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How tooperate
baded right,
dishes getcleaner
Whatisdishwasher safe?p10
Save timeandmoney.
Before yourequest service,
usetheProblem Solver. p12
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2
, -. con@n@ - — Writedownthemodeland - Readthisbookcarefully Importantstiety instructions.‘. ..3 , serialnumbers Howtooperateyoir ~ It is intendedtohelpyouoperate dishwasher. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...4.5’ .’ andmaintainyournewdishwasher You’llfindthemona labelonthe – properly. leftsideofthedishwasher just Gooddishwashing starts , “-~ --- ~ insidethedoor. withH~water .. . . . ... . . . . . ...6 ‘ Keepit handyforanswersto your .-~(, Thesenumbersarealsoonthe H6wto testwaterteipera~re ,,.~“~, , qu
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3
IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS Readallinstructions beforeusingthisappliance, WA~ING—When using this Tominimize the possibilityof * H~ROGEN GASis appliance, alwaysexercise basic injury. produced by the chemical action -.– —. - safety precautions, includingthe within your waterheater. It can ~ When loading items to be =– following: accumulate in the water heater washed: and/or water pipes if hot water @Usethisappliance only for its A. Locate sharp items so that has not been used for a period intende
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4
HowtooDerateVour dishwasher Steam Vent Door Latch (unlocked) Cycle indicator Dial ,Ssssssaaaw ~m e ForLIGHTWMHcycle: STEP1. Loadyourdishwasher Estimatedyearlysavings, withdishes,silverware,pots, dependingonyourlocalelectrical a. Besuredooris unlatched. pans,bowls,etc., accordingto rates,are as follows: instructionsonpages8 and9. ElectricRate (perKwh) $.05 $ .08 $ .11 STEP2. Adddetergentto the Estimated detergentdispenser.Makesurethe YearlySavings $5.11 $8.18 $11.25 CycleIndicatorDialis at OFF po
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5
— Cycleselectionhints - Itis importantto followtheloading instructionson pages8 and9. NORMALWASH—For most loadsofeverydaydishes,glasses andcookwarewithmediumsoils. LIGHTWASH—For dishes thathavebeenpre-rinsed before loading.Also,forwashingvery /ig/ztlysoileddisheswithsoils thathavenotdriedon. RINSEHOLD—Forrinsing partialloadswhichwillbe washed later.SelectDRYINGHEAT– OFFdryingoption.Do not use detergent. ~— ~— - ~ Whathappemineachcycle e You’ll hearoccasionalclicking Wash — WaterUse Cycle Time so
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Togetdishescleananddry,you A rinseagentmakeswaterflowoff Mrst,useonlydetergent needhotwater.Tohelpyouget dishesquickerthanusual.This specificallymadefor usein waterofthepropertemperature, lessenswaterspotting.Makes dishwashers.Othertypeswill yourHotpointdishwasher dryingfaster,too. causeoversudsing. automatically heatsthe waterin Forbestdishwashing Second,checkthephosphate thewashcycle.Forgoodwashing performance,useofa rinse content.Phosphatehelpsprevent anddrying,theenteringwatermust agentis re
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7
WIIatyoucan - leaveon dishes. AndW~~~ YOU s~ou~~~’~. You’ll find twodetergent If thisisyourfirstdishwasher, or 3. Tryto removefoodscrapsand dispenserson theinsidedoorof if you’rereplacinga mucholder placedishesindishwasherbefore yourdishwasher.Two,because model,youmaywonderhowmuch soilhasa chancetodry andbecome somecyclesusetwowashes. hard. Disheswithdried-onsoilare pre-preparationyourdishesneed. Actuallyverylittle.Pre-rinsingof moredifficultto washandmay normalfoodsoilsis notnecessary. notcomec
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8
badedl right,dishesgetcleaner Howto loadtheTOPRACK — Placeglasses,cupsandsaucersintherackface down,sothewateranddetergentwillreachthe soiledsurfaces. ~is is a random mixed load, the most common Qpe YOUwill have. Makesuredishesareproperlyloadedto insure that watercan reachthesoiledsurfaces.The washarm inthe bottomsprayswaterup. The towerthatrisesin the centersendswateroutover thedishesto washthe itemsin the upperrack. -. Whenloadingdishwasher-safe plastics,place plasticitemsalongthebackandbe sure
