Instrukcja obsługi TAG DVD32FIR

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia TAG DVD32FIR

Urządzenie: TAG DVD32FIR
Kategoria: Odtwarzacz DVD
Producent: TAG
Rozmiar: 2.01 MB
Data dodania: 8/13/2014
Liczba stron: 27
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:23 PM Page 01
contents 01
02 controls 28 TAGtronic Communications Bus
04 welcome 30 test patterns
07 key features 37 future expansion
10 regional coding 42 running in and warming up
11 connecting 43 care and maintenance
14 controlling the DVD32FLR 44 programming the system-remote
18 the first time setup 50 technical data
20 main functions 53 acknowledgments
21 playing a DVD (CD)
dvd player DVD32FLR

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:23 PM Page 02 | | 02 controls controls 03 5. 6. 7. 01 power/standby LED 1. 2. 3. 02 standby and function buttons 03 disc tray 04 display 05 transport control buttons open/close kHz standby display 06 remote control active LED play PAL – + search 07 remote control window pause – + skip video stop 08 fuse carrier dvd player DVD32FLR 09 ac supply socket 4. 10 remote relay sockets 8. 12. 16. 10. 14. 18. 20. 11 TAGtronic Communications sockets 12 composite vi

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:24 PM Page 04 | | 04 welcome welcome 05 welcome to Dr. Udo Zucker Chief Executive Officer TAG McLaren Audio TAG McLaren Audio exists with one aim in mind: to produce the very best audio and dvd player DVD32FLR with our audio-visual equipment. award winning av processor AV32R Like many people, I often have my best ideas when relaxing to a piece of music or watching a movie. For years, knowing the technical capabilities of TAG McLaren, I There are many immedi

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 06 | | | 06 welcome key f heading eatures 07 07 There are many outstanding features included in this high-performance DVD player DVD32FLR. Within this manual we focus on the operation of the DVD32FLR. If you want to know more about the technical background, which led to this outstanding player, then please refer to our in-depth technical documentation which can be found in the DVD32FLR product section at our website performanc

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 08 | | | | 08 08 heading key features key f heading eatures 09 09 key building blocks inputs and outputs ease of use construction (1) • Dual laser DVD mechanism for optimum • Two Composite and two S-Video outputs • Fully remote controlled • Mixed technology construction, leaded performance when playing DVDs and CDs • Two multi-standard Component video • Unique setup wizard lets you forget and surface mount for optimum results • Mediamatics/Nation

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 10 | | | | 10 10 regional coding heading connecting heading 11 11 ...regional coding We know that you are keen to get your DVD32FLR working. This section describes the connections required to make your DVD32FLR fully functional and have you viewing your Regional coding has been defined by the developers of the DVD standard (the licensors) to favourite movies as quickly as possible. Refer to page 2 for diagrams to help you find your (1) protect the

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 12 | | 12 connecting connecting 13 power connection surround sound (audio visual) processor connection Using the cable supplied, connect the socket on the back of your DVD32FLR to Your DVD32FLR has two types of digital output; Two coaxial SPDIF (called DIGITAL OUTPUT 1 an AC supply outlet. The player will automatically enter standby when the and 2) and one OPTICAL. We recommend using one of the coaxial connections for best power is applied, press

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 14 | | | 14 controlling the DVD32FLR controlling the DVD32FLR heading 15 15 standby system-remote controlling the DVD32FLR The DVD32FLR has a standby mode which can be entered by The backlit system-remote is designed to Before you can control the DVD32FLR with (1) pressing standby either on the front panel or Remote . The blue control your complete home cinema system. the system-remote you must first select DVD power LED will be dimmed and the dis

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 16 | | 16 controlling the DVD32FLR controlling the DVD32FLR 17 In DVD disc menu: accepts context sensitive remote keys menu item otherwise play. the menu key can call up the DVD disc menu and the DVD32FLR setup pause or in DVD disc Repetitive pressing selects menu: cursor up DVD32R's status information In setup: return record The system-remote, once switched to The menu key activates the DVD disc menu, if a DVD is playing. If not playing a disc

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 18 | | 18 the first time setup the first time setup 19 stop key ATTENTION: The DVD32FLR setup menus can only be accessed when the DVD32FLR’s tray If a disc is playing (and not in the DVD disc menu), stop will stop the disc, allowing you to is closed and no disc is playing. resume from exactly the same position when you press play. Pressing stop a second time will clear the resume buffer, meaning play will now start the DVD/CD from its beginning.

