Instrukcja obsługi Moog Series T161

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Moog Series T161

Urządzenie: Moog Series T161
Kategoria: Sprzet DJ
Producent: Moog
Rozmiar: 0.23 MB
Data dodania: 7/18/2013
Liczba stron: 19
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Moog Series T161 Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Excerpt from
USER'S MANUAL (obsolete)
This is a portion of a user’s manual made available in segments on the website for the
convenience of our customers. If you have questions or need additional information please
contact us
This manual describes the functionality and features of the present version of the T161,
160 and 300A Product Famil

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SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.1 4. COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION This Section provides descriptions and specifications for the RMC Power Supply, the T161 Series Controllers, the B81318-001 Hand Held Terminal, the Encoder Simulator Option Card, and the 300A Series Motors. 4.1. Power Supply Description, Specifications The power supply has the following features: • Single or Three Phase A-C Operation • Direct off-line 220 VAC Operation • Soft Start (A-C Inrush C

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4.2 SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.1.2. Circuit Description The power supply consists of four functional blocks: • High voltage rectification and filtering • Low voltage control power supply • Shunt regulator circuit • Monitoring and fault logic circuits Figure 4-2 is a block diagram of the 160 Power Supply. LED LED Label Condition Indicated # Color 1 Green BUS ACTIVE Greater than 30 VDC is present on the high voltage DC bus. 2 Green LOGIC VOLTAGE OK The + 15, - 15, and

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SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.3 Shunt Regulator Circuit Rapid motor deceleration or an overhauling load creates a situation in which energy is regenerated back into the high voltage power supply. This regenerative energy will charge the power supply bus capacitors. To prevent capacitor over voltage a shunt regulator circuit senses when the bus voltage exceeds the regen cut-in voltage and via a regen transistor, switches a regen resistor across the d-c bus,

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4.4 SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION Monitoring and Fault Logic There are two fault outputs in the supply. The "Customer Fault Output" is relay K2 (4C1) capable of sinking or sourcing 1 amp and withstanding up to 75V. It is "closed" during normal operation and will be "open" to indicate a fault. The faults that are detected are Thermal Fault, Loss of Phase, Bus Over voltage, Regen Fuse Blown and Soft start. Note that a fault indication in the power supply wil

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SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.5 Three phase Single phase Continuous Output D-C Power Operation Operation With Cooling Fan 7.5 KW 2.5 KW Without Cooling Fan 2.5 KW 0.8 KW 24 volt Input Power Voltage Range 20 Vdc min to 35 Vdc max Power Requirements 1 amp per axis @ 24 volts Inrush current 2 amps for 50 msec @ 24 volts Regen Cut-in Voltage 380 VDC ±5% Regen Hysteresis Voltage 7 VDC ±5% Internal External 1 50 40W 8.3 240W 2 Resis

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4.6 SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.2. T161 Series Controllers Description, Specifications Controllers have the following features: • Sinusoidal Three Phase Drive • Resolver Based System • Microprocessor Based • Digitally Tuned Current Loop 2 • Configuration Stored in Non-Volatile E PROM • Programmable Velocity or Current Control • Programmable Analog Test Points • RS232 / RS485 Serial Port • PC Set-up via "MOOGTERM" software • 24 VDC Control Power Input (Option) • Encod

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SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.7 4.2.1. Diagnostic LED's The status of the Controller may be monitored using the diagnostic LED indicators on the front panel as listed in Table 4-2. LED Label Condition Indicated Color Red SYSTEM FAULT A software or hardware fault has occurred. The specific fault can be determined by querying the controller via the communications interface. Yellow FOLD BACK ACTIVE The continuous torque limit has been exceeded. Green ENABLE Controller is

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4.8 SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION Analog to Digital Section The analog command input has an input voltage level of +/- 10VDC. It is brought in to a differential amplifier. The choice is available in software to either use this command signal unfiltered or to use a low pass filter on the command. The filter has a -3dB point of 1KHz and an inband time delay of 360µsec. The command signals are converted by the A/D converter, a 12 bit converter. The resolver exc

