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Table of Contents
Vehicle Service Information ............. 2
Section 3:
Help and Troubleshooting
Safety Precautions ............................ 3
Tips ....................................19
Section 1:
3-1 Tool Problems ............................. 19
Welcome to The Scan Tool ..4
3-2 Car Problems .............................. 20
1-1 Features ........................................ 4
3-3 Scan Tool Self-Tests ................... 20
• Display Test ........................... 21
1-2 Th
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Vehicle Service Information General Safety Guidelines to Follow The following is a list of publishers who have manuals containing electronic engine control When Working on Vehicles diagnostic information. Some manuals may be available at auto parts stores or your local public library. For others, you need to write for availability and pricing, specifying the To prevent accidents that could result in serious injury and/or damage make, model and year of your vehicle. to your vehicle or test equipm
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1984-1995 GM 1-2 The Scan Tool Section 1: Welcome to the Scan Tool – Basics Actron’s scan tool was developed by ex- Lookup feature allows you to reference 1-1 Actron Scan Tool Features perts in the automotive service industry to code descriptions without having to page help you diagnose today’s vehicles and through an instruction manual. The Actron scan tool has assist you in trouble-shooting procedures. When the scan tool is connected to the many features that you Computer-controlled vehicles h
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tridge into the cartridge opening. Align the To remove the Application Cartridge simply 1-3 Actron CP9110 – What You Get cartridge slots with the “keyway” on the grasp the cartridge end and pull away from When you receive your scan tool, take time main tool bottom opening. Continue to the main tool. This action will disengage MODEL NO. MODEL NO. SERIAL NO. SERIAL NO. ACTRON MFG. ACTRON MFG. © COPYRIGHT 1995 © COPYRIGHT 1995 to review all package contents. gently push the cartridge into the openi
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Vehicle Cable Adapters 1-6 Operating the Scan Tool Your scan tool Vehicle Ap- Powering-up the scan tool Keyboard plication Cartridge pack will contain the Applica- The scan tool can be powered-up in three The scan tool software was designed for a tion Cartridge, application ways. The most widely used way is with “user friendly” approach in navigating through manual and vehicle cable the supplied cigarette lighter adapter. The operational menus. This makes the scan tool adapter for one manufac- s
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Display (NOTE: This is a GM Function List – In these screens, brackets will automati- !" Function Lists for other manufacturers cally be next to the default response. If you 1$
2343 The scan tool has a 4 line x 20 character may differ slightly.): wish to accept the default choice, simply 5$6 4" liquid crystal display (LCD) for easy view- press ENTER. If you wish to change the ing. This makes the scan tool “user friendly” 7$ %)2 !"
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The On-Line Help screen shown above 1-7: ScanTool Setup Section 2: Vehicle Computer Basics has a in the last column. To view the next Tool Setup is used to change the scan On-Line Help screen, press the DOWN tool’s default sound and measurement arrow key. That screen is shown below: unit settings. To change the scan tool’s 2-1 Basics of Computer-Controlled Cars . 3 38 default settings, select the Tool Setup &"!&933 : option from the Function List (NOTE: This This section e
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sary—to give the O2 sensors time to warm Some examples of sensors: thermistors How the computer controls fuel deliv- position, manifold pressure (vacuum), up to operating temperature. (for temperature readings), potentiom- ery air flow and RPM. eters (like a throttle position sensor), re- As long as the engine and O2 and Coolant Engine operation and emissions perfor- • Air intake. Sensors used are: mass air lays (for voltage and signal readings), and Temperature Sensors are at operating tem- man
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(P-Codes). Now, basic terms are standard- Trouble Codes and Diagnostics help servicing a particular trouble code take ized and all generic codes will share a you fix the problem into account all the possibilities. If you common format and terminology that the follow these procedures, you should be To find the cause of the problem yourself, manufacturers and the Society of Auto- able to find the problem causing the code you need to perform special test proce- motive Engineers (SAE) designed. You
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Malfunction Indicator Lamp: Poorly running engine, no Malfunction Section 3: Actron Help problem spotted Indicator Lamp If the Malfunction Indicator Lamp does not Most likely, this condition is not due to 3-1 Tool Problems come on, you may have an electrical prob- computer system failures, but reading lem which needs repair. Refer to the “Di- codes can still be useful as part of a basic There may be times when your scan tool the vehicle cigarette lighter receptacle. agnostic Circuit Check” steps
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The screen below is how the Tool Self- done. If you selected Tool Self-Test from 3-2 Car Problems Tests option appears on the Function List the Function List, then press the FUNC- (NOTE: This is a GM Function List. Func- TION key to return to the function list at any tion PROM matches the vehicle setup. If your scan tool is having difficulty “link- tion Lists for other manufacturers may time. ing” with the vehicle computer, be sure Some GM vehicles have had replace- differ slightly): ment PROMs
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back recorded data, displaying trouble played. Press the ENTER key to return to 4-2 Call Actron 4-3 E- Mail & code definitions, or doing any other func- the Tool Self-Test Menu. Internet Address In addition to your local dealer, all Actron tion that uses the scan tool’s internal "% equipment and replacement parts are Actron is also available electronically for memory. If this happens, it is a good idea available directly from the Actron factory. comments and ordering inf
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vehicles. This information is used to design and then the duty cycle is 25%. A duty cycle of 0% Section 5: Glossary of Terms build aftermarket diagnostic equipment. means the signal is always at a “low” value and not changing. A duty cycle of 100% means the Detonation: Uncontrolled ignition of the air/fuel signal is always at a “high” value and not chang- Actuator: Devices that are powered by the PCM Closed Loop (C/L): This is when a control system mixture in the cylinder. Also referred to as “k
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ESC: Electronic Spark Control. This is an ignition Functional Tests: These are tests of PCM- makes the element sensitive only to engine On-Board Diagnostics, Phase II (OBD-II): With system function that works on vehicles having a controlled systems, such as the fuel pump, the vibrations associated with detonation (“knock- the passing of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amend- knock sensor mounted on the engine block. The “Check Engine” light, and other switches and ing”). ment, the EPA imposed more string
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Outputs: Electrical signals sent from the PCM. Solenoid: A device to convert an electrical signal VIN: Vehicle Identification Number. This is the These signals may activate relays or other actua- to mechanical movement. It consists of a coil with factory-assigned vehicle serial number. This num- tors for control purposes throughout the vehicle. a wire with a moveable metal rod in the center. ber is stamped on a number of locations through- The signals can also send information from the When the