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 20 | | 20 main functions playing a DVD (CD) 21 After the setup is completed inserting a disc ...let’s go through the player’s controls (1) Press the open/close button or eject on the remote control and the return record skip LFE pause + + front display brightness tray will open. r f ok e f play w d (2) Pressing display will cycle through the display brightness options. You can customise the Put a disc in the tray with its label facing up. Press

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 22 | | 22 playing a DVD (CD) playing a DVD (CD) 23 pause time display (< search -) in time, through the disc, for DVD even at two speeds - medium and fast. (1) Pressing pause while a disc is playing (and is not in the DVD’s menu ) will pause it and Press time while a disc is playing to cycle Pressing either key once will start a medium ‘pause’ will appear on the display. Press pause again or play to resume playing from the through the four time d

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 24 | | | | 24 24 heading playing a DVD (CD) playing a Dheading VD (CD) 25 25 single frame display in slow direct entry whilst playing a disc title special functions motion mode The number keys on the Remote can be The title of a DVD, if available, can be Special Functions are features which tend to Pressing skip + / - causes the DVD to skip used to jump directly to a specific chapter accessed pressing the record/LFE or 0/title be used infrequently

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 26 | | 26 playing a DVD (CD) playing a DVD (CD) 27 special function repeat... repeat selection... repeat title special function goto This function allows repeating an interval Move the cursor to repeat selection…, then Select this special function if you want to Selecting goto while playing a DVD (repeat selection), a title (repeat title) or the press  to select the sub-menu which repeat the current title when playing a DVD activates go to title

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 28 | | 28 TAGtronic Communications Bus TAGtronic Communications Bus 29 TAGtronic Communications Bus show AV32R status relay standby commands The DVD32FLR features the Enhanced TAGtronic Communications Bus. This allows TAG If your video device is directly connected to The DVD32FLR can be configured to relay McLaren Audio products to exchange information and work seamlessly together to form an your DVD32FLR (or routed through the AV32R standby comma

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 30 | | 30 test patterns test patterns 31 test patterns brightness (black level) The DVD32FLR has a in-built test pattern generator to assist you in adjusting your picture, PAL Black is the absence of light, and this is the first parameter you should adjust. Use the display or NTSC, for best performance. device’s black level control which some manufacturers call, quite inappropriately, brightness. Many display devices are wrongly adjusted when lea

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 32 | | 32 test patterns test patterns 33 pluge 1 pluge 2 The PLUGE 1 signal will look like this with black level (brightness) set too high. The PLUGE 2 signal will look like this with the black level (brightness) set too high. black black PLUGE dark PLUGE dark white grey grey (1) Turn the brightness up until you can clearly see the PLUGE bar. Then turn the brightness PLUGE 1 has low average intensity, whilst PLUGE 2 includes a white bar. Adjust t

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 34 | | 34 test patterns test patterns 35 pluge 2 Cross-check your setting by turning back to colour the PLUGE 2 test-pattern and check that the (1) The cross hatch included in the DVD32FLR is bright white field (PLUGE 2) isn't blurred The colour test-pattern allows you to adjust Colour (and Tint in NTSC) . Adjust those two a multi-purpose test-pattern which will allow into the black background. Some display parameters until yellow looks yellow (wi

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 36 | | 36 test patterns future expansion 37 aspect ratio convergence Many display devices form white by generating a mixture of the primary colours red, green and blue which our eyes add to white. If these colours aren’t hitting exactly the same spot they won’t form perfect white. This is called imperfect ‘convergence’. Convergence of some display devices, primarily projectors, can be user adjusted, others will need a service engineer or aren’t a

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GRR00868.01-DVD32RFLR UM 5/30/02 12:25 PM Page 38 | | 38 future expansion future expansion 39 progressive scan module PSM192 PSM192 outputs Your DVD32FLR may optionally be fitted The PSM192 has a DVI 1.0 digital video output and a set of component analog outputs. The with a video processing board, the DVI output has its own connector on the rear panel of your player. The analog outputs are Progressive Scan Module PSM192. available on the player’s BNC component connections. The normal interlace

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