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SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.9 4.2.3. Specifications D-C Input Voltage 130 VDC - 370 VDC (310 VDC Nominal) Output Current Ratings: RMS Amps Per Phase Peak Amps Per Phase Model Continuous Peak (5 Sec) Continuous Peak (5 Sec) T161-001 3 5 4.2 7.1 T161-002 5 10 7.1 14.2 T161-003 8 20 11.3 28.4 T161-004 12 40 16.9 56.8 Output Current Ripple Frequency T161-001, -002 20 KHz T161-003, -004 10 KHz Analog Input Command (Differential) ±10 Volts = CW/CCW Max. Speed (Velocity Mod

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4.10 SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.3. B81318-001 Hand Held Terminal (Option) Description, Specifications The Moog B81318-001 hand held terminal, shown pictorially in Figure 4-6, is an optional accessory product which can be used in lieu of a terminal for controller set-up and monitoring. The hand held terminal is supplied with a coiled cable which has a DE9P connector that mates with the T161 Series Controller X6 communications connector. 4.3.1. Specifications Weight

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Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

4.12 SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION The Built In Test (BIT) output of the R/D converter is monitored. Logic 0 for BIT condition indicates ±100 LSBs of error. Causes of BIT error are loss of signal inputs or loss of resolver reference. When this occurs, the Encoder Simulator outputs will go to a known state. Figure 4-7 is a block diagram of the Encoder Simulation option card. A and B Outputs The A and B outputs are in quadrature, i.e. B will lead A by 90° when t

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SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.13 Marker Pulse The MARKER, or INDEX pulse, is used to indicate a reference point within one mechanical revolution of the motor shaft. NOTE The marker pulse is not referenced to the key of the motor shaft or housing. The pulse is set at an arbitrary position that is determined by the resolver adjustment setting used for motor commutation. This is a factory setting and not user adjustable. The electrical width of the MARKER pulse

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4.14 SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.4.2. Specifications Resolver Reference Input Differential ±10V max. Signal Inputs (Sine+, Sine-, Cosine+, Cosine-) Differential 2 Vrms ±15% 1 Input Power Requirements 5 VDC ±5%, 200 mA max. 1 User must supply isolated power source. Dynamic Characteristics (Line Count Selection vs. Bandwidth based on 5KHz Resolver Reference): 3 dB Closed Loop Line Count Selection (PPR) Bandwidth (Hz) 16384, 8192 288 4096, 2048 564 1024, 512 851

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SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.15 COUNTERCLOCKWISE ROTATION Channel A Channel /A Channel B Channel /B 90 marker 180 marker 360 marker CLOCKWISE ROTATION Channel A Channel /A Channel B Channel /B 90 marker 180 marker 360 marker FIGURE 4-2. ENCODER SIMULATOR OPTION OUTPUT WAVE FORMS

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4.16 SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.5. Series 300A Motors Description, Specifications NOTE Refer to Section 2.5, Motor Installation, for information on axial and radial load capability, bearing life, mounting screws and motor-to-load coupling. 4.5.1. Description Motors are permanent magnet brushless with an integral brushless resolver for position feedback. The 303 through 306 frame size motors can be face or flange mounted. All motors incorporate a thermostat or thermi

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SECTION FOUR - COMPONENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION 4.17 Mech. Time Elect MODEL TORQUE Inertia, J Weight m Constant, Time CONSTANT, K t  m Constant,  e lb. in./amp NM/amp msec msec LB kg 2 -3 2 -4 lbin.s *10 kg-m *10 303-029A 3.53 .40 .16 .18 2.33 0.64 3.0 1.4 303-030A 2.78 .31 .37 .42 1.14 1.24 4.0 1.8 304-111A 4.13 .47 .9 1.0 2.50 1.20 6.4 2.9 304-121A 5.39 .61 1.6 1.8 1.50 1.91 7.5 3.4 304-131A 6.65 .75 2.7 3.1 1.10 2.58 9.7 4.4 304-141A 11.24 1.27 5.0 5.6 1.10 2.70 13.7 6.2 304-151A 1

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