Instrukcja obsługi X2

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia X2

Urządzenie: X2
Kategoria: Sprzet DJ
Producent: X2
Rozmiar: 0.44 MB
Data dodania: 6/16/2013
Liczba stron: 103
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Reference Manual

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Introduction Thank you for purchasing the Alesis X2 24-channel, 8-group output, in-line monitor professional mixing console. To take full advantage of the X2’s functions, and to enjoy long and trouble-free use, please read this user’s manual carefully. This manual is divided into the following sections describing the various modules and functions of the X2. Though we recommend you take time to read through the entire manual once carefully, those having general knowledge about mixers should use

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2 X2 Reference Manual

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Contents C 1: Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 7 About the X2 ........................................................................................................................7 Basic Principles of Mixing & Multitrack Recording .........................................................8 Recording/Tracking ..............................................................................................8

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Contents Interfacing to the Headphone Amp......................................................................28 Interfacing Aux Sends and Returns to Outboard Effects ...................................28 Interfacing the Inserts............................................................................................29 Interfacing with a MIDI Sequencer ......................................................................30 ................................ ................................ ...

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Contents MIDI .....................................................................................................................................56 MIDI Channel.........................................................................................................56 Selecting Songs via MIDI.......................................................................................56 MIDI Map............................................................................................................

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Contents AUX A ASSIGN Switches (Aux A Only).............................................................65 GROUP MASTERS Switch (Aux B Only) ............................................................65 L-R Button ..............................................................................................................65 SOLO Button ..........................................................................................................65 MUTE Button .......................................

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Contents Maps 2.0—2.9.......................................................................................................................81 ................................ ................................ ........................ 82 ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 83 Internal Connector Pinouts.................................................................................................86 Block Diagram ......

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Introduction C HAPTER 1 I About the X2 The X2 is an extremely flexible, 24-channel, 8-group output, in-line monitor professional mixing console. The monitor path of each channel has its own 45mm linear fader, automated mute, and access to EQ and Aux sends, so you can mix or monitor one input while the main path mixes another. This flexible design allows full mix control of 48 sources, plus 16 aux returns, for a total of 64 sources at mixdown. For this reason, the X2 is perfectly suited for profe

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Introduction in the console (each channel, monitor, effect return, aux send, and group output). It features its own ADAT Synchronization Interface jack, plus MIDI in/out jacks, so that its built-in 10,000-event sequencer can be synchronized directly to the ADAT system or to a MIDI system. The mutes may be externally controlled by a MIDI sequencer, or, in live applications, by using 100 sets of four mute groups. Control room monitoring is made simpler by stereo-in-place Solo on each main channel,

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Introduction more) happening simultaneously in order to complete the task of overdubbing. The comprehensive systems and logical layout of the X2 Mixer will make it relatively easy for you to accommodate even the most complex monitoring requirements. The following are a few of the typical mixes that may occur during a session: • Multitrack Mix: The first mix would be the mix that is being recorded onto tape. This mix is derived from the Channel Faders and the Tape Outs or the Group Outs. These le

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Introduction 12 X2 Reference Manual

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Guided Tour C HAPTER G T The X2 is designed to be extremely flexible, as evidenced by the channel module design. This is where signals are mixed, EQ’d and routed to the Aux sends, Groups and Left and Right Master outs. Each channel provides a Tape In connector, where signals return from the multitrack recorder. These can be routed to either the main or monitor section of the channel. This allows you to mix a signal and monitor a tape signal simultaneously. If you also count the Aux returns, you

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Guided Tour input appears at the monitor controls. This is the position normally used for mixdown (with the main channel assigned to L-R) or for bouncing tracks (with the main channel assigned to the appropriate Group or Groups). To avoid low-end rumble and noise, turn on the HPF (high-pass filter), which removes frequencies below 75 Hz. Next we have the EQ section, which is broken into two groups: the Hi & Lo EQ, and the Hi Mid & Lo Mid EQ. The Hi & Lo EQ are shelf types, nested at 12 kHz and 8

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Guided Tour In the center of each channel module is the Aux Sends section, which allows the signal to be routed to outboard signal processing equipment or to feed a headphone amplifier. The first two sends (Aux 1-2) are Pre-Fader, meaning that the signal level is independent of the channel’s fader. These are ideal for headphone mixing of tape tracks for the musicians in the studio. Aux 3 through 8 are post fader, ideal for routing signals to reverb and other effects devices. Aux Sends 3-4 and 5-

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Guided Tour A three-frequency oscillator, with adjustable level, allows you to record test tones onto your tapes. Below the Aux Masters section, level controls are available for Studio outputs, Headphone outputs and the Control Room outputs. The Control Room can selectively monitor the Master outputs (L-R), AUX 1-2, or External inputs 1 and 2 (EXT IN 1/EXT IN 2); these last two inputs are useful for signals returning from mix-down tape decks. The STUDIO outputs may receive signal either from Aux

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Guided Tour This toggles the meters between Tape Sends and Tape Returns. Two Mode LEDs on the meter bridge indicate which mode is selected. X2 Reference Manual 17

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Connecting the X2 C HAPTER C Unpacking and Inspection Your X2 was packed carefully at the factory, and the container was designed to protect the unit during shipping. Please retain this container in the highly unlikely event that you need to return the X2 for servicing. Upon receiving the X2, carefully examine the shipping carton and its contents for any sign of physical damage that may have occurred in transit. If you detect any damage, do not destroy any of the packing material or the carton,

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