 Select “WIDE VIEW GUIDELINE ADJUSTMENT Wide View Guideline Adjustment (Red (Horizontal direction)”. Line Position Setting) 2 Press the + or – button of the switch unit to This item adjusts the position of the red li

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

Camera Setting (CMOS-300 only) Overhead View Guideline Adjustment 3 After completing the adjustment, press the view button. (Size) Advances to “OVERHEAD VIEW GUIDELINE This item adjusts the overall size of the guidelines ADJUSTMENT (Vertical direction)”. displayed in the overhead view. 1 Select “OVERHEAD VIEW GUIDELINE Overhead View Guideline Adjustment ADJUSTMENT (Size)”. (Vertical Direction) 2 Press the + or – button of the switch unit to This item adjusts the overall length of the guide

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Overhead View Guideline Adjustment Camera ID Setting (Red Line Position Setting) When connecting two CMOS-300 units to a Kenwood navigation system equipped etc. with the camera This item adjusts the position of the red line control function, it is required to assign different displayed in the overhead view. The red line can be camera IDs to the 2 cameras. The camera IDs of both used independently to set the reference line for the cameras have been set to ID1 at the factory. vehicle parkin

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

Display View Switching (CMOS-300 only) PinP View Display View Switching The overhead view is displayed on the upper half The CMOS-300 camera system can display 5 kinds of of the screen while the wide view is displayed on camera images. the lower half. The overhead view in the upper half of the screen shows the area on the nearer side 1 With an image displayed on the monitor, press of the orange line shown in the wide view in the the view button of the switch unit. lower half. Each press

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

Specifi cations Camera Unit (CMOS-300) Power Supply Box Unit Output video Operating voltage : Wide-angle mirror image (for rearview)/wide- : 14.4V (11V – 16V) angle normal image (for front view) Max. current consumption (CMOS-300) Sensor: 1/4-inch color CMOS sensor : 150mA Number of pixels: Approx. 310,000 pixels Max. current consumption (CMOS-200) : 100mA Lens : W ide angle, focal length f=0.82mm, F value 2.6 Dimensions (WxHxD): 54 x 23 x 22 mm Angles of view Weight: Approx. 32 g : Horizontal

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

Avant utilisation / Procédure d’installation il pourrait être endommagé par la chaleur, ni près des portes, 2ATTENTION où il risquerait d'être éclaboussé par l'eau de pluie.(N'installez jamais l'appareil à ces endroits, car les fortes températures Pour éviter toute blessure et/ou incendie, pourraient causer des dysfonctionnements.) veuillez prendre les précautions suivantes : • Avant de percer les trous pour le montage, examinez • Pour éviter les courts-circuits, ne jamais mettre ou laisser

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

• Si un fusible saute, assurez-vous d’abord que les câbles n’ont Accessoires pas causé de court-circuit puis remplacez le vieux fusible par un nouveau de même valeur. • Isolez les câbles non connectés avec un ruban de vinyle ou Caméra (avec support de montage) ..........1 tout autre matériel similaire. Pour éviter tout court-circuit, Câble de raccordement de la caméra ..........1 ne retirez pas les capuchons à l’extrémité des câbles non connectés et sur les prises. • Après avoir installé l’

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

Installation 4 Si cela est nécessaire, détachez le support de ATTENTION la caméra et adaptez sa forme à la surface de • Les réglages eff ectués lors du paramétrage montage. de la caméra peuvent être aff ectés par la Adaptez la forme du position d'installation de la caméra. Ne fi xez pas Plier support de la caméra à complètement la caméra avant d'avoir terminé le la surface d'installation paramétrage de celle-ci. de la caméra. Plier Support de la caméra Position d'installation recommandée

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

10 Réglez l'angle de la caméra de façon à ce que Installation du bloc d'alimentation l'arrière du véhicule ou, tout du moins, le pare- 1 Collez le ruban adhésif double face sur le bloc choc arrière, soit visible en bas de l'écran. d'alimentation puis fi xez celui-ci sous le tapis du siège passager avant. Arrière du véhicule ou pare-choc Lors du réglage de l'angle de la caméra, veillez à ne pas tirer sur le câble de la caméra. 11 Après avoir réglé l'angle de la caméra, serrez fermement les vi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

Raccordements Raccordements de base À raccorder à la prise d'entrée vidéo de la caméra de vue arrière ou à la prise d'entrée vidéo externe du Bloc d'alimentation moniteur vidéo. Câble vidéo : 1,5 m (59,1 pouces) CAMERA Système de navigation/moniteur vidéo Câble de raccordement (disponible séparément) de la caméra Caméra Connectez la caméra au câble de raccordement de la caméra. CAMERA Longueur du câble de la caméra 5 m (197 pouces), Longueur du câble de raccordement de la caméra 3 m (118

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