KitchenAid KDTE104ESS user manual

User manual for the device KitchenAid KDTE104ESS

Device: KitchenAid KDTE104ESS
Other variants:: <strong>KDTM404KPS</strong>, <strong>ARCHITECT-KDTM354DSS</strong>, <strong>KDTE204KPS</strong>, <strong>KDFE204KPS</strong>, <strong>KDFE104HPS</strong>, <strong>KDTM704ESS</strong>, <strong>KDTE254ESS</strong>, <strong>KDTE234GBL</strong>, <strong>KDPM604KPS</strong>, <strong>KDTM604KPS</strong>
Category: Uncategorized
Manufacturer: KitchenAid
Size: 13.07 MB
Added : 7/25/2023
Number of pages: 70
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KitchenAid KDTE104ESS Manual - Online PDF

Notably, the instructions presented herein can also be readily applied to other models like KDTM404KPS, ARCHITECT-KDTM354DSS, KDTE204KPS, KDFE204KPS, KDFE104HPS, KDTM704ESS, KDTE254ESS, KDTE234GBL, KDPM604KPS, KDTM604KPS. Whether you're a first-time user or an experienced enthusiast, this manual aims to ensure a seamless and efficient experience across various device variations.

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KitchenAid KDTE104ESS - Support and Troubleshooting

Why is my KitchenAid dishwasher beeping and clean light flashing?

Your KitchenAid dishwasher beeping and clean light flashing could indicate a few issues:
1. The door might not be properly closed. Make sure that there's no debris or any items that block the door from closing completely.
2. The dishwasher might also need a reset. You can do this by unplugging the dishwasher or turning off the circuit breaker for at least one minute.
3. It might be an error code which can indicate several things, such as a problem with the washing motor, water heating issue, or touchscreen problems. Check your user manual for what the specific flashing sequence means.
4. The dishwasher cycle may not have been able to finish, possibly due to a power outage while the dishwasher was running.
If after trying these steps the problem continues, you may need to contact a professional to diagnose and fix the issue.

Is there a reset button on a KitchenAid dishwasher?

No, the KitchenAid KDTE104ESS dishwasher does not have a physical reset button. However, it is possible to reset the dishwasher by following these steps:
1. Unplug the dishwasher from the power source or turn off the circuit breaker that supplies power to the dishwasher.
. Wait for approximately 1-2 minutes to allow the dishwasher to fully power down.
3. Plug the dishwasher back in or turn on the circuit breaker again.
4. Open and close the dishwasher door firmly to ensure it is securely closed.
5. Select a new wash cycle and press the "Start/Resume" button to begin a new cycle.
By following these steps, you can effectively reset the dishwasher and clear any error codes or issues that may be present.

What would cause a KitchenAid dishwasher not to start?

There could be several reasons why a KitchenAid dishwasher (model KDTE104ESS) may not start. Here are a few common possibilities:
1. Power supply: Ensure that the dishwasher is properly connected to a functioning power outlet. Check the circuit breaker to make sure it hasn't tripped.
2. Door latch: The dishwasher will not start if the door is not securely latched. Make sure the door is fully closed and latched properly.
3. Control panel issues: If there is a problem with the control panel/buttons, it may not respond when you try to start it. Inspect the control panel for any visible damage or try pressing the buttons firmly to see if they respond.
4. Control lock: Some KitchenAid dishwashers have a control lock feature where the controls are locked to prevent accidental operation. Check if the control lock feature is enabled, and if so, disable it by pressing and holding the Lock/Unlock button.
5. Faulty electronic control board: The dishwasher's electronic control board could be malfunctioning, which could cause it to not start. If none of the above solutions work, it may require professional service to diagnose and replace the faulty component.
If troubleshooting does not resolve the issue, it is recommended to consult the dishwasher's user manual or contact KitchenAid customer service for further assistance.
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