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Minoru 3D
User’s Guide
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Contents Introduction ............................................................................................. 4 Installation .............................................................................................. 4 Hardware Installation ............................................................................... 4 Software Installation ................................................................................ 5 Minoru Settings ......................................
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Stereoscopic Player................................................................................. 20 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 21 Specifications .......................................................................................... 21 CE compliance statement ............................................................................ 22 FCC statement ......................................................
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Introduction Meet Minoru, meaning “Reality” in Japanese, the World’s first 3D webcam. Connect Minoru to your PC and he will come alive, his eyes will light up and he will be looking at you in 3D. Your friends and family will now be able to see you in 3D over your favourite messaging program like Windows Live Messenger, Skype, AOL instant messenger, OoVoo and many others. You will also be able to take 3D photos or even shoot 3D videos and upload them to YouTube. Installation
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Software Installation Open your CD ROM drive and place the software CD in the drive. Close the CD ROM drive and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation of the Minoru software. M i n o r u 3 D W e b c a m U s e r ’ s G u i d e , R e v i s i o n 1 . 2 , F e b r u a r y P a g e | 5 2 0 0 9
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Minoru Settings You can access Minoru’s settings at any time by right clicking the Minoru status icon in the system tray. You can access and change the settings even while Minoru is in the middle of a video call or during a video recording session. Double clicking the icon will start the Minoru setup wizard. If the Minoru status icon does not appear in the system tray then you should start ‘Minoru Webcam Setup’ by double clicking the desktop shortcut. M i n o r u 3 D
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1 – Setup Wizard... Before using Minoru for the first time you should focus and then line up Minoru’s two eyes. First place Minoru on the desk or on the top of your monitor at a distance of about 3 feet (1 metre) from your face. At this stage you should not wear the 3D glasses. Focus Minoru’s left eye by turning the lens ring until the image of your face appears sharp. M i n o r u 3 D W e b c a m U s e r ’ s G u i d e , R e v i s i o n 1 . 2 , F e b r u a r y P a g e | 7 2 0 0 9
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Focus Minoru’s right eye by turning the lens ring until the image of your face appears sharp. Vertical alignment...At this point you should still not wear the 3D glasses. Look at Minoru and you should see two images of your face on the screen, a blue image and a red image. Adjust the vertical slider so that the red and blue images of your face are at exactly the same height on the screen. Sometimes it is easiest to look at the top or bottom of your head or at your eyes in order to
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Horizontal alignment...Still do not wear the 3D glasses, don’t worry you can put them on very soon. Look at the two images of your face on screen and adjust the horizontal slider so that the two images of your face merge into one. Note that you will still see red and blue images of the objects in front and behind you. Now put on the 3D glasses for the first time. Spend some time experiencing the 3D effect for yourself. Stretch your arms out ahead of you and they will appear to come
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2 - Mode You can select from three different operating modes for Minoru 3D – The viewer of the 3D video will need to use the 3D glasses to see the 3D effect Picture in Picture (PiP) – This mode is useful if you want to show some close up detail of an item while maintaining the view of your face. Hold the item up to Minoru’s left eye and the detailed image will appear in the large PiP window. 2D – You can use this mode if the viewer doesn’t have any 3D glasses. Side by Side – For the r
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4 - Select Language Select the language used for the Minoru setup wizard and recording application. 5 – Minoru Website Click to go directly to the Minoru 3D Website. 6 - About... The Minoru software version information is shown. Please note the version number in any correspondence with Minoru customer support. 7 – Exit Click to close the ‘Minoru Webcam Setup’. The Webcam Setup can be restarted by double clicking the ‘Minoru Webcam Setup’ shortcut on the desktop. M i n o r u 3 D W
