Instrukcja obsługi Konftel 300IP

Instrukcja obsługi dla urządzenia Konftel 300IP

Urządzenie: Konftel 300IP
Kategoria: Telefon bezprzewodowy
Producent: Konftel
Rozmiar: 2.88 MB
Data dodania: 4/15/2014
Liczba stron: 28
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Konftel 300IP Instrukcja obsługi - Online PDF
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Streszczenia treści
Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 1

Conference phones for every situation
The Konftel 300IP User Guide

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 2

Table of con Ten Ts Description 2 Deleting a conference group ...................21 Deleting all conference groups ................21 General .................................................. 2 ® Displaying conference guide status ..........21 Our patented audio technology, OmniSound , is embedded into all Konftel phones to Maintenance .......................................... 2 ® Connections ........................................... 2 ensure crystal-clear voice transmission. We’re now takin

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 3

Desc RIPTIon Desc RIPTIon Gene Ral s peaker Microphone Display screen Keypad leDs The Konftel 300IP is a conference phone for IP telephony offering a host of innovative features: ® • OmniSound 2.0 audio technology • IP telephony for flexible and affordable telephony • Option of using two accounts simultaneously • Conference feature for automatic multi-party dialling. • Management of lines during a call (dialling new parties, creating a multi-party call, splitting a multi-party call) • R

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 4

Desc RIPTIon Desc RIPTIon KeYPaD DIsPla Y scR een UP aRRo W Men U, Do Wn a RRo W o n Hook navigation in menus, settings menu navigation in menus, display of call list display of call list Press to display this screen. c o K Date no/end/back, yes/confirm choice Time recording Display text (can be changed) answer/connect new line Increase volume Registered n ot registered Hang up/end line Decrease volume account name (can be changed) confe Rence Mute o ff Hook automatic dialling of confer

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 5

Desc RIPTIon Desc RIPTIon l ine menu Writing style in instructions Press l Ine to switch to and from this menu. In the instructions, Men U > se TTIn Gs (5) means you should: Press Men U.  Mark the se TTIn Gs option using the arrow buttons and confirm by pressing oK to l ine/number/name  open the menu (or press button number 5). n ew line (two lines if two accounts are registered) o ption for creating or splitting conference calls Correspondingly, Phone book > conference Guide in the web int

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 6

ans WeRInG an D MaKInG calls ans WeRInG an D MaKInG calls ans WeRIn G calls call InG f RoM THe PHoneboo K A ring tone is heard and the blue LEDs start flashing. Please turn to page 17 for instructions on adding and updating contacts in the phone- book. Press to answer.  The LEDs show a steady blue light. Press and hold down a number button for two seconds.  The phonebook appears on the display screen. The pre-programmed names appear in alphabeti- cal order, starting with the number button’

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 7

DURInG a call MaKInG MUl TI-PaRTY calls Turn to “MANAGING PHONE LINES” on the next page for instructions on putting an aDJUsTInG THe s Pea KeR Vol UMe individual on hold during a multi-party call and other more advanced features. Adjust the speaker volume using the buttons and .  aDDInG ano THeR PaRTY To a call Plac InG calls on T eMPo RaRY Hol D If there are free lines, new parties can be added, regardless of whether you have used the (conference) button or if you are making a normal cal

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 8

Mana GInG PHone l Ines Mana GInG PHone l Ines selec TInG acco UnT WHen DIall InG sWITcHInG be TWeen l Ines DURI nG MUl TI-PaRTY If you have more than one account registered in your Konftel 300IP, you can use the calls line mode to select the account that you want to use for the new call. Talking privately with one individual Making a new call Press HolD .  Press l Ine .  All lines are put on hold. The line menu with the name of your accounts is displayed.  Alternatively, you can press Ho

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 9

Mana GInG PHone l Ines PRof Iles The Konftel 300IP gives you the option of using a password to protect contact informa- cUTTInG a l Ine tion in the phonebook and conference guide. All contacts entered by default can be Individual lines can be cut out of a multi-party call. accessed by all users and cannot be password protected. All contacts entered by Admin Press l Ine .  are also displayed in default mode. The line menu is displayed. To enter personal contacts, conference groups and setti

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 10

PRof Iles PHoneboo K The Konftel 300IP’s phonebook can hold up to 1000 numbers in each user profile. See cHan GInG THe PRof Ile na Me an D Pass Wo RD page 8 for making calls via the phonebook. Log in to Konftel 300IP, see pages 32–33.  Select s ettings > basic.  entering text with the keypad Click on the edit button under the heading Profiles.  Please turn to page 4 for instructions on using the keypad to enter text. Enter a name and a new PIN code.  Click on s et and save your set