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Asshownhere,thisplateisbeingplacedsothat Fit platesandsaucersbetweenthepins. wateranddetergentfromwasharmcanreach soiledsurfaces. — — Loadplatters,potsandbowlsalongthe sides,in Heavilysoiledpots,pansandcasserolesMUST be loadedin thebottomrack,facingdown.Prop corner; or inthe back.All largeplasticitems, suchaspitchers,saladbowlsandmixingbowls, thebroilerpanandrackalongthe edge,tilted shouldbe washedin thelowerrack. towardthe center. Put flatwarein theremovablesilverwarebasket Don’t let any I I wi
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10
usually Exceptions (not safe) SOecialInstructions I Safe Some darkening or spotting possible. Removeby YES Some colored anodized aluminum can thdc. scouring with soap-filled steel wool pads. If in doubt, check with the nlanuPacturer.Or test wash YES Antique, metal-trimmed, one piece daily for at least a month. Compare with the hand-painted or over-the-glaze rest of the set. patterns fade. Gold leaf will discolor. Load securely to prevent moveinent. YES Antique, metal-trimmed or hand-painted patt
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11
K e - - UserMaintenance Instructions —. — — Notusingyourdishwasher EF Tokeepyourdishwasher – Built-indishwashers inwinter?Protectagainst ~. lookinggood... oftenuseanairgap. freezing. Keepitclean. ar “ Cleanthecontrolpanelwitha - lightlydampenedcloth.Dry If yourdishwasheris lefiin an = Anair gapisa plumbingdevice. @ thoroughly. Do notuse abrasives unheatedplaceduringthewinter, == Itprotectsyourdishwasheragainst or sharpobjectsonthe panel. aska servicetechnicianto: ~e waterbackingupintoit if a dra
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12
Beforeyoucallforservice, checktheProblemSolver. If youhavea problem,it maybe minor,Youmaybe abletocorrect ityourself.Justusethis Problem Solverto locateyourproblemand thenfollowthesuggested recommendations. PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEANDREMEDY DISHWASHER A fuse inyourhomemaybe blown,or thecircuitbreakertripped.Replacefuseor reset WON’TRUN circuitbreaker.Removeanyotherappliancesfromthecircuit. UNUSUALNOISE Cookwaremaynotbe secureon rackpins. Or somethingsmallmayhavedroppedfrom the rack. Wateris causing
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13
The POSSIBLECAUSEANDREMEDY PROBLEM MakesureCycleIndicatordial is inOFF position. DETERGENTCUP COVERWON’TLA~H Spottingcanbe causedbyallthesethings: SP(YTS ANDFILMING ON GLASSESAND Extremelyhardwater.(Seepage6.) FLATWARE Lowinletwatertemperature.(Totest, seepage6.) Overloading thedishwasher. Improperloading.(Seepages8and9.) Oldor dampdetergent. Phosphatelevelin detergenttoolow.(Seepage6.) Rinseagentdispenserempty.(Seepage6.) e Toolittledetergent.(Seepages6 and7.) Dueto varyinglocalwaterconditionsa
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PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEANDREMEDY CHIPPINGOF CHINA Roughhandlingcancausechipping.Loadwithcare. Makesureglasswareandchinaare secureandcan’tjar loose.(Seepages8 and9 forcorrectwayto loadglassware.)Make suretallglassesandstemwarewillclearthetopofthetubwhenyoupushtherackinto thedishwasher. Alwaysusethetop rackfordelicateitems. SMALLAMOUNTOF Wateraroundtheoutletonthetubbottomat thebackofthetubis normal.It isclean WATER STANDING water.It’sthereto keepthewaterseallubricated. IN THEBOT~M OF THETUB WATER WO
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15
~+ Consumer Sertices o _- 4 Our Consumer Servicesare designedwith your needsand wants in mind. - - Warranty Protection Beforeyour newapplianceleft the factory,it went And you have a written warranty to protect you. Seethe through rigoroustests to detect manufacturingdefects. warrantyon the back page of this book for details. Convenient Service Whetheryour applianceis in or out of warranty,you’re FIRST,contact the peoplewho servicedyour appliance. Explainwhyyou are not pleased. In most cases,this
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16
WHAT Is COVERED Thiswarrantyisextendedto FULL ONEYEAR WARRANTY theoriginalpurchaserandany Foroneyearfromdateof original succeedingownerfor products purchase,wewill provide,freeof purchasedforordinaryhomeuse charge,partsandservicelaborin inthe48mainlandstates,Hawaii yourhometo repairor replaceany andWashington, D.C.[nAlaskathe pati of the dishwasherthatfails warrantyisthesameexceptthatit becauseof a manufacturing defect. is LIMITEDbecauseyoumustpay toshiptheproducttotheservice shoporforth~ servic