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Recording application 1 – Restart Minoru When starting ‘Minoru Video Capture’ you may see the information message shown below. Minoru is probably being used by another application such as messaging software, or the ‘Minoru Setup Wizard’ is running. Close the other application that is using Minoru or end the video messaging call, then click the ‘Restart Minoru’ button. Minoru’s output should then appear on screen. M i n o r u 3 D W e b c a m U s e r ’ s G u i d e , R e v i s i o n
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2 – Resolution Select the output resolution for Minoru. Choose from 320 x 240, 352 x 288, 640 x 480 or 800 x 600 pixels. The chosen resolution is used for the recorded video or snapshot. 3 – Screen mode Select the screen mode for the video preview. Choose from 100%, 200% or Full screen. When viewing full screen video in 3D it is best to stand back from the monitor, 6 feet (2 metres) is the recommended viewing distance. 4 – Audio input select By default, ‘Novo – Minoru’s Ears’ are use
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How to record and playback a 3D video First you should select the resolution for the video. Next compose the picture and click the ‘Start Recording’ button (i). You will then be asked to choose a filename (ii) and choose the file type (iii). The two file types available are .asf and .avi Choose .asf if you want a smaller file size suitable for uploading to YouTube and other social networking sites. By default .asf file type will be selected. Choose .avi to record 3D in the best qu
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To playback the recorded video you should do one of the following; On a Vista system click on Start..(Your user name) (i), then double click on Videos (ii). Choose one of the videos and double click it to play it back. On an XP system click on Start..My Documents (i), then double click on My Videos (ii). Choose one of the videos and double click it to play it back. M i n o r u 3 D W e b c a m U s e r ’ s G u i d e , R e v i s i o n 1 . 2 , F e b r u a r y P a g e | 15 2 0 0 9
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How to take and email a snapshot First you should select the resolution for the snapshot. Next compose the picture and click the ‘Take Snapshot’ button. The snapshot will appear immediately in a separate window and you will then have the choice to (i) save or (ii) email the image. If you choose to save the image then click the ‘Save Snapshot’ button (i). You can then choose to save the file as a bitmap (.bmp), jpeg (.jpg), tagged image (.tiff) or a portable network graphics (.png). F
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Using Minoru with popular messaging applications Windows Live Messenger Open Windows Live Messenger and from the menu, select Tools – Audio and video setup... In Step 2: Microphone Setup, select ‘Novo – Minoru’s Ears’ In Step 3: Webcam Setup, select ‘Minoru 3D Webcam’ From the menu, select Tools – Webcam settings... Make sure that ‘Mirror my image’ is not ticked. Note: If ‘Mirror my image’ is ticked then you will not be able to see the 3D properly in the Messenger preview window.
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Skype Open Skype and then click on, Tools - Options... – General - Video Settings. Make sure that ‘Enable Skype Video’ is ticked. From the ‘Select webcam:’ drop down list, select ‘Minoru 3D Webcam’. Now click on ‘Audio Settings’ and from the ‘Microphone’ drop down list, select ‘Novo – Minoru’s Ears’. To make a video call, right click on the desired contact in the contact list and then click Start Call – (Skype Call). M i n o r u 3 D W e b c a m U s e r ’ s G u i d e , R e v i s i
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OoVoo Open OoVoo and then click on, File – Settings – Camera. From the ‘Select a camera:’ drop down list, select ‘Minoru 3D Webcam’. Click on ‘Test’ and the webcam video should appear in the preview window. For the best quality video, select ‘High Bandwidth’ and ‘30 fps’, then click ‘Save’. Next click on, File – Settings – Audio devices. From the ‘Select a microphone:’ drop down list, select ‘Novo Minoru’s Ears’ and then click ‘Save’. To make a video call, right click on the desir
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Recommended software to get the most from Minoru Videora Convert your 3D videos for viewing on your iPod. Windows Movie Maker Edit your 3D videos created by Minoru. Add special effects and transitions. We like the ‘Edge Detection’ effect the best that gives a cartoon like appearance to your 3D videos. Windows Movie Maker is included free with some versions of Windows. You can start Windows Movie Maker by clicking; Start...All Programs...Wi