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 11

PHoneboo K confe Rence GUID e The conference guide makes it easy to set up calls with as many as five people, Dele TInG con Tac Ts including your own phone. The Konftel 300IP automatically dials all the contacts in the Select Men U > PHone boo K > eRase con Tac T (2,4).  conference group. Mark the contact you want to delete and press oK .  You can create 20 conference groups in each user profile. Confirm that you really want to delete the contact by pressing oK or cancel the  deletio

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 12

confe Rence GUID e confe Rence GUID e DIsPla YInG confe Rence GR oUP PaRTIcIPan Ts Dele TInG a confe Rence GR oUP Select Men U > conf GUID e > seaR cH GRo UP (3,1). Select Men U > conf GUID e > eRase GR o UP (3,4).   Mark the group you want and press oK . Mark the group you want to delete and press oK .   The names of the conference group participants are displayed. Confirm that you really want to delete the group by pressing oK or cancel the dele-  Press c to return to the CONFEREN

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 13

Reco RDIn G Reco RDIn G It is possible to record a phone conference on an SD (Secure Digital) memory card lI sTen InG To a R eco RDInG so you can listen to it later on. It is possible to record a call in progress and use the You can listen to a recorded phone conference on your Konftel 300IP or a computer us- Konftel 300IP as a dictaphone. ing an SD memory card reader. Recordings are saved in wav format and can be played A flashing symbol appears on the display screen during recording. A beep

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 14

Reco RDIn G s eTTIn Gs The Konftel 300IP has two groups of settings: Basic and Advanced. You must enter the Dele TInG a Reco RDInG Admin. PIN code to access the advanced settings. Select Men U > Reco RDIn G > eRase f Ile (4,3).  The simplest way to make settings is using a PC and the Konftel 300IP web inter- Mark the folder you want and press oK .  face (see page 32). Mark the recording to be deleted and press oK .  Confirm that you really want to delete the recording by pressing oK ag

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 15

se TTIn Gs se TTIn Gs s ettings when connecting external equipment (aux) changing text on the display screen The Konftel 300IP can be connected to a wireless headset or an external PA system. The text on the display screen can be changed when the Konftel 300IP is on hook. An optional PA interface box is required for PA system connection. Select Men U > se TTIn Gs > basI c > sc Reen T eXT (5,1,8).  Select Men U > se TTIn Gs > basI c > aUX Po RT (5,1,6).  Delete existing text using c and ent

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 16

se TTIn Gs se TTIn Gs Select Men U > Pa > cal IbRaTIon . seTTInGs DURInG a call  The HEADSET/PA, PHONE BOOK, TRANSFER and EQUALIZER menus may be ac- cessed during a call and are displayed when the Men U button is pressed. The first option is either HEADSET or PA depending on whether PA is activated or not.  These HEADSET/PA settings can only be accessed when a call is connected. Turn off the internal speakers when using a headset AUTO is the default setting and is recommended in most cases

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 17

se TTIn Gs se TTIn Gs na T Traversal cHec KIn G s TaTUs To check whether address conversion is activated, which may be necessary if the phone The status menu can be used for troubleshooting. Only the administrator is able to is behind a firewall. change these settings. See “Installation and Administration of Konftel 300IP” for an explanation of the settings. Select Men U > s TaTUs > na T TRaVeRsal (7,3).  This shows the status for: - STUN account 1 - TURN To check account settings for SIP a

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 18

UsInG THe Web I nTeRface UsInG THe Web I nTeRface You can use the web browser of a PC connected to the same network to manage l oGGInG In To THe Konf Tel 300IP contacts, conference groups and settings in the Konftel 300IP. Enter the phone’s network address in the web browser address bar.  Your choice of language for the Konftel 300IP does not affect the web interface,  which is only in English. For security reasons, recordings can only be managed directly on the Konftel 300IP. All other

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 19

UsInG THe Web I nTeRface UsInG THe Web I nTeRface editing contacts Mana GInG THe PHoneboo K Click on the edit contact button after the contact you want to change. Select Phone book.   Edit the contact and click on s ave contact.  Deleting contacts Click on the erase contact button after the contact you want to delete.  Confirm that you want to delete the contact.  You can also delete all contacts by pressing the erase all button. Importing contacts You can import contacts from a com

Streszczenie treści zawartej na stronie nr. 20

UsInG THe Web I nTeRface UsInG THe Web I nTeRface Mana GInG THe confe Rence GUID e Select Phone book > conference guide.  It is normally possible to export contact books stored in your PC in CSV format. Click on the s croll… button under the heading Import in the web window.  Open your CSV file.  Click on Import.   The name is limited to 15 characters, since the Konftel 300IP screen cannot display more than 15 characters. exporting contacts You can export your contacts as a CSV docum

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